The thought police have arrived...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You well know and will likely refuse to acknowledge they are trying to lay down the underpinnings of a mass tort similar to the tobacco lawsuit and the resulting windfall has all the ambulance chasers smelling blood.

However, modern society would cease to exist without burning petroleum, and the investors in Exxon believe in the company and encourage its business enterprise and believe the company should advocate for a continued inquiry into the veracity of climate change claims, and people like yourself should not fear being wrong.

Climate change is not proven, and its skeptics are not suppressing the truth. Originally Posted by DSK
DDT is more like it. Go back and look at the "trial" in 1971. Tons of evidence that used correctly, DDT was safe and very useful in saving lives. Judge Sweeney produced a 130 page report saying just that. That report was turned over to lawyer William Ruckelhaus, the newly appointed head of the new Environmental Protection Agency, who trimmed it to about 30 pages. The new, shortened report said DDT was dangerous and must be banned around planet. It was. Tens of millions have died in Africa and Asia because of this. A modern holocaust perpetrated by the environmental radicals and left wing. The illusion is probably so complete that you have probably never heard this and you even think that all the proof condemned DDT. The left celebrated the DDT ban as a great victory even though it was pointed out many would die without it. The Zero Population Growth organization, of which Ruckleshaus was a part of, poopooed the whole thing. Donald Worster (sp) reportedly said that everyone has to die sometime, might as well be from malaria as anything else. Don't confuse this Worster with the teacher at KU. I've had this talk with him and he claims that the other Worster may be a cousin but they're both in the same business; liberal propaganada.

FYI, I wrote a 20 page paper on these idiots when I was masturbating...or was that matriculating? (I always get them confused).
  • DSK
  • 04-13-2016, 03:14 PM
That makes him a jerk?

You're well on your way to becoming a faggot, eatfibo!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I was thinking of calling him a deceptive son of a bitch, but if you want to call him a faggot, don't let me stop you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
DDT is more like it. Go back and look at the "trial" in 1971. Tons of evidence that used correctly, DDT was safe and very useful in saving lives. Judge Sweeney produced a 130 page report saying just that. That report was turned over to lawyer William Ruckelhaus, the newly appointed head of the new Environmental Protection Agency, who trimmed it to about 30 pages. The new, shortened report said DDT was dangerous and must be banned around planet. It was. Tens of millions have died in Africa and Asia because of this. A modern holocaust perpetrated by the environmental radicals and left wing. The illusion is probably so complete that you have probably never heard this and you even think that all the proof condemned DDT. The left celebrated the DDT ban as a great victory even though it was pointed out many would die without it. The Zero Population Growth organization, of which Ruckleshaus was a part of, poopooed the whole thing. Donald Worster (sp) reportedly said that everyone has to die sometime, might as well be from malaria as anything else. Don't confuse this Worster with the teacher at KU. I've had this talk with him and he claims that the other Worster may be a cousin but they're both in the same business; liberal propaganada.

FYI, I wrote a 20 page paper on these idiots when I was masturbating...or was that matriculating? (I always get them confused). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

The DDT ban was/is criminal. Climate change is a power grab. When will these clowns learn?