The 2020 Presidential Election

Precious_b's Avatar
What about immigration? Crisis at the border for which Trump has no answer.

Been waiting for Ellen to tell us how big a check she wrote to build the Wall. Gave up on her admitting Trump lied about it. State of denial?


As of today we have the lowest unemployment since 1969.
... Originally Posted by pussycat
Are statistics available showing the percentage increase for each demographic and pay increase/decrease per?
Precious my dear, the wall has already begun.....where have you been? You know the people we should be listening to--
Border Agents. And yes, they say it's a crisis. So if you don't want to believe Trump - how about border agents? Or do you think the Russians are paying them to say that?
Those sneaky little Russians are into everything,ya know.

What about immigration? Crisis at the border for which Trump has no answer.

Been waiting for Ellen to tell us how big a check she wrote to build the Wall. Gave up on her admitting Trump lied about it. State of denial?

Are statistics available showing the percentage increase for each demographic and pay increase/decrease per? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
  • Low-T
  • 05-07-2019, 04:13 PM
Ellen, there is no chrisis at the border. Haven't you been listening to CNN and CNNBC? Sounds like Precious_B has. An average of 3,000 a day since October, and most having to be released into Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona because the Dems won't help Trump in any way. They don't want to help him achieve a promise. CA is hardly getting any of them and screams when Trump suggests releasing them in that state. He has had to take matters in his own hands to do what he can legally do. No help from the Dem controlled Congress in any way. No one can blame him in the end. Trump has raised the sincerity of the matter daily with a House and Fake News acting deaf. But, the rest of us are listening and watching. November 2020 will demonstrate just how much we are.
Precious_b's Avatar
Precious my dear, the wall has already begun.....where have you been?

Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Only funding taking place is what was already being planned on for maintenance and whatnot. Can you show where he got his 4,5, 8, whatever billion? Show us where the legislation passed?

You are still in denial about him lying about Mexico paying for the Wall. Show me where *THAT* begun.

You can show us the check you wrote to fund the Wall when the above lie didn't pan out.
  • Low-T
  • 05-08-2019, 05:54 AM
Just the money we have dished out since October to house and care for the 750,000 invaders would have paid for the wall. Already, private hospitals near the border have closed their emergency rooms because they were over-run by these hords that will never pay for health services like we do. And, as long as they stay in our country and abuse our social services, we will keep paying more. And there is no sign in the near future that this won't stop unless the Dem's work with the Republicans and change some simple laws. It is all Trump's fault because he can't get the Dems to help.
I have mixed feelings on this one. I feel sorry for the individual people but we can't continue to pay their expenses as noted in Low Ts post above. If the President or Congress really wanted to stop immigration they would start handing out very large, punitive fines to those who hire illegals.
Here is a breakdown of industries who hire undocumented workers
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Of course I'm not surprised!

Trump regularly hires foreign workers for jobs as housekeepers and cooks at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida. While the law requires an employer to first make an effort to find employees in the United States before filing a request to hire foreign workers, Mar-a-Lago accomplishes this by complying with the letter of the law but in a manner seemingly designed make sure it gets no American applicants: by placing two small ads deep inside the Palm Beach Post to which an applicant may reply only via mail or fax — not online, not by phone and not in person.
pussycat's Avatar
I have mixed feelings on this one. I feel sorry for the individual people but we can't continue to pay their expenses as noted in Low Ts post above. If the President or Congress really wanted to stop immigration they would start handing out very large, punitive fines to those who hire illegals.
Here is a breakdown of industries who hire undocumented workers Originally Posted by chuckles
These swarthy invaders spend thousands of dollars bribing police and paying cartels to come here.

If they spent that money at home they could build something there instead of coming here and sucking on our teets!

Let them starve!

Gotta love Melania's look on her London trip - just 100 percent pure class.
We are fortunate that we have a First Lady that looks like she stepped out of a fashion magazine - plus she speaks 5 languages too! Just a beautiful woman. Trump has good taste- for sure!
Precious_b's Avatar
I watched just a small bit of the national news today.
The number of Royal protocal errors Fearless Leader made sickened me.
Doesn't that Fat Cheeto listen to the Advisors as in how to act?

At least when I travel abroad, I know that I represent the country I come from and I put my best foot forward in doing so.

45 is the pluperfect Ugly American.

He sure as hell better not eff up the D-Day anniversary like he did last year.
pleasurem's Avatar
Biden Sucks, Beto Sucks, Crazy Bernie Sucks, Mayor Pete... well, you know
A monkey at a typewriter would make better president than Trump, to say nothing about anybody the Democrats will offer. “Literally Anybody Else 2020”!
pleasurem's Avatar
After 16 years of fools? You want more of any of that... health care is screwed up permanently... you are lying to yourself!!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Gotta love Melania's look on her London trip - just 100 percent pure class.
We are fortunate that we have a First Lady that looks like she stepped out of a fashion magazine - plus she speaks 5 languages too! Just a beautiful woman. Trump has good taste- for sure! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Melania is class but stays in the background a little too much. First ladies usually have a cause that they push. Melania's cause is bullying but she has done little in public to promote her cause. BTW, you don't have to be a woman who "stepped out of a fashion magazine" to be a successful First Lady. In fact, that is rather demeaning. Many other First Ladies have been successful in their roles without the glamour.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
After 16 years of fools? You want more of any of that... health care is screwed up permanently... you are lying to yourself!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
Remember that Republicans had 8 years to come up with a health plan that was superior to Obamacare. Didn't happen. What they presented to Congress was crap and the Senate wouldn't even bring it up for a vote, knowing it would be defeated.

Trump has had several black eyes in his almost 29 months in office, but health care gave him his worst.