Dem's VP pick

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Billy……MAGA people can’t read, remember? Trump only likes the uneducated, and there is plenty of that MAGA ignorance on display around here……

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
DEM's for the people but doe the rich ????? mmmmmm
Billy……MAGA people can’t read, remember? Trump only likes the uneducated, and there is plenty of that MAGA ignorance on display around here……

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
Ya know elg, I’m taking a bit of offense to this comment of yours being your posting about Billy’s response to my post.

First off, I don’t consider myself as MAGA at all. Even tho that actually means Make America Great Again, it’s become a derogatory acronym by some now due to the hate for Trump.

Secondly, I’m highly educated, have worked in upper level management/executive positions in corporate America pretty much my entire career. To the point I’m in a position to be able to retire early. Point is, I can read just fine.

Just because others have a difference of opinion doesn’t make them uneducated, illiterate or fucking idiots.

I’ve watched our country go to fucking shit in a matter of the last 3 1/2 years and because I don’t want another 4 years of the same I’m MAGA? Illiterate? Can’t read?

I’ve posted a link to the economic contrasts under the past two administrations from the treasury department (Biden’s treasury department btw), but no comment on that tho? Even tho it shows a huge disparity between the two?

I’ve also posted a link regarding the disparity between the last two admins regarding our southern border from DHS (Biden’s DHS btw) and there were no comments on that either.

I suppose when facts aren’t in people’s favor, they get glanced over. As I’ve stated before, numbers don’t lie, but politicians do.
Next Best Thing's Avatar



Any random male lesbian who can't handle it can fuck off immediately.
Billy……MAGA people can’t read, remember? Trump only likes the uneducated, and there is plenty of that MAGA ignorance on display around here……

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
Indeed. Many of them are still peddling that tampons in bathrooms bullshit.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Your drooling cosplay president is still pretending SUPERTRUMP made remarks thar he clearly didn't make re: Charlottesville.

Trump was not the victim of an assassination attempt.

The scumbag democrat mainstream media does not encourage this kind of garbage.

Harris, the whore, is a legitimately and democratically endorsed presidential candidate.

It's fine for transvestite men to beat the shit out of actual females in women's sports.

Dementia Joe and his prostitute vice president did not invite illegal immigrants into the country.

Harris, the hooker, is opposed to medicaid for illegal invaders.

She/it is also fine with fracking.

MAGA +++
walls don't work untill

they need to hide in their house

or the demoncrat convention

defund the police untill the demoncrat convention

then run to the police state to keep peaceful protestors at bay
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Cash bail sux.

Defund the police.

The joy.

Let's move on.

Let's move on. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
unless maricopa county, philadelphia , atlanta , wisconsin

forgot how to load ballots this time

1,2,3,4, five

everybody in the bus,lets take a ride

to the polling place around the corner

the boys say they want some Trump, but we really don't wanna

drop box like i had last week

and a few dead people cant be beet

I like Kamala



and tampon tim

and as we continue you know they get sweeter

a little bit of burst pipes in my life

a little bit of phillie by my side

a little bit of atlanta is all i need

blacked out windows is what i seeeee

a little bit of harvesting in the sun

a little bit of counting 3 months loooooong

da da da da ta

da da da da taaaaa
Dem’s VP pick Walz will be speaking at the DNC this evening. Will he discuss serious policy proposals? Or? What?

The Harris/Walz campaign website still to this day doesn’t have a damn thing regarding serious policy proposals.
thats a hard no

on y to view list
FBSM - well said.

Here's the reality of this election as I see it

Democrats that voted for Joe because he's a democrat all still doing the same for Kamala. Just like the true MAGA republicans are going to vote for Trump and not care to look at anything.

I think Trump is a terrible figure head, he's not presidential, however, you are getting a real person that will do what he says he's going to do.

Kamala will only be a figure head. She really won't do anything. Whatever group is behind the scenes pulling the strings is still going to pulling the strings.

Even if Trump gets in office and literally does nothing, we will be better off than the policies that Kamala is already proposing.

You can't freeze prices - literally the stupidest policy I've ever heard - she's a fucking idiot and so is anyone else that thinks that can work. That policy alone is enough for anyone who has a clue to say no to her.

$25000 for new home owners - Another stupid policy. Some states already have similar policies in place, but no where near as high. If 5m people take advantage that's 125,000,000,000 see all the zeros that you and I are helping people pay, so they can buy a house. Fuck you do it like the rest of us, cut your costs, live with relatives and understand it's going to take a few years. These fucking babies that need immediate gratification are ruining our country.

Child tax credit - eh I could get behind, I remember having to live on the cheap when our kids were born. They grew up on ramen, hot dogs and pasta. Because that's what we could afford at the time. Tax time was our chance to catch up. But there should be a cap on it for income earned, which I'm sure the Dems will have anyway.

See if she says anything about the border, certainly any of these programs will destroy our economy even faster if she just keeps letting people in.

See if she adjusts her jobs numbers. If she keeps saying 16m she's a liar. If she adjusts after the numbers, she gains some credibility.

And foreign policy, sorry, but Joy won't fix foreign policy. Trump has already SUCCESSFULLY felt with foreign policy. Tim and Kamala are grossly under qualified. Kamala slept her way to her position and helped destroyed California. She proudly had the winning vote on some bad policies.

She can't handle an interview, how is she going to handle anyone the first time they test her. Nothing against her as a woman, but you think the rest of the world has the same opinion? In much of the world women still have less rights or no rights than men, sorry but that's a fact. She is going to have a very tough road handling foreign policy and she won't even talk to the media.

As for those that Defend Tampon Tim -

This can not be another feel good election. You should be voting on track records and policies not JOY. Fucking stupid. Just a bunch a democratic sheep that are as bad as the true MAGA republicans.

Just cause your republican doesn't make you MAGA. Sorry, but that's as stupid as calling a black person a nigger because they are black..
Couldn't have said it better myself sparrow. Thanks for a very informative, well thought out and middle of the road approach to your points you've made for and against both sides. I truly wish more folks would look at this election in the same way instead of picking one side or the other because they "hate" the other side. As you said, this cannot be another feel good election and we should be voting on track records & policy.

Also, thanks for the link to a great article.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I can see Kamcryer going but why, but why, when other world leaders ignore her.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Not sure how or why it would feel good to elect a racist, race-baiting, angry, opportunistic undeserving cunt like Harris, the whore, and her doofus submissive white male caricature sidekick but it's 2024 and anything is possible I guess.