..........I saw a "special" on CNN/news, about how this "poor girl was lied to" as she got herself ~$150K in debt by getting a college degree. The special went on and on about how this girl had to go to interview after interview, sent out lots of resumes and couldnt find a job "with a decent wage"(they never defined what a decent wage was)
Only near the end of the special was it revealed the the "college degree(which she has framed, with spotlights on her wall" was in fashion.....................
Originally Posted by blade78
It never ceases to amaze me about the vast difference in attitude between most men and most women concerning the need to obtain training that will pay the bills. It is right at the top of the list for guys: how to make a living. Many girls seem to just take an attitude that they want to do something they like, such as: art, fashion, crafts, etc. We have all heard the constant phrase "starving artist". (Before anyone jumps one this, I have taken night school art classes just for fun. It turned out a sure way to get laid for free with a lot of women taking the classes that have few guys.)
I really love history, I think it is fun: but, I didn't get a degrees in history because it doesn't help get a job. Some of my hobbies are: welding, electrical and plumbing. I may not work in these areas, but one can save a lot of money my knowing useful skills. I like knowing I have a number of skills; it makes me feel educated and secure.
History is fun, but it has never paid me a dime.
I love sex too, but I don't expect a lady is going to pay me to come over for dinner. Men are expected to pay; and unless the women have some skills and the ability to earn a living themselves they are then dependent upon the gifts from the man. That puts the man in charge.
That is the point I drove home with my daughters and granddaughters. Unless you want to be a sex slave, learn a skill that pays.
(Skill does not equal college degree)