1 PM EST: Obama warns Putin, 2 PM EST: Putin invades Crimea

BigLouie's Avatar
Bush was president in 2008 when Russia sent troops into Georgia, I guess we're just lucky he didn't get us stuck in a war there too.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just an FYI for the less informed, the attractive lady on the left in this skit is comedienne Tina Fey -- NOT Sarah Palin.

[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1055046666]I know the answer, do you? From your reply I'll take that as a solid NO!

Then you are pretending to be a lawyer?
Just an FYI for the less informed, the attractive lady on the left in this skit is comedienne Tina Fey -- NOT Sarah Palin.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And your point is?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Remember this bizarre incident? "On March 6, 2009, in Geneva, Odumbo's Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov a small box containing a red “reset” button with the Russian word peregruzka printed on it, in a fumbled attempt to forge some sort of new relationship with Moscow. It was meant as a symbol of better relations between the United States and Russia. But the Russian word for ‘reset’ is perezagruzka, while peregruzka means ‘overcharged’ – and Lavrov didn’t hesitate to point out the language error." Thus proving that Odumbo, et al, will never understand the Russians.


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That button is actually an E stop and not a "reset" whatever their intent.

The point is that WTF can't tell the difference between a comedian and a VP candidate. Probably why he voted for the clown in 2008.
That button is actually an E stop and not a "reset" whatever their intent.

The point is that WTF can't tell the difference between a comedian and a VP candidate. Probably why he voted for the clown in 2008. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

There were a lot couldn't tell the diff, but voted for Sara anyway.
bojulay's Avatar
Remember this bizarre incident? "On March 6, 2009, in Geneva, Odumbo's Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov a small box containing a red “reset” button with the Russian word peregruzka printed on it, in a fumbled attempt to forge some sort of new relationship with Moscow. It was meant as a symbol of better relations between the United States and Russia. But the Russian word for ‘reset’ is perezagruzka, while peregruzka means ‘overcharged’ – and Lavrov didn’t hesitate to point out the language error." Thus proving that Odumbo, et al, will never understand the Russians.


Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Actually that's the on off switch to Hillary's vibrating bed, Bill was traveling
at the time.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Bush was president in 2008 when Russia sent troops into Georgia, I guess we're just lucky he didn't get us stuck in a war there too. Originally Posted by BigLouie
and Bush sent humanitarian supplies to Georgia over the disapproval of the democratic congress (who would never vote for a military response) whereas Obama has only sent Kerry. I guess I can ask the question here, what did you want Bush to do, INVADE! That felt good.

Someone pointed out that Bush and McCain both visited Georgia and when asked about Georgia, Obama said he loved Ray Charles.
lustylad's Avatar
US-instigated protests destabilizing Ukraine

Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:19AM GMT

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

The protests in the western Ukraine are organized by the CIA, the US State Department, and by Washington- and EU-financed Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that work in conjunction with the CIA and State Department.

The purpose of the protests is to overturn the decision by the independent government of Ukraine not to join the EU.

The US and EU were initially cooperating in the effort to destroy the independence of Ukraine and make it a subservient entity to the EU government in Brussels. For the EU government, the goal is to expand the EU. For Washington the purposes are to make Ukraine available for looting by US banks and corporations and to bring Ukraine into NATO so that Washington can gain more military bases on Russia’s frontier.

There are three countries in the world that are in the way of Washington’s hegemony over the world–Russia, China, and Iran. Each of these countries is targeted by Washington for overthrow or for their sovereignty to be degraded by propaganda and US military bases that leave the countries vulnerable to attack, thus coercing them into accepting Washington’s will.

The problem that has arisen between the US and EU with regard to Ukraine is that Europeans have realized that the takeover of Ukraine is a direct threat to Russia, which can cut Europe off from oil and natural gas, and if there is war completely destroy Europe. Consequently, the EU became willing to stop provoking the Ukraine protests.

The response of the neoconservative, Victoria Nuland, appointed Assistant Secretary of State by the duplicitous Obama, was “fuck the EU,” as she proceeded to describe the members of the Ukraine government that Washington tended to impose on a people so unaware as to believe that they are achieving independence by rushing into Washington’s arms. I once thought that no population could be as unaware as the US population. But I was wrong. Western Ukrainians are more unaware than Americans.

The orchestration of the “crisis” in Ukraine is easy. The neoconservative Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland told the National Press Club in Washington on December 13, 2013, that the US has “invested” $5 billion in agitation in Ukraine.

The crisis essentially resides in western Ukraine where romantic ideas about Russian oppression are strong and the population is less Russian than in the eastern Ukraine.

The hatred of Russia in western Ukraine is so dysfunctional that the duped protesters are unaware that joining the EU means the end of Ukraine independence and rule by the EU bureaucrats in Brussels, the European Central Bank, and US corporations. Perhaps Ukraine is two countries. The western half could be given to the EU and US corporations, and the eastern half could be reincorporated as part of Russia, where the entire Ukraine resided for as long as the US has existed.

The disaffection from Russia that exists in western Ukraine makes it easy for the EU and US to cause trouble. Those in Washington and Europe who wish to destroy Ukraine’s independence portray an independent Ukraine as a hostage of Russia, while a Ukraine in the EU is allegedly under the protection of the US and Europe. The large sums of money that Washington funnels into NGOs in Ukraine propagate this idea and work the population into a mindless frenzy. I have never in my life witnessed people as mindless as the Ukrainian protesters who are destroying the independence of their country.

The US- and EU-financed NGOs are fifth columns designed to destroy the independence of the countries in which they operate. Some pretend to be “human rights organizations.” Others indoctrinate people under cover of “education programs” and “building democracy.” Others, especially those run by the CIA, specialize in provocations such as “Pussy Riot.” Few if any of these NGOs are legitimate. But they are arrogant. The head of one of the NGOs announced prior to the Iranian elections in which Mousavi was Washington’s and the CIA’s candidate that the election would result in a Green Revolution. He knew this in advance, because he had helped to finance it with US taxpayer dollars. I wrote about it at the time. It can be found on my website, www.paulcraigroberts.org and in my just published book, How America Was Lost.

The Ukrainian “protesters” have been violent, but the police have been restrained. Washington has a vested interest in keeping the protests going in the hopes of turning the protests into revolt so that Washington can grab Ukraine. This week the US House of Representatives passed a resolution threatening sanctions should the violent protests be put down by the police.

In other words, if the Ukrainian police behave toward violent protesters in the way that US police behave toward peaceful protesters, it is reason for Washington to interfere in the internal affairs of Ukraine. Washington is using the protests to destroy the independence of Ukraine and has ready the list of puppets that Washington intends to install as Ukraine’s next government.

SL/SL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Wow, this guy Roberts used to make sense but he is now completely wacko... This sounds like something Putin's henchmen would write - but even Putin doesn't think the girls in "Pussy Riot" work for the CIA.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Roberts is just mirroring the Occupy Movement, and 9/11 truthers, and every crackpot that blames all our ills on either Bush, Reagan, or the US itself.
I B Hankering's Avatar
JCM800's Avatar
Just an FYI for the less informed, the attractive lady on the left in this skit is comedienne Tina Fey -- NOT Sarah Palin. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What's wrong with Amy Poehler?