
Ive no desire to get into a shitfight with you, so please get your hackles down. There are plenty of other subjects over which you can become perplexed, amigo. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
i have no hackles raised, never did
i just came in on speedracer and was responding to him and thats where you stepped in
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK. Read earlier discussion then, and all will be revealed.
i have no hackles raised, never did
i just came in on speedracer and was responding to him and thats where you stepped in Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
OK. Read earlier discussion then, and all will be revealed. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Is the mutual reach-around now concluded?
OK. Read earlier discussion then, and all will be revealed. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
what i was saying to speeder had nothing to do with anything previous so no need but thanks
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is the mutual reach-around now concluded? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Im still reaching around...myself!
Im still reaching around...myself! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Big gut in the way, huh?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
how would you find out that statistic? Originally Posted by JCM800
I've looked, and can't find anything that breaks it down that way. I think that is an important element of the conversation.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
so would you say more licensed gun owners = less crime? that's not what OP asserted.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Big gut in the way, huh? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Short arms...
I B Hankering's Avatar
There were 14 homicides in Austin in 2012. It is IMPOSSIBLE to tell for certain if ANY or ALL of them were gang related. If you read the conditions surrounding the homicides, none of them would probably be considered gang or drug releated. More than half were domestic disputes. The other most common scenario was 2 people who were acquaintances, getting into an argument, usually after drinking, and one pulls a gun and shoots the other.

Unfortunately. you are so caught up in your own misguided thought patterns that it is meaningless to continue the discussion with you. So feel free to continue your calling others who disagree with you in any way "libtards" and assume that anyone who preaches any level of gun control is out to take away all your guns. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You still haven't established where the homicides wouldn't have taken place if no guns had been available, Speedy.

Furthermore, there are a lot of bodies lying around Austin: killed in the dark of night and left in parked cars and on the streets. Guess those are all dead johns who picked the wrong street-walkers, right, Speedy? Of course the toxicology reports from the autopsies aren't immediately available for the newspapers.

BTW, how is it you don't recall the Yassines and these other homicides, Speedy?

Investigators link nightclub owner, associates to drug deals, militant Islamic group, homicide case
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gillette said Melendrez "has history" with the Texas Syndicate prison gang. During the hearing, Melendrez stood up and told the judge he was not a member of the gang, which has been linked to murders and drug trafficking.

In the wake of all this, a cold missing persons/possible homicide case has been re-opened due to the possibility of a link to Yassine Enterprises. Eleven years ago, a Yassine business partner, Paresh Patel, was declared missing. Patel, who co-owned six clubs with the Yassine brothers, disappeared in September 2000, shortly after an disagreement with the Yassines. A 2004 allegation that Patel had been murdered by the Texas Syndicate and buried under a Buda H-E-B led nowhere, and the case went cold. With new revelations of the wide criminal enterprise the Yassines allegedly have been running, the case is now active again. er_te.php

If drugs, guns and nightclubs weren't eye catching enough, at this morning's detention hearing in the money laundering case against the Yassine family the Federal government threw everything from the Texas Syndicate to Hezbollah into the mix. . . .

During the three hour hearing, federal lawyers and witnesses from the FBI and the IRS started to lay out the bones of their case. It begins in 2006, when the FBI contacted what they called a "confidential human source" (or CHS) to help them investigate the Yassines. The alleged criminal activity began in Dec. 2007, the CHS brought some m*******a, but the meat of the case starts in Feb. 2008. The Feds allege that Mohammed "Steve Austin" Ali Yassine introduced the CHS to Nizar "Nino" Hakiki, who provided a kilo of c*****e to the CHS. The state argues that he also sold two guns – a nine millimeter and a 22 caliber pistol – to the CHS, who told Hakiki that he needed them to protect himself during drug deals Colorado. At the time Hakiki was employed in real estate, but now he works as a risk management specialist at the Texas Facilities Commission.

Apr 8, 2012 – Austin, Texas is abuzz today about the murder of Austin Policeman Jaime Padron, father of two daughters, by Walmart shoplifter and drug user Brandon Montgomery Daniel who has been charged

November 12, 2012
The victim had been shot and was pronounced dead at the scene. He has been identified as Mohamad Omar, 22, of Austin.

Authorities are looking for witnesses. So far no arrests have been made.
Neighbors say they suspected drug activity at the home.

"In 2005 alone, Austin police reported a total of 26 drug-related homicides and 312 forcible crimes."

BTW, how many of your so called "arguments" are over drugs, Speedy?

Man charged in North Austin shooting

By Claudia Grisales | Monday, September 19, 2011

An Austin man who police say shot another man in the chest Sunday night after a dispute over a c***k deal has been identified as Brian Lee Berg, 39. . . .

