If you had to bet who do you see winning the GOP nod???

If you are bragging that Obama has expanded his war on terror by going balls-to-the-wall with the Bush Doctrine; you get no disagreement from me.

Obama is doing more drone attacks on innocent civilians; he has changed the terrorist policy from seek and capture to seek and kill. He has expanded the war (quietly) into Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, and a host of other Ismlamic countries.

And he hasn't closed Gitmo !
How many of you are getting just a little sick of all of the 9-11 crap? Come on, it's been over a decade. You got your check, you got your memorial, now, go get a life.

Thousand die every week because of some one elses misdeed. Thousands die from incurables. Every one of us have had a loved one taken before their time, you mourne, then you get on with life.

What we should have done is built two buildings IDENTICLE to the two that collapsed. Then, look at the so called "muslim world" and say "fuck you, we eat pork chops here".
I nominate Obama, as the Republican Candidate.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If you are bragging that Obama has expanded his war on terror by going balls-to-the-wall with the Bush Doctrine; you get no disagreement from me.

Obama is doing more drone attacks on innocent civilians; he has changed the terrorist policy from seek and capture to seek and kill. He has expanded the war (quietly) into Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, and a host of other Ismlamic countries.

And he hasn't closed Gitmo ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlway you are so ignorant it's not even funny- so if the numbers stated that Obama has captured/kill less operatives and if OBL was still alive and Al-Queada were increasing in numbers you would be posting how weak Obama is on National Defense. Traditionally Republicans were touted as being the stronger of the two on national security they won't have a bone to pick with Obama on this issue come Nov 2012.
waverunner234's Avatar
Whirl, you are very much like the one most pathetic TV host I've seen in my life.

Sean Hannity.

How many years of his life has he wasted with little else to do then bashing Obama? At least 4, and another 5 to go. That's almost a quarter of his adult life wasted by the end of Obama's second term.

And probably good for high blood pressure and a disrupted family life.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Why deliberately misconstrue what was said. You know he was stating that the information used to get Osama was the work of years of intelligence gathering that began in the Bush administration. Originally Posted by Laz
That's not what he said. He said the information was "acquired" in Bush's administration. And since the
CIA was set up by Harry Truman, didn't the "year of intelligence gathering" begin in the Truman administration. Why not give Harry equal credit to Bush??!!

Face it, Bush didn't do Jack Shit about getting bin Laden because he needed him out there so he could start wars that were really all about oil and rewarding his corporate buddies in the military industrial complex. That doesn't surprise me, nor am I particularly disappointed. I knew Bush was a no good SOB when he took office. I was disappointed that so many Democrats were spineless and went along with him however.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am neither ignorant nor Republican, but I think President Obama is the most inept President in my lifetime. He truly is in over his head.

What does it matter now, that Clinton was better than Bush? Who cares? We need someone to fix things, not blame things. We can have our blamefest after this is fixed. The President still wants to blame, the Republicans still want to blame. I'm done with all of them.
While I have been very disappointed with President Obama's performance as President, I will fall well of short of saying he "is the most inept President in my lifetime." Unless of course, "my lifetime" began on or after January 21, 2009. Which it obviously did not! The lions share of Obama's problems all began on George W. Bush's watch, ie: two unfunded wars and the worst economy inherited by any POTUS since The Great Depression. GW took the phrase "inept President" and advanced it to a new and previously unsurpassed level!

Now if you wanted to make the argument that Obama could or should have done more to correct the problems left behind by his inept predescessor than that is an entirely different issue! To use a baseball analogy, blaming Obama for the ineptness of the Bush Administration is no different than crediting a loss to the relief pitcher who entered the game with two outs in the 9th inning, behind by 15-0.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
While I have been very disappointed with President Obama's performance as President, I will fall well of short of saying he "is the most inept President in my lifetime." Unless of course, "my lifetime" began on or after January 21, 2009. Which it obviously did not! The lions share of Obama's problems all began on George W. Bush's watch, ie: two unfunded wars and the worst economy inherited by any POTUS since The Great Depression. GW took the phrase "inept President" and advanced it to a new and previously unsurpassed level!

Now if you wanted to make the argument that Obama could or should have done more to correct the problems left behind by his inept predescessor than that is an entirely different issue! To use a baseball analogy, blaming Obama for the ineptness of the Bush Administration is no different than crediting a loss to the relief pitcher who entered the game with two outs in the 9th inning, behind by 15-0. Originally Posted by bigtex
BigTex that was a perfect summary- I couldn't have said it better.
I think for a baseball analogy, President Obama came into the top of the 9th inning 2 runs down, and then gave up 15.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-01-2011, 06:25 AM
I think for a baseball analogy, President Obama came into the top of the 9th inning 2 runs down, and then gave up 15. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And I think he came in 15 runs down and gave up 2.

Bush on the other hand came in 3 runs up and gave up 18 and most of you on here voted to keep him in the game after he had already given up 9 runs
What are you jabbering about ??

I am agreeing with your original assertion that Obama has been killing more terrorists...but it has been through the use of drones and by widening the war on terror......not winding it down....it is well known that Obama's use of drone attacks has increased greatly; thus, innocents are killed as well.

Also the military tactics in Afghanistan has changed to a "knock and kill" approach...our special ops guys are getting alot more aggressive in killing the suspected bad guys on the ground..it is part of the strategy....so WTF are you bitching about little girl?

And if you aren't aware that we have special operations going on in Yemen, Somalia, and other countries seeking and killing these guys then I can't help you stay up with what is going on.....it explains your general ignorance on most subjects .

But then you denied that we have boots on the ground in Libya when every military analysts will tell you that we have teams on the ground directing air strikes, collecting intelligence, and coordinating with the rebels.

Jeez...even when I agree with your statements; you knee-jerk idiots go bat crazy and start jabbering nonesense !

BTW; I never said Obama was weak on national defense issues...start taking your daily dose of brain-boosters Wellendowed....all your whoaring is turning your mind into mush.

If our kills in Iraq are counted (as Bush terrorists hits); then Bush wins the kill contest big time !

And don't you find it funny that Obama wants to give the captured terrorists their due process in American courts, but he has no problem issuing death warrants from 20,000 feet without hesitation !

Whirlway you are so ignorant it's not even funny- so if the numbers stated that Obama has captured/kill less operatives and if OBL was still alive and Al-Queada were increasing in numbers you would be posting how weak Obama is on National Defense. Traditionally Republicans were touted as being the stronger of the two on national security they won't have a bone to pick with Obama on this issue come Nov 2012. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Where are ya gonna go?

I'm done with all of them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
datyking's Avatar
Frankly, Obama is done. Unless he pulls off some sort of socialist scheme to get the economy on the upswing. He's toast regardless of the candidate. By far the worst President of our time. However, I am a Perry man but Romney will get the nod because of his pull with the independents and his ability to beat Obama by a landslide.
This is so funny it makes me hurt to laugh.....you are so fucking tone deaf when it comes to politics Wellendowed........you think Obama is going to run on his political success being "Re-elect Obama, I kill more bad guys than Bush"...........

The Nov. election will be about 2 things...Obama's job performance and the state of the economy (jobs, jobs, jobs, followed by debt, debt, debt). Obama will try to make Congess the issue, but that scam has been tried and failed by greater candidates.

And those who serve, know who their friends are and are not !


Traditionally Republicans were touted as being the stronger of the two on national security they won't have a bone to pick with Obama on this issue come Nov 2012. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911