Vaccine Nazis

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Genesee and Orleans County said they are opting out : ) Originally Posted by lilylivered
as others

Monroe county was not saying a thing ether way. till today, Gov Kathy tries to put down on this. And well there is Bello the bobble head sayin yes mam
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Willie these sheep will definitely set up a pawn defense at the front entrance of their stores to scare you into complying.

Treat these people the way you treat bums begging for change or the way you would treat the race baiting Salvation Army. Just walk past them as if they do not exist and move along.

Whatever you do, do not tacitly approve by patronizing these stores.

I already posted my tactics.

These people are insisting that you submit.

For this reason above all others you should not submit. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
No problem at Walmart. I saw one other maskless guy in the store. I enjoyed the dirty looks and sighs from a few of the triggered maskers. They also go out of their way to keep their distance. That's fine with me.
This is the problem the country is facing. Resisters frame this as afraid versus not afraid and freedom versus oppression. Originally Posted by brasil
How do the "embracers" frame it?? I'll bet not quite so passive aggressively....

Public health sees this as a community effort to arrest the spread of a serious disease. Originally Posted by brasil
Sounds like it might be more concerning if these people that are testing positive weren't so damned healthy....

More info available here: 90 Sickos
Hard2Kill's Avatar
Comparing one of the worst cases of torture and genocide in history to the treatment of the unvaccinated now foolishly minimizes the atrocities that were carried out by the nazis. When they start parading the unvaccinated to the gas chambers you can talk
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Comparing one of the worst cases of torture and genocide in history to the treatment of the unvaccinated now foolishly minimizes the atrocities that were carried out by the nazis. When they start parading the unvaccinated to the gas chambers you can talk Originally Posted by Hard2Kill
in Monroe county they do have a c19 jail. But no gas em area mmmm yet
Comparing one of the worst cases of torture and genocide in history to the treatment of the unvaccinated now foolishly minimizes the atrocities that were carried out by the nazis. When they start parading the unvaccinated to the gas chambers you can talk Originally Posted by Hard2Kill
Fauci, March 2020: "I don't know about a vaccine. An mRNA vaccine may make symptoms worse..."
Comparing one of the worst cases of torture and genocide in history to the treatment of the unvaccinated now foolishly minimizes the atrocities that were carried out by the nazis. When they start parading the unvaccinated to the gas chambers you can talk Originally Posted by Hard2Kill
Guess you don't get nuance or irony, do ya guy? I find that people who are very literal are not very...bright.
Hard2Kill's Avatar
You obviously dont even understand the definition of irony. There isn't any in your stupid comparison genious
Fauci, March 2020: "I don't know about a vaccine. An mRNA vaccine may make symptoms worse..." Originally Posted by Withnail

So Fauci, or any other virologist, was supposed to know the answer before any research had been done? Before the virus had even been characterized?
You obviously dont even understand the definition of irony. There isn't any in your stupid comparison genious Originally Posted by Hard2Kill
You misspelled "genius", genius.
So Fauci, or any other virologist, was supposed to know the answer before any research had been done? Before the virus had even been characterized? Originally Posted by jimxbeam
If you don't realize that Fauci is, was and will forever be a cover-your-ass bureaucrat who will say anything to keep his job, then I have a nice bridge to sell you. It connects Brooklyn Heights to Lower Manhattan.
If you don't realize that Fauci is, was and will forever be a cover-your-ass bureaucrat who will say anything to keep his job, then I have a nice bridge to sell you. It connects Brooklyn Heights to Lower Manhattan. Originally Posted by Withnail

This is just the kind of reflexive smart mouth reply I would expect from you. In the REAL world, not ECCIE land, Anthony Fauci has a track record of accomplishments few others have achieved. That's a fact that you and your friends should check out. Your judgement, and that of your friends here, doesn't matter. And if you think it does, then there's always that bridge.

I used to think, from a very few things you wrote, that you might be an intelligent guy. But your personal attacks, glib insults, non-stop misinformation, and tired, cheap shots would make any reasonable person reconsider.

As long as you post here, you'll always have an audience. Go for it!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
This is just the kind of reflexive smart mouth reply I would expect from you. In the REAL world, not ECCIE land, Anthony Fauci has a track record of accomplishments few others have achieved. That's a fact that you and your friends should check out. Your judgement, and that of your friends here, doesn't matter. And if you think it does, then there's always that bridge.

I used to think, from a very few things you wrote, that you might be an intelligent guy. But your personal attacks, glib insults, non-stop misinformation, and tired, cheap shots would make any reasonable person reconsider.

As long as you post here, you'll always have an audience. Go for it! Originally Posted by jimxbeam
your kidding right!!!!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
If you don't realize that Fauci is, was and will forever be a cover-your-ass bureaucrat who will say anything to keep his job, then I have a nice bridge to sell you. It connects Brooklyn Heights to Lower Manhattan. Originally Posted by Withnail