The officer located a weapon on Berg and additional ammunition, the affidavit said.

A witness said a dispute between Berg and the victim over a c***k deal preceded the shooting, the affidavit said. .html

Short arms... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You dumbass plastic-playmate-poking-putz! That's your miniscule dick: not your arms, Assup the jackass!!!

[COLOR="rgb(160, 82, 45)"]Do you believe the drug and gun culture in the US has changed since the 80s? or that there is better data of hang your hat on?

And why even try to edit it like you did. Are you so certain people around here are going to take you at your word?

25-50% of all gun related homicides are committed by juvenile drug dealers and gang members? REALLY? Based on Janet Reno's study of juvenile,crime in the 80s?

And since there has been "no recent comprehensive study since then" that you can find, we're supposed to believe that by reading "a local" newspaper, we can determine that "almost every murder is related to the illicit drug trade?"

I suppose that might be the case if your local paper is from Nuevo Laredo, but even then, it's a stretch.

A 30 year old set of statistics just doesn't wash if you're playing a numbers game.

But all that aside, your fanatical devotion to these studies which you obviously found on google indicates that you disagree with Whirlyturd's original point.

More guns DO NOT equal lower crime.

So I guess after all of that, you do agree with us! [/COLOR] Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You still don't have a clue, do you, Assup the jackass? Call 1-800-EAT-SHIT, Assup the jackass.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You still haven't established where the homicides wouldn't have taken place if no guns had been available, Speedy.

Furthermore, there are a lot of bodies lying around Austin: killed in the dark of night and left in parked cars and on the streets. Guess those are all dead johns who picked the wrong street-walkers, right, Speedy? Of course the toxicology reports from the autopsies aren't immediately available for the newspapers.

BTW, how is it you don't recall the Yassines and these other homicides, Speedy?

Investigators link nightclub owner, associates to drug deals, militant Islamic group, homicide case
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gillette said Melendrez "has history" with the Texas Syndicate prison gang. During the hearing, Melendrez stood up and told the judge he was not a member of the gang, which has been linked to murders and drug trafficking.

In the wake of all this, a cold missing persons/possible homicide case has been re-opened due to the possibility of a link to Yassine Enterprises. Eleven years ago, a Yassine business partner, Paresh Patel, was declared missing. Patel, who co-owned six clubs with the Yassine brothers, disappeared in September 2000, shortly after an disagreement with the Yassines. A 2004 allegation that Patel had been murdered by the Texas Syndicate and buried under a Buda H-E-B led nowhere, and the case went cold. With new revelations of the wide criminal enterprise the Yassines allegedly have been running, the case is now active again. er_te.php

If drugs, guns and nightclubs weren't eye catching enough, at this morning's detention hearing in the money laundering case against the Yassine family the Federal government threw everything from the Texas Syndicate to Hezbollah into the mix. . . .

During the three hour hearing, federal lawyers and witnesses from the FBI and the IRS started to lay out the bones of their case. It begins in 2006, when the FBI contacted what they called a "confidential human source" (or CHS) to help them investigate the Yassines. The alleged criminal activity began in Dec. 2007, the CHS brought some m*******a, but the meat of the case starts in Feb. 2008. The Feds allege that Mohammed "Steve Austin" Ali Yassine introduced the CHS to Nizar "Nino" Hakiki, who provided a kilo of c*****e to the CHS. The state argues that he also sold two guns – a nine millimeter and a 22 caliber pistol – to the CHS, who told Hakiki that he needed them to protect himself during drug deals Colorado. At the time Hakiki was employed in real estate, but now he works as a risk management specialist at the Texas Facilities Commission.

Apr 8, 2012 – Austin, Texas is abuzz today about the murder of Austin Policeman Jaime Padron, father of two daughters, by Walmart shoplifter and drug user Brandon Montgomery Daniel who has been charged

November 12, 2012
The victim had been shot and was pronounced dead at the scene. He has been identified as Mohamad Omar, 22, of Austin.

Authorities are looking for witnesses. So far no arrests have been made.
Neighbors say they suspected drug activity at the home.

"In 2005 alone, Austin police reported a total of 26 drug-related homicides and 312 forcible crimes."

BTW, how many of your so called "arguments" are over drugs, Speedy?

Man charged in North Austin shooting

By Claudia Grisales | Monday, September 19, 2011

An Austin man who police say shot another man in the chest Sunday night after a dispute over a c***k deal has been identified as Brian Lee Berg, 39. . . .

The officer located a weapon on Berg and additional ammunition, the affidavit said.

