When people are allowed to say idiotic things unchallenged

It was the personal stabs that bothered me.

Yes, I do meet some dog owners/parents(sorry atl lol) with some pretty odd ideas, and yes my first instinct is to yell, and throw rocks at them especially when their lack of info is harming the dog, but I know from experience that when you sugar coat it you end up with a much greater influence with them than when you just lose your temper, and yell.
Originally Posted by Becky
I completely agree, i ´have never said that being a rude is a good thing to be. But i think it can also be comprehended that when someone studied and someone else offends a science as dogma that it is pretty insulting too? And a personal stab? I recently dated a TBM (true believer mormon) and i would have never dared to bash his belief the same way some people freak out about science.

Respect goes a long way with such things, and disrespect posted in sugarcoated snacks is by no means less disrespectful. What is important for me is that THIS is something that is also to be acknowledged in the same way that being a rude is a bad thing. I never said being a rude is entitling me to a medal of honor. But everyone has flaws and getting heated in discussion is mine.

What bothered me was the lack of recognition and the ignorance on what i had to say and the acknowledgement that i was wrong in stating some things the way i did. And it would have been a lot more helpful if some people actually had the ability to come down of their high horse. And not only backstab people behind the curtains where no one is looking That is easier than putting yourself out there and take it like an adult, so to speak :-)

A not rude person would have in my point of view at least stated something of a recognition or an acknowledgement that being arrogant and ignorant can also play a part in getting a rude or harsh response.
That is what bothered me. This playing the victim, when clearly no one is innocent :-).
And especially when people actually do believe in religions and Karma then they should probably be more capable of thinking about why it happens to them that others act so rude. And not only blaming the others. I actually do not post rude answers to every one here on board, so it CAN`T COMPLETELY be ME only.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
your talking about religious beliefs vs. religious beliefs. science is something different. you cannot challenge beliefs. that is why i believe in freedom of all religions. but you can`t throw science into a pot with that and state its just yet another belief. a belief system is dogmatic and per se unquestionable. A science isn`t its always questionable. and only valid within certain frames of reference. For example the law of gravity is only valid within certain references too (earth vs. non-earth). there is not universal law of gravity - but there is a universal belief system.

and when Einstein was quoting that science gets into transpersonal realms by telling that at some point it does become religious, he was talking about the transcendence into challenging conscious ness expanding theories. Schroedingers Cat (the three states of happenings in one point of time)... vs. Pavlov`s dog (cause and effect). He meant that a state of consciousness. But you can`t quote Einstein when you have no idea why he was saying what he said and within which frame of reference. Originally Posted by ninasastri

Not necessarily, Nina. Religion is one aspect of a belief system. Poltics are also a belief system. I used religion as a base for my post because it is more widely accepted as a blind-faith belief. Conservatives, socialists, liberals, anarchists all have faith in their system of beliefs or ideology. There can be no other way.

Scientific belief in an idea can be just as powerful if the idiolog refuses to look at, or ignores all of the facts presented. I use AGW as an example because there are some scary fanatics running around advocating deindustrialization, because we, as in people, are destrying the earth.

In the 70's, we were on the verge of an ice age, because of ozone depletion. Today, or yesterday after the last decade, has been Global Warming. Tomorrow it will be Climate Change (something the informed call seasons) and there will be a call to arms, because we are affecting earths weather patterns. No more than a live volcano under a glacier or solar patterns affecting the global bodies of the solar system or even the magnetic poles of the earth shifting.

To the OP, there will be idiotic things said no matter what belief we have. Should we stop them, absolutely not. If I said 1+1=1 and that is a fact others may believe the same way and not see it as idiotic. However, there will always be people in the 1+1=2 corner. However, I do believe 1+1=1 in a different context, so if you are not looking at the whole you are uninformed and you are the idiot for calling out someone when it is true in a binary state.
Nina, when I went back and read the thread ( God damn you , and Lauren sure do write loong posts lol) I did notice that you were keeping your posts to her respectful. It was not until later on in that very long thread that things started to disintegrate. I also did notice that you were certainly not the only one who was taking stabs at her.

Because it is impossible to read emotions It is hard to tell from a persons post if they are truly getting frustrated, and feeling offended, or just lashing out for the hell of it. It is frustrating at times, and being new here makes it even more difficult, because people really do not have the chance to understand your style, or moods yet. I guess that is why so many of us abuse the smiley faces.

I can only speak for myself, but if I did offend someone by something that I wrote I would hope that they would just contact me in private so that we can if nothing else attempt to sort it out.The problem with doing it in public as you can probably already tell is people start to choose sides, and very rarely does anything get resolved. I have no idea if you have already attempted this, but that would be the one thing I would suggest to you if nothing else just so you can hopefully clear the air with her.

