Muslims toss Christians overboard - 12 dead

  • shanm
  • 04-19-2015, 06:14 PM

I don't defend the Crusades,

For starters, the Muslims had already invaded Europe from the West in Spain in 711 and were pushing into France until Charles Martel turned them around at the Battle of Tours in 732 - thereby saving Europe and eventually, civilization as we know it.

Meanwhile, there were essentially three Crusades against the Muslims in the middle east. The first was from 1096-1099, the second from 1147-1162, and a third from 1187-1192.

As you can see from the dates, the Christians were centuries behind the Muslims in invading the other's domains.

The Crusades were a minor blip in slowing down the progress of Islamic conquest.

And yet that act as if it was the worst thing imaginable. The jihadists still talk about reconquering Spain because, to them, once land falls under Muslim control, it must stay that way always.

Islam is a very territorial religion. And it is that way because its founder was not just a religious figure. Mohamed was also a military, political, and social leader. There is yet more proof of why religion should have NO place in politics and running a nation.

Islam is what results. Fourteen centuries of warfare and oppression of everyone they come up against. Originally Posted by ExNYer
So let me get this straight...... you say that you don't "defend the crusades".
And you follow it up with......a lengthy defensive argument FOR.the.crusades?

Dementia much?
So let me get this straight...... you say that you don't "defend the crusades".
And you follow it up with......a lengthy defensive argument FOR.the.crusades?

Dementia much? Originally Posted by shanm
Yes, you can, mope.

Another phony strawman argument (that the right opposes ALL restrictions on business) from a man who has run out of arguments.

The US is a sovereign nation and like all sovereign nations has the right to control its own borders.

We can set out immigration policy and force companies in our borders to use our domestic labor force. NO company has the right to bring foreigners into the US to suit their own needs.

We run our immigration policy for the benefit of our own broad society. Not for the benefit of particular tech companies and certainly not for the benefit of foreign nations and their expatriots. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Wow, you are all kinds of screwed up lol.
  • shanm
  • 04-19-2015, 08:10 PM
Wow, you are all kinds of screwed up lol. Originally Posted by WombRaider
He will call that a "straw-man argument". Just you wait...
  • shanm
  • 04-19-2015, 08:11 PM Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB know that nobody actually watches your videos right?
dirty dog's Avatar
You don't have to be a Christian to know the principles as taught by Christ. You seem to spout off a lot about Islam, are you a Muslim, if not what gives you the right to do so based on your logic. Your the worst kind of Christian, you sit in judgement of others while sinning yourself.
You don't have to be a Christian to know the principles as taught by Christ. You seem to spout off a lot about Islam, are you a Muslim, if not what gives you the right to do so based on your logic. Your the worst kind of Christian, you sit in judgement of others while sinning yourself. Originally Posted by dirty dog
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Just the response I'd expect from a "God fearing Christian". You used that phrase as support for a statement you made. I'm just saying you are not a GFC, but you are a hypocrite. If I claimed to be a practicing Jew, and ate pork, you would question my devotion to my professed faith. You profess to be a GFC, yet proudly commit fornication, then no, you are not a GFC. You won't ask your pastor, because he would advise you to stop. He would warn you that your soul is in danger. I don't think your soul is in danger, because I don't think there is an eternal hell. But again, you are the one claiming to be GFC. Accept it. You're not. You're a horny old guy like the rest of us. It's ok.

Actually, I can lecture about it. I used to claim to be a GFC. I never truly was. But the charade I had to play gave me a lot of stress. It's hard to keep trying to appear as something you're not. When I decided I'm just going to be me, after a long "dark night of the soul" I became much happier. I no longer have to try or pretend to conform my life to a book designed to give the Roman Emperor more authority over his subjects. It's a much nicer life. You should try it.
Just the response I'd expect from a "God fearing Christian". You used that phrase as support for a statement you made. I'm just saying you are not a GFC, but you are a hypocrite. If I claimed to be a practicing Jew, and ate pork, you would question my devotion to my professed faith. You profess to be a GFC, yet proudly commit fornication, then no, you are not a GFC. You won't ask your pastor, because he would advise you to stop. He would warn you that your soul is in danger. I don't think your soul is in danger, because I don't think there is an eternal hell. But again, you are the one claiming to be GFC. Accept it. You're not. You're a horny old guy like the rest of us. It's ok.

Actually, I can lecture about it. I used to claim to be a GFC. I never truly was. But the charade I had to play gave me a lot of stress. It's hard to keep trying to appear as something you're not. When I decided I'm just going to be me, after a long "dark night of the soul" I became much happier. I no longer have to try or pretend to conform my life to a book designed to give the Roman Emperor more authority over his subjects. It's a much nicer life. You should try it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This is true.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So... Obama mentions the atrocities carried out by christian warriors during the Crusades and catches all kinds of shit. You now want to use the Muslim conquest of India to explain how violent Islam is. Hmmmmm... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Odumbo was a jackass for trying to justify and whitewash 21st Century Muslim (ISIS, Boko Haram, etc.) atrocities by reaching back nearly a thousand years to proffer an invalid comparison with and condemnation of Christian transgressions that occurred in the 11th century. In doing so, Odumbo disingenuously omitted how 11th Century Muslims were doing the same thing a thousand years ago that they are still doing today, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Odumbo's message was predicated on the ignorance of "#Grubered" minions like you, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, who willfully *forget* that religious intolerance, such as displayed by ISIS and Boko Haram today, was quite commonplace in the 11th Century. Furthermore, any Christian transgression Odumbo wants to cite from the 11th century is, and has been, already offset by an 11th Century Muslim transgression of the same magnitude. Odumbo would have you forget that this is the 21st century, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, not 1096. And while 11th Century barbarism was commonplace in the 11th Century, it is intolerable -- and inexcusable -- in the 21st Century.

