What's up GeniusMan/ Do you have a scam that lets you get discounts you don't reflect in your reviews?

Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I have noticed that certain posters have the tendency to use ad hominem attacks as a regular part of their rhetoric. That type of reasoning is fallacious and it drives me crazy how well it seems to work. I think many of the people who use it are smart enough to know that it's fallacious but do it anyway because they know it works so well on those without the brain power to think for themselves.

I have often seen ladies do this on the board, but it seems to most frequently arise in the form of a hobbyist insinuating or outright claiming that a provider's assertion is suspect solely because her claim is somehow aligned with her own self interest or the self interest of "providers" in general.

To me, the fallacy here is so obvious it shouldn't have to be pointed out to rational adults. But in case you want a description: http://www.nizkor.org/features/falla...d-hominem.html

For examples of this fallacy in action, see:


Another use of the ad hominem fallacy is the guilt by association thing. I also see this thrown around a lot, though not so much in this thread. But since I'm on a fallacy kick, I wish people would stop using this one: http://www.fallacyfiles.org/guiltbya.html

Example 1: Provider X hates Whispers. Provider Y hangs out with Whispers. Provider X asserts or implies that provider Y's statement is false because she hangs out with Whispers.

Example 2: Hobbyist X is disagreeing with Provider P. Hobbyist Y expresses agreement with Provider P's post. Because Y agrees with P and disagrees with X in that instance, regardless of the rationality or content of her post, X and others assert that he is a PWWK. Therefore, they further assert, the accuracy of his reviews are suspect.

This kinda shit makes me want to rip my hair out.
Not true at all..Why when someone points out His Discrepencys ...and Flip Flops is that having an "AGENDA"..Im not attacking him just pointing out where he contradicts himself..Does that constitute an Agenda? Originally Posted by Texasquest
hmmmm.... using a strong counter point is great, but saying "BS and BULLSHIT" in every counter post does not make it right....get some facts and counter with that. Like I mentioned before CPI and Yssup Rider are well known members here in the area, respected and I most definitely will listen to both of them, I am sure many others here will also..but with little knowledge of you, and what you stand for...well I have no idea...all I know is that you are the guy that is always going to say "BS / BULLSHIT" in each of your post towards Whispers...instead of debating directly with facts...

Seems like its against the "RULES: here to not agree with certain people..Since When is their "OPINION" the written Gospel..WHy is it wrong to have a different View ? Originally Posted by Texasquest
Its not......

Just helps to have a little "CREDITABILITY", just trying to figure where's yours?
sixxbach's Avatar

You make some good points, I will give you that. I have to ask this though. Why is it because you may not agree with certain posters, anyone who agrees with them must not be able to think for themselves? I guess if they agree with you or what is percived as "right" they are free thinkers.

ers. That kind of thinking makes me want to pull my hair out too....

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 02-12-2011, 07:33 PM
I have noticed that certain posters have the tendency to use ad hominem attacks as a regular part of their rhetoric. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
When I go out to eat and they forget to add hominy to my menudo I usually bring it to the server's attention instead of attacking them.


But not always.

Depends on if I've been feeling regular or not.

Constipation makes me cranky.

What do you expect? (No need to answer. That's a rhetorical question)
Whispers's Avatar
OK... I will withdraw my request to close the thread.

SPACE asked in a post if it was done... I assumed that to mean he was tired of it and has better things to do an was willing to acquiesce to his request.

I didn't make this thread about the pic posting.... other people spun it in that direction....

And people seem to want to spin what I say in regards to someone rights to post a review....

If a Session is a $50/$100 quickie and it is reviewed as a $50/$100 quickie when he got that level of service ..... no harm... no foul....

When a lady feeling sorry for him or a lady feeling pressured gives him a $50/100 quickie and he writes a review of a $300/MPCFS/mulitipop session.... That's a problem.... When he bumps reviews at the request of ladies....thats a problem... or should be.. for other ladies....

Once again .. . ladies like Texasquest are rephrasing what I say to have a different meeting.....

CPI..... WE SELDOM have "evidence" to present to people.... Were MODS getting freebies, protecting providers, abusing their powers at one time?.... Sure seemed that way and Space mentioned above a MOD offering to show him the ropes.....

I don't ever post anything based on what someone says once, or twice..... But when you hear something over and over and over...... from different people and it spans a long period of time..... It begins to take on the appearance of reality.....

I would not have posted this in this manner here in COEd had Maxeens Post not came out.....

She was publicly posting something that has been talked about many times by others that I've heard..... So I brought it out to be discussed...

We've had some great contributors over the years that were actually behind the scenes jerks abusing the power their contributions gave them...

I don't know Genius man... I met him at a party once and talked to him briefly..... extended an offer to him to come to a luncheon and became aware of some things about him .....

At no time have I suggested I have ANY problem with discounts... I get discounts as well....

But I'm not going to tell people I got a 2 hour session and paid $600 when I paid less.... It is simply wrong....

Nor am I going to fabricate a review of activities taking place over a long period of time when all that really happened was a quick pop in one position....

In regards to a thread about Review Integrity....

Regarding the quickie session deal... I believe that's just plain arrogant. Who should be qualified to write a review? Only the guys who can afford to spend multi hours, or who are even interested in it?

I didn't say that... Get a quickie... review a quickie...... Just don't fabricate a longer review with activities that did not occ

I've never booked a car date, quickie or drive by session, but frankly, if that's what a guy needs to scratch his itch, then a review of that experience would be as sincere as a guy who picks up a gal at the laundromat, library, grocery store or strip club and wants to tell the world about what a cocksman he is.

If the gals complain about guys reviewing their blow and go sessions, then they shouldn't offer them. And how do YOU know what they're complaining about "behind the scenes?"

I know what I hear face to face..... As you have mentioned and I have no problem letting people know.... I socialize.... lunches, dinners, drinks.... with friends and associates from the community....

And guys who think this board should be all about exclusivity maybe ought to take a good look at themselves ... and ask, why do you seek the Grail?

Just sayin...

P.S. -- I think we're all breathlessly awaiting the next thread, when you explain the "pink" comment. YOW! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Some already know what that will be about..... It doesn't take a lot of reading or digging to understand it....
Texasquest's Avatar
BS is just a term i use Im just an OLD Cowboy cant help that.Is just who I am..as far as the rest if you go back and look at all the prior posts I have even agreed with Whispers a few times..So for someone to come out and Say I have an Agenda is Ludicrious..( is that better?) I will give him and anyone else credit when its due..But I will also call him on it when he is out of line.I am just Fed up with the Lynch Mob Mentality that is so openly displayed here.Think about how many people Wont post because they dont want to be attacked by the Lynch Mob,..so instead of good info being exchanged they keep it to themselves and not posted on the Boards..There will always be different Views and opinions.But as Adults we should be able to :Agree to Disagree" WITHOUT all the FLaming and personal attacks..Im all for someone giving me a different perspective..Hell I have been known to even change my mind because of it......
sixxbach's Avatar
BS is just a term i use Im just an OLD Cowboy cant help that.Is just who I am..as far as the rest if you go back and look at all the prior posts I have even agreed with Whispers a few times..So for someone to come out and Say I have an Agenda is Ludicrious..( is that better?) I will give him and anyone else credit when its due..But I will also call him on it when he is out of line.I am just Fed up with the Lynch Mob Mentality that is so openly displayed here.Think about how many people Wont post because they dont want to be attacked by the Lynch Mob,..so instead of good info being exchanged they keep it to themselves and not posted on the Boards..There will always be different Views and opinions.But as Adults we should be able to :Agree to Disagree" WITHOUT all the FLaming and personal attacks..Im all for someone giving me a different perspective..Hell I have been known to even change my mind because of it...... Originally Posted by Texasquest
I get tired of hearing the popular excuse that people don't post because of personal attacks, etc. How would you know? The alleged attacks didn't stop you or many others from posting. If someone's POV is not expressed that's their fault. I was a lurker on ASPD for three years and I had no issues expressing myself with all the chaos etc on there. My POV and hobby habits irked a few but I did not give a shit. I have to hide my involvement in the hobby to the real world but I'm gonna be damned if anyone or any group keeps me from expressing myself within the hobby community. Using others as an excuse for not participating on the board is a cop out....

