I don't really think there is a solid definition. I don't know. Knowledge, intellect and wisdom is very powerful. I agree with Taylor in that education has always been my priority and I would hope that education would play a factor in some regard. Learning is infinite.
Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
I agree with you that there isn't an across the board definition. We all have our own personal idea of what makes a companion exceptional and while some factors may be consistent, the rest is dependent on the individual. Conversely, I'm sure that the type of gentleman I tend to gravitate toward may not be another companion's cup of tea.
While I strongly agree with your comments about education and intellect, I believe that intelligence without an engaging and warm personality may actually do more harm than good. However, paired together, they are an intoxicating mix for both sexes. I've fell under their influence many times.
Anyways, I feel like I'm somewhat beating a dead horse (or I assume pinata in this case since it was originally a joke