Trump Wants Putin in G7

matchingmole's Avatar
Jaxson66's Avatar
Funny that story quoted doesn't bode well for Obama's legacy. What part of it was incorrect. We've already established the G-7/G-8 was nothing more than a boys club for actual action to take place. Was Obama's expulsion of Putin just a petty retaliatory measure or not? This story almost backs that up. Originally Posted by eccielover
I personally don’t find it funny that a fat lying bastard stands behind a podium with the presidential seal and lie to the world about the reason Russia was expelled from the G8.

That fat lying bastard thinks leadership is “ when in doubt, run in circles, shit and shout, and blame the other guy” . He’s a liar, day in day out, he lies.
themystic's Avatar
I personally don’t find it funny that a fat lying bastard stands behind a podium with the presidential seal and lie to the world about the reason Russia was expelled from the G8.

That fat lying bastard thinks leadership is “ when in doubt, run in circles, shit and shout, and blame the other guy” . He’s a liar, day in day out, he lies. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
These Un American scum like Trump and his base don’t care. They are an embarrassment to the American way. Funny most of his base aren’t even from America
Taking up for Putin over Obama is Anti American. Spin all you want. It’s shameful. Originally Posted by themystic
I personally don’t find it funny that a fat lying bastard stands behind a podium with the presidential seal and lie to the world about the reason Russia was expelled from the G8.

That fat lying bastard thinks leadership is “ when in doubt, run in circles, shit and shout, and blame the other guy” . He’s a liar, day in day out, he lies. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
These Un American scum like Trump and his base don’t care. They are an embarrassment to the American way. Funny most of his base aren’t even from America Originally Posted by themystic
Awww, I almost feel bad for the bottom dwellers lining up to suck Obama's Anti American ass.

After Obama's apology tour, giveaways to foreign countries sponsoring terrorism, his flexibility after the 2012 election with Russia, and his lack of action in addressing any election interference in 2016, I'm glad Trump is now standing up and taking foreign policy seriously.
themystic's Avatar
Awww, I almost feel bad for the bottom dwellers lining up to suck Obama's Anti American ass.

After Obama's apology tour, giveaways to foreign countries sponsoring terrorism, his flexibility after the 2012 election with Russia, and his lack of action in addressing any election interference in 2016, I'm glad Trump is now standing up and taking foreign policy seriously. Originally Posted by eccielover
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by themystic
Yup. Laugh all you want, it's all you've got. Trump continues to move merrily on as POTUS.
Trump got his ass punked by Iran. YOU LOSE!!
Embassy moved to Jerusalem. Wooooooo what did that accomplish?? And who gives a shit about the fucken Israelis?? NOTHING!! and NO ONE!! Try again! YOU LOSE!!
North Korea meeting. So pow wowing with oppressive dictators is a good thing?? If Obama had done the same thing you mother fuckers would have been screaming. Hypocrisy at it's finest. YOU LOSE!!
Turbo Economy. Thank you Obama!! Leave to the party of ignorant fucks to try and take credit. Not gonna work. YOU LOSE!!
Tax breaks for the super rich. Gonna be a disaster, but I'm sure y'all will try to blame that on Obama. Not gonna work. YOU LOSE!!
Secure borders. So incarcerating and abusing inocent children is "securing borders"??? NOPE!! Not gonna work a big reason why you will lose yet again in 2020.


Another worthless butt hurt post.
Iran's economy is in shambles thanks to TRUMP'S sanctions. Obozo just gave them pallets full of cash to continue their terroristic actions.
Moved the embassy to Israel's capital, causing precisely NONE of the violent BS you people claimed it would.
North Korea meeting. Something Obozo never could get. By the way, Obozo was hugging Castro, Chavez and a lot of other dictators.
The economy. Thanks TRUMP for the turnaround. Eliminating Obozo's business killing regulations turned it around.
Tax breaks. Over 80% of people got a tax break under TRUMP. The ones paying more were the rich, who I thought you wanted paying more. Just more worthless words from the left.
Incarcerating children? Talk to Obozo about that. That was HIS thing.
So you're 0-for-5.
themystic's Avatar
Another worthless butt hurt post.
Iran's economy is in shambles thanks to TRUMP'S sanctions. Obozo just gave them pallets full of cash to continue their terroristic actions.
Moved the embassy to Israel's capital, causing precisely NONE of the violent BS you people claimed it would.
North Korea meeting. Something Obozo never could get. By the way, Obozo was hugging Castro, Chavez and a lot of other dictators.
The economy. Thanks TRUMP for the turnaround. Eliminating Obozo's business killing regulations turned it around.
Tax breaks. Over 80% of people got a tax break under TRUMP. The ones paying more were the rich, who I thought you wanted paying more. Just more worthless words from the left.
Incarcerating children? Talk to Obozo about that. That was HIS thing.
So you're 0-for-5.
BWAhAHAHA! Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Trump is riding the economy that Obama resurrected after Bush 43 led us into the biggest recession in 75 years.

Trumps tax breaks for the wealthy will cause a bigger deficit than any President in US history

Iran just shot down a 25 million dollar drone and the Coward in Chief didn't do shit.

Moved the embassy to Jerusalem, lmao? Who gives a flying fuck what happens to Israel's capital or where it is. America First