Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 - Do you beleive the "official cover story"?

LexusLover's Avatar
See Post #86 and Post #90.

Still waiting for you to post a link to some report that shows the US was NOT at fault - despite its own admission - for shooting down Iranian Flight 655. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Show me a link to any post of mine in which I said the U.S. was not at fault, or I said there was a report. Who ever pulls the trigger is presumptively "at fault."

The question is ...

.... was it justified based on the information at the time of the trigger pull.

And you, yourself, suggested some facts in support of "justification"!

But take your Wiki reports to the bank, ok?
LexusLover's Avatar
Shot down by a missile? Originally Posted by ExNYer
According to the reports.

TWA 800
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
fuck russia 2 plane time for cold war
XNYKR, go and read the particulars of the shooting down by the Vincennes. It is interesting reading and if it has pictures....then your day is made. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I did read dipshit. I posted the link.

Do you have a point regarding the Vincennes?
According to the reports.

TWA 800 Originally Posted by LexusLover
WTF are you posting about TWA 800 for?

My sarcastic question in post #1 was about Malaysian flight 17 and whether JD had some idiotic conspiracy theory about that flight
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, there is very little to compare between the two. Is there a point to why you brought it up?

I suppose I have to point these things out for you.

The Persian Gulf was considered a war zone and the aircraft came from a country of one of the combatants.
The Iranian aircraft was flashing a fighter signal.
The Iranian aircraft veered from the commerical flight path to one that looked like an attack approach on the American ships.
The Vincennes announced to the world that they had shot down the plane.
The US offered all assistance within minutes of the shootdown but was denied.
The US paid an indemnity for the shootdown.
Why is it some tout some U.S. gov reports and not others?

Does it depend on what side of the discussion one is on?

I am not advancing any "conspiracy theory" ... just not "assuming."

There is a difference between those two, also. Originally Posted by LexusLover
See post number 82 above

Show me a link to any post of mine in which I said the U.S. was not at fault, or I said there was a report. Who ever pulls the trigger is presumptively "at fault."

The question is ...

.... was it justified based on the information at the time of the trigger pull.

And you, yourself, suggested some facts in support of "justification"!

But take your Wiki reports to the bank, ok? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Directly above you talk about touting reports other than the US government report.


You seemed to understand the request just fine when you tried to imply that it was too difficult to find anything on the internet because it happened in 1988.

Now you're claiming you never said there are other reports that contradict the us report about Vincennes. Is that it?
Yes, there is very little to compare between the two. Is there a point to why you brought it up?

I suppose I have to point these things out for you.

The Persian Gulf was considered a war zone and the aircraft came from a country of one of the combatants.
The Iranian aircraft was flashing a fighter signal.
The Iranian aircraft veered from the commerical flight path to one that looked like an attack approach on the American ships.
The Vincennes announced to the world that they had shot down the plane.
The US offered all assistance within minutes of the shootdown but was denied.
The US paid an indemnity for the shootdown. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Bullshit. Did you read the Wiki link at all?

The aegis radar data directly contradicted all the excuses made by the crew.

The Iranian jet was flying in regular commercial lanes and communicating on regular air traffic control channels .

Its IFF was squawking on regular commercial channels.

The US crew fucked up - end of story.

And the Malay flight 17 was also flying over a war zone. Or hadn't you noticed?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Apparently you believe everything you read on the Internet but don't remember things from when they happened.

Where did flight 17 originate from? (I already know the answer)
Apparently you believe everything you read on the Internet but don't remember things from when they happened.

Where did flight 17 originate from? (I already know the answer) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I already know the answer too dope.

From an Iranian airfield used by military and civilian aircraft. Big deal.

The airport in Charleston SC is used by civilian and military aircraft.

Would it be understandable for a Russian frigate to shoot down a Southwest flight out of Charleston because they thought it was an F-18 making hostile moves on them?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now you're being stupid.

Try this instead of Wikipedia

It gives you an overview of what else was going on when the shootdown occurred. I noticed that you had to find something to blame the US for didn't you. When you became an XNYKR, you didn't became a Muslim before relocating to DFW?
Apparently you believe everything you read on the Internet but don't remember things from when they happened.) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Apparently you don't remember anything except false or misleading statements that exculpate the US from any blame for anything.

And I am repeating what the official US report said, mouth breather. Even if I did get it from the Internet.

Do YOU have any reliable report to which you can cite?

Your memory doesn't count. We know how badly your brain works.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since every other thing you say either ends or begins with an insult I must come to the conclusion that you will never acknowledge your mistake or your problems with the US. You have brought up something that has no relationship with the current problem other than give you an opportunity to attack this country AGAIN. Your words also say that I could post the entire transcript of the board of inquiry but you would not accept it. So why bother? You never bothered to ask where I was stationed in 1988 did you? I'm done with this because I've decided I have better things to do than argue with fools.
Now you're being stupid.

Try this instead of Wikipedia

It gives you an overview of what else was going on when the shootdown occurred. I noticed that you had to find something to blame the US for didn't you. When you became an XNYKR, you didn't became a Muslim before relocating to DFW? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

The Wiki link references the official US government report. WHICH BLAMES THE US NAVY.

So did the US Navy become Muslims too?

The Navy tried talking on military and civilian emergency channels, but failed to use conventional air traffic control channels.

And the plane looked nothing like an F-14. And was flying within a commercial air corridor.

And did NOT make a descending move towards Vincennes.

And that is from our own report based on our own radar data.

What have you got? Some internet rumor that dead bodies in the water looked like they wee dead before the shoot down? Really? According to whom?
Since every other thing you say either ends or begins with an insult I must come to the conclusion that you will never acknowledge your mistake or your problems with the US. You have brought up something that has no relationship with the current problem other than give you an opportunity to attack this country AGAIN. Your words also say that I could post the entire transcript of the board of inquiry but you would not accept it. So why bother? You never bothered to ask where I was stationed in 1988 did you? I'm done with this because I've decided I have better things to do than argue with fools. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why on earth would I ask where you were stationed in ANY year let alone 1988?

I don't care to know anything about your life.

And I am not criticizing this country. I am pointing out that our Navy made a mistake, just like the Russians did. So this has everything to do with the current shoot down.

And the official US report takes into consideration the board of inquiry results. So how does the inquiry change anything?

You are incapable of acknowledging a US mistake unless a Democrat was in the White House. You are just a partisan hack.

That is why no one takes you seriously and why you deserve to be insulted.