Texasquest's Avatar
I get tired of hearing the popular excuse that people don't post because of personal attacks, etc. How would you know? The alleged attacks didn't stop you or many others from posting. If someone's POV is not expressed that's their fault. I was a lurker on ASPD for three years and I had no issues expressing myself with all the chaos etc on there. My POV and hobby habits irked a few but I did not give a shit. I have to hide my involvement in the hobby to the real world but I'm gonna be damned if anyone or any group keeps me from expressing myself within the hobby community. Using others as an excuse for not participating on the board is a cop out....

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach

I dont have a problem expressing myself either..but you are the First to Cast the Stone about me having an "AGENDA".just becasue I dont agree with you and Whispers...and Like you I dont give a Shit either...But unfortunantly there are others that wont because of the Flaming and personal attack..Sorry but you cant just wish that away! It is what it is..You can either be a part of the Lynch mob Mentality here or you can try to act like an Adult and keep the personal attacks out of it...
I am just Fed up with the Lynch Mob Mentality that is so openly displayed here.Think about how many people Wont post because they dont want to be attacked by the Lynch Mob,..so instead of good info being exchanged they keep it to themselves and not posted on the Boards..There will always be different Views and opinions. Originally Posted by Texasquest
Well......as per member of the quoted Lynch Mob....that I was not aware of .... maybe the LUnch Mob.....

Mind expressing whom you think are the Lynch Mob? After all "There will always be different Views and Opinions"...
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 02-12-2011, 08:03 PM
You can either be a part of the Lynch mob Mentality here or you can try to act like an Adult and keep the personal attacks out of it... Originally Posted by Texasquest
Lynch mob? This isn't the Houston forum, is it?
Lynch mob? This isn't the Houston forum, is it? Originally Posted by Carl
Our handles have changed......or we got lost thinking Austin was Houston......Houston we have a problem..
Whispers's Avatar
You can either be a part of the Lynch mob Mentality here or you can try to act like an Adult and keep the personal attacks out of it... Originally Posted by Texasquest

And just how do you see yourself? Your contributing little of substance , know nothing of the dynamics of the Austin Community it seems and are finding your way the majority of times to threads I am involved in.....

Your only purpose seems to be in attacking my posts people that share similair opinions as me....
Texasquest's Avatar
Different Views and opinions are GREAT..is what we need to make are own judgments with..Having a different View or Opinion should be just that A difference of opinions..My point is if the opinion is different from the Lynch Mob one tends to get attacked for it here.What most ADULTS would do is state their Facts and Views and let the individual make their decisions based on all the Facts.not just the ones that fit with the LynchMObs Agenda...
Texasquest's Avatar
Not True Whispers if you would take the time to Look I have posted on many that you havent ....So that Premise doesnt hold Water...And As i stated earlier if you looked I even agreed with you on some matters....But you Flatter yourself if you think I am Following just you..PLEASE!!!
Whispers's Avatar
Not True Whispers if you would take the time to Look I have posted on many that you havent ....So that Premise doesnt hold Water...And As i stated earlier if you looked I even agreed with you on some matters....But you Flatter yourself if you think I am Following just you..PLEASE!!! Originally Posted by Texasquest

If you want to continue to hide your actual personna from us you might want to slow down and keep it less emotional so you can "stay in character"........ Your getting more girlie..... mamm.....