A witness said a dispute between Berg and the victim over a c***k deal preceded the shooting, the affidavit said. .html

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are an idiot. You continue to take people's posts and interpret them anyway you feel inclined. Here is YOUR statement from an earlier post:

"You’re obviously ignoring and not considering Central and South American drug cartels and the connections they have with street gangs in the U.S.! "

This is the statement to which I and several others objected. NO WHERE did anyone mention people under the influence of drugs committing crimes. Was Brian Lee Berg the member of a drug cartel or a member of a street gang? Or Mohamed Omar? Or Brandon Daniel? Or any of the Yassine brothers? If not, you just lost credibility because, AGAIN, no one in this thread stated anything about drug USERS being involved in homicides.

And just as you can't provide FACTs to back up your assumption that drug cartels and street gangs are responsible for a significant number of homicides, no one, myself included can provide FACTS to back up the assumption that if no guns were available there would be less homicides. My OPINION is there would be less. If your OPINION is different I can live with that.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are an idiot. You continue to take people's posts and interpret them anyway you feel inclined. Here is YOUR statement from an earlier post:

"You’re obviously ignoring and not considering Central and South American drug cartels and the connections they have with street gangs in the U.S.! "

This is the statement to which I and several others objected. NO WHERE did anyone mention people under the influence of drugs committing crimes. Was Brian Lee Berg the member of a drug cartel or a member of a street gang? Or Mohamed Omar? Or Brandon Daniel? Or any of the Yassine brothers? If not, you just lost credibility because, AGAIN, no one in this thread stated anything about drug USERS being involved in homicides.

And just as you can't provide FACTs to back up your assumption that drug cartels and street gangs are responsible for a significant number of homicides, no one, myself included can provide FACTS to back up the assumption that if no guns were available there would be less homicides. My OPINION is there would be less. If your OPINION is different I can live with that. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Pull you head out of the sand, Speedy, so you can stare the proof square in the face: "Los Zetas cartel has been known to hire US gangs such as the Texas Syndicate and MS-13 to carry out contract killings." And those homicides would be over and above the ones those U.S. gangs do for themselves, Speedy.

And you continue to equivocate, Speedy! Cartels traffic the drugs and traffickers – and the users traffickers deal with – commit homicides with guns. Some estimate that 50% of gun related homicides are related to the illicit drug trade in some manner. As a factual example is Austin where “in 2005 there were 26 drug related homicides in Austin”: other U.S. cities, e.g., Chicago, New Orleans, Los Angeles, etc., have it much, much worse. Further, you've still not established that any gun related homicide would have been prevented had there been no guns.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
do you have any idea how tedious it is reading your droning blather all day?

Nobody called you any names, yet you chose to shower us all with your mouth foam anyway.

Why base your frothy arguments on conjecture? How about some hard facts? You cite one case fab out the Texas Syndicate and then back it up with 8 year old data from another source. Do you have any data on how many murders have been committed by Los Zetas in the US via their proxies? Guns, knives, bad bullshit?

BTW -- how many gun murders were committed in prison during the time? that's where the Texas Syndicate operates, right?

You need to organize your thoughts. Are you trying to prove a point? Rebut one? What? You're just twisting in the wind, IBS.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Pull you head out of the sand, Speedy, so you stare the proof square in the face: "Los Zetas cartel has been known to hire US gangs such as the Texas Syndicate and MS-13 to carry out contract killings." And those homicides would be over and above the ones those U.S. gangs do for themselves, Speedy. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And exactly how many of the more than 11,000 homicides in the U.S. in 2012 can you attribute to the Texas Syndicate or MS-13? Fact-based of course, not your opinion. And how many of them were homicides involving "innocent" people and not competitor drug dealers? I personally couldn't care less if opposing drug dealers disappear. A little callous on my part.

And once again you seem to have a problem reading and UNDERSTANDING other people's posts. NO ONE has said that people connected with drug cartels have not been responsible for some of the homicides in our country. However, most of us, myself included, believe the number to be an insignificant amount of the 11,000+ homicides. CHL holders are also responsible for some of the 11,000+ homicides.
I B Hankering's Avatar
do you have any idea how tedious it is reading your droning blather all day?

Nobody called you any names, yet you chose to shower us all with your mouth foam anyway.

Why base your frothy arguments on conjecture? How about some hard facts? You cite one case fab out the Texas Syndicate and then back it up with 8 year old data from another source. Do you have any data on how many murders have been committed by Los Zetas in the US via their proxies? Guns, knives, bad bullshit?

BTW -- how many gun murders were committed in prison during the time? that's where the Texas Syndicate operates, right?

You need to organize your thoughts. Are you trying to prove a point? Rebut one? What? You're just twisting in the wind, IBS. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What's the matter, Assup the jackass? No one at your proverbial Salina bus station will pay you for the services you've rendered; so you still can't call: 1-800-EAT-SHIT, Assup the jackass?