"JADEROSE" ThreAD A SAFE PLACE...AUSTIN announces a COED ThreAD. The New Sanctuary City ThreAD for OLD, UGLY & BBW'S.

Im never one to disappoint
Still Looking's Avatar
This is why he is called the king of fools and Trolls. Really the biggest ass award goes to sl.For this is what he has earned on many occasions, including this one to top them off. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Still Looking's Avatar
Feel free to bang the shit out of the little triangle at the bottom left of any post. (Report To Mods RTM) The MODS will take it from there if any guidelines have been broken.

The only intelligent thing you've said. I've done just as you suggested.

Your junior high insults are not impressive, just moronic. Put another way for someone that probably does not understand words containing more than two syllables...stupid. Originally Posted by Smpslt7
Still Looking's Avatar
SL,if that in fact was you laying on that couch in that XXXL gray tshirt in one of your posts;where do you EVEN get off running down someone's looks? Originally Posted by Observing
Still Looking's Avatar
SL you have actually crossed a line on this one! Why do you have to attach any ladies on ECCIE? Do you think it is cute or I guess you are maybe banging your chest or you were abused in school. Not really sure and really don't care.

Maybe we members of Austin ECCIE need to start policing these threads seems to be taken over by a couple of keyboard thugs that get off to insulting the ladies.

Hopefully the mods or admin can step in kick these keyboard thugs to the curb.

Sam Originally Posted by Samcro84

I agree SAM but they should warn you, then point your ass then off you go.
Still Looking's Avatar
What's the point of the "mods" if they don't have any balls? In many ways I don't blame sl and whimpy for some of their behavior because they have been allowed to get away with it. The more you allow a child with bad behavior the worst they get. So it would great if we had "mods" that stepped up to the plate and do the job they are asked to do. Again this type of behavior isn't respected or tolerated on others site's or even this site's old name site ASDA (whatever it was), so why is it allowed today? Can anyone answer that? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Still Looking's Avatar
Thread views don't have to be directed or degrading like a lot of their posts.

But, Why do you attach members?

Sam Originally Posted by Samcro84

START YOUR OWN THREADS. Quit Hi-jacking other peoples threADS!
Still Looking's Avatar
quid pro quo
ˌkwid ˌprō ˈkwō/
a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something.
"the pardon was a quid pro quo for their help in releasing hostages"
synonyms:exchange, trade, trade-off, swap, switch, barter, substitute, reciprocation, return.

Whispers openly brags here about taking a lady to a soiree at a mod's casa and her hooking up with attendees.
And he recently stated he goes on double "dates" with a mod.
Do the math... Originally Posted by Observing

Still Looking's Avatar
Yes, I did the math long ago Observing. It's why sl wasn't officially banned but instead asked to take a vacation. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

Still Looking's Avatar
To your knowledge,do the other Mods here go on double dates with the resident bon vivant Whispers?
To your knowledge,do the other Mods here host soirees at their
casa and Whispers brings a lady whom hooks up with attendees?
To your knowledge,does he "pay" the other Mods here?(He says he "pays" Mods)

Whispers has stated all the above scenarios on this site.
Specifically Austin Co-ed. Originally Posted by Observing
OFF TOPIC Personal Attack

Still Looking's Avatar
"For fun they sucked chickens off."
Are you posting about bestiality on eccie?
Originally Posted by Observing
A pic from your personal imagecoast account depicting bestiality.

Originally Posted by Observing

You posted a pic of a troll doll boinking a chicken from your personal imagecoast account on eccie that is easily accessed by the general public.

Was that you in that pic wearing the XXXL gray tshirt on the couch in that post you put up?
It shows from the same imagecoast account...
Originally Posted by Still Looking

Still Looking's Avatar
Everybody let's give the king of fools and Trolls sl and whimpy a round of applause and congrats for keeping Austin coed forum a Sausage Fest!! Though their hard work,dedication, and lots of research they have single handedly degraded, alienate, and thoroughly made sure that no providers wants to post in coed and that 90% of hobbyist don't to post either (just maybe to a poll or two). Yes, if you want to, go ahead and make any gay sausage jokes you want from that last comment. Anyways back to congratulations of their winning of the Coed (not coed) Sausage Fest Austin Award. Please continue your efforts on making it such a hostile environment to participate in. Men shouldn't have to hear or listen to a woman. Nope, it's just all about that cock in that providers mouth to make sure she knows her place. Real men will keep coed safe and free of pussy. Making Austin the Greatest Sausage Place to be at Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

Still Looking's Avatar
Instead of hijacking this thread, why not start another one if you both really want to discuss it....

Originally Posted by ztonk
They Have Been Warned But Still...

Still Looking's Avatar
Again Z you are missing the point. There isn't a hijacking a thread if a thread shouldn't exist at all. Again you are not stating why this type of behavior only exists here in Austin coed and that becomes a reflection of your handling business as a mod. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

Still Looking's Avatar
sl, have you ever heard of "being busy"? As in- I haven't had time to check back on this. How about you find something real to do other than trying to be a bully. You feel big being a keyboard jackass? SMH, learn how to be a man. Sadly some old dogs just can't be taught, and when you can't teach that dog how to not hurt others what do you do? You put the old dog down.

Whoever said that Z owed me anything? However I believe that he owes an apology to the hobby community as a whole for letting this type of bullying behavior continue. Personally I think that bragging about 90% of hobbyist don't post in coed isn't really much of a bragging right. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix