DACA, the dreamers act

LexusLover's Avatar
If you're on a hooker board, whose intent is to help people break the law, you're a hypocrite when you start talking about "rule of law" and "law of the land," If you think those are important, then quit engaging in prostitution. Originally Posted by tandyscone
Are you on "a hooker board" when you posted this remark?

You are "presumptively" assigning "intent" to persons posting on this board, which is in and of itself legally erroneous. So the foundation of your premise is flawed and therefore without merit. I won't address the asinine conclusion that "the board," which is inanimate, has an "intent"!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Single thread bump. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Fuck you! Go away.

Now this is happening... AGAIN!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So what was your point in your original statement?

In retrospect, I may have been too brief just mentioning Obama's order. To be more detailed and broad, what do you mean "if daca is codified"? Every definition of codify I can find entails something becoming law, so if daca is codified, the conversation about the executive order, it's constitutionality, etc., becomes moot. Furthermore, it it is codified without changes, or if it is allowed to stand (which is what I took you to mean), then I know of no law that would allow their parents to come in legally. Laws do allow parents of legal residents to enter the country to visit their children, but daca does not make people legal residents. Originally Posted by tandyscone
I meant by "if" that is by if congress codifies obama's DACA executive order.

I can't predict the future on what congress will do with DACA, one can only make assumptions.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-10-2017, 09:40 AM
Are you on "a hooker board" when you posted this remark? I believe he was

You are "presumptively" assigning "intent" to persons posting on this board, which is in and of itself legally erroneous.If prostitution legal now? What about DACA? So the foundation of your premise is flawed really, this isn't a hooker board and hooking is legal? and therefore without merit. I won't address the asinine conclusion that "the board," which is inanimate, has an "intent"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The board was founded with the intent to make money.

It is a Hooker Board, draw your own conclusion...
tandyscone's Avatar
You're a dissembling jackass. A large portion of the illegals in this country are Asian and of Filipino descent, but Malkin's parents entered this country in accordance with the laws. So, take your stupid-ass notion about "profile" and shove it up your stupid ass! There is a set course of laws for gaining entry into this country, and violating those rules is cause and justification to deport and exclude such individuals who choose to break those laws.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Even though I know that the purpose (thanks ll for pointing out my sloppiness earlier; I should have used purpose instead of intent in describing the entire board) of this forum is to allow flame wars to go on without disrupting the rest of the board, every once in a while I get the naive notion that I can come in and perhaps find people that can broaden my viewpoint while I broaden theirs. I am not necessarily very good at it, but usually I can find a few people who will actually discuss rationally. When it gets to the point that people are shouting at me and calling me names, without also including at least some type of rational response, I know that I have pushed too hard and it is time to go. I hope I have made some of you think, or if not that at least entertained you. If I made you angry, I apologize, that was not my intent.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Even though I know that the purpose (thanks ll for pointing out my sloppiness earlier; I should have used purpose instead of intent in describing the entire board) of this forum is to allow flame wars to go on without disrupting the rest of the board, every once in a while I get the naive notion that I can come in and perhaps find people that can broaden my viewpoint while I broaden theirs. I am not necessarily very good at it, but usually I can find a few people who will actually discuss rationally. When it gets to the point that people are shouting at me and calling me names, without also including at least some type of rational response, I know that I have pushed too hard and it is time to go. I hope I have made some of you think, or if not that at least entertained you. If I made you angry, I apologize, that was not my intent. Originally Posted by tandyscone
My point is that it isn't about race or religion, it's about the law. There are blonde, blue-eyed Mexicans who are Christian that are in this country illegally, and they need to be sent home. If someone is more than willing to break U.S. laws to enter this country, why should we trust them to obey other U.S. laws once they are here? Plus, the surfeit of illegals in the labor force drive down wages and deprive American citizens of both jobs and better wages. And illegals do not pay into the system as much as they take out.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-10-2017, 10:01 AM
Even though I know that the purpose (thanks ll for pointing out my sloppiness earlier; I should have used purpose instead of intent in describing the entire board) of this forum is to allow flame wars to go on without disrupting the rest of the board, every once in a while I get the naive notion that I can come in and perhaps find people that can broaden my viewpoint while I broaden theirs. I am not necessarily very good at it, but usually I can find a few people who will actually discuss rationally. When it gets to the point that people are shouting at me and calling me names, without also including at least some type of rational response, I know that I have pushed too hard and it is time to go. I hope I have made some of you think, or if not that at least entertained you. If I made you angry, I apologize, that was not my intent. Originally Posted by tandyscone
hang in there tandy, no matter wtf you post, half the posters will taunt you!
Yssup Rider's Avatar