Malaysian airlines: the rise of Al Queada?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
a c130 weighs 75,000 lbs

a Boeing 777 weighs 700,000 lbs

you stupid fucking dolt

not one of you morons offering your opinions of 777 capabilities have a clue about landing an airplane yet you're all experts and IDIOTS. Originally Posted by CJ7
A Boeing 737-700 weighs about 150,000 pounds and has 6 tires, so that is 37500 pounds per tire.
One of them landed in a dirt levee near New Orleans. (It later took off from the same levee)
A Boeing 777-200 weighs about 700,000 pounds but has 16 tires, which is only 43750 pounds per tire.
According to Boeing's published specs for rigid pavements, you can land a 777 on 11 inches (thickness) of rigid pavement under typical conditions.

Typical highways have 10 inches (thickness) of material on top and another 10-15 inches (thickness) of sub base.
They are usually 12 foot lane widths, so with nothing but a center stripe, you have 48 feet across on a 4 lane highway. A 777 has a 36 foot wide wheel spacing for the outer wheels, measured from the outside to outside facing the airplane straight ahead.
You could land it in many different places, though you wouldn't want to do it and it would be hard to conceal, but not impossible.

P.S. Read and learn, asshole.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2014, 11:23 PM
Maximum takeoff weight 545,000 lb
(247,200 kg) 656,000 lb
(297,550 kg) 766,000 lb
(347,500 kg) 766,800 lb
(347,800 kg) 660,000 lb
(299,370 kg) 775,000 lb
(351,500 kg

eat me

the missing jet is a 200ER 777

777-200ER - Empty 142,430kg (314,000lb) with 374kN/84,000lb engines, 143,015kg (315,300lb) with 400kN/90,000lb engines, max takeoff optionally 263,085kg (580,000lb) or 286,897kg (632,500lb).

stupid fucking rightwingers constantly yammering about bullshit they know nothing about ... I'm through bathing their stupidity with factual information ... fuck em ALL

The End
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
UFO must have snapped it up. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Latest the passengers with stolen passports have no link to terrorists. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Wrong! (so far, so you're premature)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
WTF in your scrambled mind do the engines running for hours have to do with the passengers with stolen passports? Speaking of dumb you are the poster child for it. Or do you suffer from ADD? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You're looking stupider with each passing post.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Rolls Royce has received no data from the engines since it disappeared from radar. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I've lost count...are you wrong again?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
we've learned JD knows absolutely nothing about landing commercial airliners, that's for fucking sure ... paper planes in janitor closets ... easy !

potted trees ... LMTAO ... forget about the landing gear on a 777 being ripped off when the plane touched down on a runway that hasn't been under inspection and repair since the damn war with Japan ...

simple Simon comments JD ... you're an idiot. Originally Posted by CJ7

I would love to hear about your experiences landing a jumbo jet? how about a passenger jet? okay, how about a multi engine aircraft? maybe a single engine aircraft? okay, then how about this?

I've never flown anything more serious than an Archer and most of my time is in a Cessna but I have the time.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You get stupider with every post.

Did you actually just state that EVERYONE on the island was in on it?

Any Pacific island big enough for an 8000 foot runway will have many hundreds or even thousands of people living on it. The biggest runways were probably built on Okinawa and Iwo Jima and there are many thousands of people living on each. How can you possible get EVERYONE to cooperate?

And the burden of proof for your stupid theory is ON YOU, not me. I don't have to prove it is impossible to find an 8000 foot runway in good condition on a deserted island in the Indian Ocean.

The burden of proof is on you to find ONE.

Now go find it, fool. Or admit your theory is horseshit you spouted off in another drunken stupor.. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Actually I just went to Bing and looked up "maps". I found several very straight coast roads running down Indonesia and Malaysia with no houses on them. I also found a few two mile long straight aways with no connecting roads. Runways? You see, I never said it was an island, deserted or otherwise. There are highways in Kansas that you could put a 747 down on with no one around to watch.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How the fuck is this meta-discussion relevant to the Al-Qaeda accusation you made in the OP, JDIdiot?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, LittleEva, you only accept news from authorized sources? You must have loved Pravda. Simple minded statist moron. No wonder inbred chimps are embarrassed when they are compared to you.
Wrong! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Humor isn't your strong suit is it '''

Wrong! (so far, so you're premature) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Investigation has long pass them and is looking at pilots. Try to keep up

You're looking stupider with each passing post. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Just replying to your feeble try at deflection.

I've lost count...are you wrong again? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

If the system was shut off ( Like you claimed) no data would be sent from the engines 'o brainless one.
So, LittleEva, you only accept news from authorized sources? You must have loved Pravda. Simple minded statist moron. No wonder inbred chimps are embarrassed when they are compared to you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you are backing JD you have shit on your shoes again Curly. Your stupidity is showing again wish you would leave Kansas it is embarrassing to have someone as dumb as you in the state. You and your idiot bud should keep your comments in the comedy section.
LexusLover's Avatar
Investigation has long pass them and is looking at pilots. Try to keep up

if the system was shut off ( Like you claimed) no data would be sent from the engines 'o brainless one. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So, you are "keeping up" .... who is "looking at pilots"? Malaysians?

That is not an "investigation" ... that's a witch hunt to find a scape goat. Is the airline liable for a CRIMINAL ACT?

Are you a jet engine mechanic or did you stay in a Holiday Inn Express?

Do you just make this shit up ... or is someone feeding you the bullshit.

The telemetry continued through the satellite system for SEVEN HOURS!

That's about their fuel limit once they lost transponder transmission.

So... if the engines stop running would the telemetry stop transmitting?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If you are backing JD you have shit on your shoes again Curly. Your stupidity is showing again wish you would leave Kansas it is embarrassing to have someone as dumb as you in the state. You and your idiot bud should keep your comments in the comedy section. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Not defending anyone. Can't you read? Now answer the question. Should we only accept news from "authorized" sources?
LexusLover's Avatar
Maximum takeoff weight....

The End Originally Posted by CJ7