ECCIE Favourite Frazes Repository

Dropped my phone in the toilet
Will you stop at the store and get me a pack of Newport's?
AmishGangster's Avatar
Newport 100s that is
AmishGangster's Avatar
Post some taint up in this beeeatch
AmishGangster's Avatar
Shining up the ban hammer
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Newport 100s that is Originally Posted by AmishGangster
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Carlos Danger's Avatar
AmishGangster's Avatar
No i will not blow you in the parking lot
Dancer at the Downer a few years ago.....

"I got my van in the parking lot we can mess around in, if you want."
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Dancer at the Downer a few years ago.....

"I got my van in the parking lot we can mess around in, if you want." Originally Posted by Celso
Marlene please don't twist this around to some 1970s porno. Eccie and internet would come years later,
Naw.... happened in the late 90s.
Actually Canada is STILL one big parking lot for car fun......
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Marlo if u wana reminisce keep in mind this is the eccie fraze thread. We'll need to take the spotlight off of your visions of grandeur and save that for an appropriate forum
It's not just a thread... it's a repository....
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Whew,,, next Marlene will be giving us canadian exchange rates.