I hope this helps.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Everyone needs to leave my precious Nina alone.
London Rayne's Avatar
There is no such thing as either of these. Both are subject to interpretation...

I will always be me, and will only regard my own version of the truth and my own version of politeness, if those versions don't match up with yours, too damn bad... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Hell I can't believe I am saying this about Mr. Texas himself, but....I AGREE!!

All I am saying is that science is not dogmatic.
Originally Posted by WTF
So this thread is warranted because you believe that science isn't dogmatic? So there aren't some scientists that aren't dogmatic about their theories? If that were the case they wouldn't try so hard to prove them. Even if science as a whole isn't dogmatic, I think the statement itself should have been taken tongue in cheek. There has been worse said...

Taking a stance on a particular belief is one thing. Starting an outright bashing thread is another. No, I am not just speaking to you. My statement was meant to help you all not take yourselves so seriously. Thinking (or believing in your heart) you're right gives no one the right to be rude. One should be able to say what they want, and if you think differently, just say so. Opinions on their intellect or level of education should be kept to yourself.

Peace to you, darling...
I just located Edward on google maps. That was pretty exciting Originally Posted by Becky
Oh man, I can't resist. Must... stay... away... from.... keyboard.....

Can't do it. Is that 'cause Ed's such a big Malamutt?

Seriously, you equipped him with a GPS locator? Cool. Now you are a helicopter mom. It'll go with the Tiara.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
I really can't follow this whole octopus of a thread so all I'm gonna say is this:

"Anything I did that was wrong, I apologize for. But anything I did that wasn't wrong, I don't apologize for."

Hope that clears it up as far as it goes for Mazo.

After reading this thread...I've decided to just go take a prozac....
I recently dated a TBM (true believer mormon) and I would have never dared to bash his belief the same way some people freak out about science. Originally Posted by ninasastri
I have a semi sugar baby that is Muslim. Not heavily practicing but certainly is raising her kids under those beliefs. We have talked a bit about it (I was baptized Catholic, not that it did any good). But we are friends and enjoy the diversity. I did send her a Halloween card and Christmas/holiday card. And while she does not recognize those events as such she really appreciated that I was thinking of her when I bought and sent them to her. And that was the spirit in which they were sent. Obviously I would not spend time with someone who does not "get" why I sent them (because I care for her). So she is not rigid in her beliefs. I knew it would make her smile and that was my intent.

I am glad you were willing to date the TBM. That is an open mind. Now if you didn't seem him again because he was a lousy lover or not nice, at least you tried and were open about it. So how do you feel about a Catholic boy?
Naomi4u's Avatar
After reading this thread...I've decided to just go take a prozac.... Originally Posted by Valerie
After reading this thread...I've decided to just go take a prozac.... Originally Posted by Valerie
Gonna share?
Gonna share? Originally Posted by SR Only
Oh I have plenty...
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  • WTF
  • 02-02-2011, 05:49 PM
This same principle can be applied to anything that we think of as scientific truth. There may be no discoverable link between autism and childhood vaccines today, but that in no way rules out the link appearing tomorrow...facts today are not necessarily facts tomorrow... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Yes, you guys are almost there.

That is the beauty of science. IT IS NOT DOGMATIC.

It has no problem letting go of one theory to grasp onto a better one that has not been disproven.

You see you see WTF I told you that 2+2= 5 .

Originally Posted by Becky
Yea and the guy that said he jumped off of tall buildings and flown before is the one who told you 5 was correct. Maybe you can fly with him on his next trip and see how he came up with that answer. Mushrooms is my guess. .

I've jumped off tall buildings and flown before...why couldn't I do it again?

... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

You haven't done it the first time. Now with science/engineering there are devices that could help you fly. But that would mean you would have to put your faith in science and not on your ability to start flying like a bird in some dogmatic belief

Should people be allowed to say idiotic things unchallenged?

To that I say hell no,
... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Good, then you have no problem with me wishing you and your ant the best of times in whatever looney bin ya'll end up in!

What happens when you set your display of decimal places to zero? 2.3+2.3=4.6 turns into 2+2=5. If you're a child, or an adult who didn't know how to adjust your display in whatever program you're using to do the calculation, then you could easily believe that 2+2=5.

... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Now we are getting somewhere, if you are a child or a ignorant adult that knew nothing of math....2+2=wakeup!

Really, where the fuc are you coming up with this caca?

It is horse manure.

2+2 don't equal five
you can't fly from building
You don't tug on Superman's cape
and you don't mess around with Jim.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-02-2011, 05:50 PM
After reading this thread...I've decided to just go take a prozac.... Originally Posted by Valerie
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