BTW, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, you're still having difficulty capitalizing certain proper nouns.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Just the response I'd expect from a "God fearing Christian". You used that phrase as support for a statement you made. I'm just saying you are not a GFC, but you are a hypocrite. If I claimed to be a practicing Jew, and ate pork, you would question my devotion to my professed faith. You profess to be a GFC, yet proudly commit fornication, then no, you are not a GFC. You won't ask your pastor, because he would advise you to stop. He would warn you that your soul is in danger. I don't think your soul is in danger, because I don't think there is an eternal hell. But again, you are the one claiming to be GFC. Accept it. You're not. You're a horny old guy like the rest of us. It's ok.

Actually, I can lecture about it. I used to claim to be a GFC. I never truly was. But the charade I had to play gave me a lot of stress. It's hard to keep trying to appear as something you're not. When I decided I'm just going to be me, after a long "dark night of the soul" I became much happier. I no longer have to try or pretend to conform my life to a book designed to give the Roman Emperor more authority over his subjects. It's a much nicer life. You should try it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You and Dirty DOG are both buffoons- you two probably don't know what an inside of a church looks like because you have been in years. For the last time jackasses you don't know my relationship with the creator so how dare you question whether I m a GFC.
You apparently confuse the word GFC with radicals. ISIS are God Fearing Muslims who take their religion to the extreme. Where have I "proudly" displayed fornication- this is a whore board and I am anonymous you and Dirty Dog are hypocrites to the highest extreme.
LexusLover's Avatar don't know my relationship with the creator ...... Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
If I know your Creator, I don't need to hear from you about your ...

................"relationship with the creator"...........'s the same as mine.

Unless, of course, you think you are "special," but God knows you're not.

IMO the "wars" going on now are not about religion.

They're just being justified on that basis....and criticized on that basis.
dirty dog's Avatar
You and Dirty DOG are both buffoons- you two probably don't know what an inside of a church looks like because you have been in years. For the last time jackasses you don't know my relationship with the creator so how dare you question whether I m a GFC.
You apparently confuse the word GFC with radicals. ISIS are God Fearing Muslims who take their religion to the extreme. Where have I "proudly" displayed fornication- this is a whore board and I am anonymous you and Dirty Dog are hypocrites to the highest extreme. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
"He who is without sin cast the first stone." remember that one. You tell us that we are buffoons because we don't know your relationship with your creator, yet you judge us without knowing ours. Maybe you remember this one "Judge not less you be judged". You are the definition of hypocrisy and ignorance. By the way "going inside a church" does not make you a good follower of Christ, although I go weekly, its following the word, although I am not judging you, your review total is considerably higher than mine...IJS. Remember this, "all sin is equal in the eyes of god".
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Just the response I'd expect from a "God fearing Christian". You used that phrase as support for a statement you made. I'm just saying you are not a GFC, but you are a hypocrite. If I claimed to be a practicing Jew, and ate pork, you would question my devotion to my professed faith. You profess to be a GFC, yet proudly commit fornication, then no, you are not a GFC. You won't ask your pastor, because he would advise you to stop. He would warn you that your soul is in danger. I don't think your soul is in danger, because I don't think there is an eternal hell. But again, you are the one claiming to be GFC. Accept it. You're not. You're a horny old guy like the rest of us. It's ok.

Actually, I can lecture about it. I used to claim to be a GFC. I never truly was. But the charade I had to play gave me a lot of stress. It's hard to keep trying to appear as something you're not. When I decided I'm just going to be me, after a long "dark night of the soul" I became much happier. I no longer have to try or pretend to conform my life to a book designed to give the Roman Emperor more authority over his subjects. It's a much nicer life. You should try it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG a blind man can see that you have an agenda with me that has gone beyond personal. You have been trying to demonize and assisinate my character ever since I exposed you in 2012 for being a filthy liar. Remember when you told everyone that you had this high level inside source that Rick Perry would not only win the republican nomination but go on and defeat Obama and become the next POTUS???
I called you out on your bogus sources and ill advised prediction and you have been a thorn in my side ever since - get over it pal. However you have crossed the line where an apology will not fix anything - you have a black heart and ice water running through you veins. You are sick vindictive old man who wants to tear me apart - I am asking you to refrain from your lies and innuendos. You know nothing about me and yes I am a God fearing Christian and how dare you continue to attack my faith.
You and Dirty DOG are both buffoons- you two probably don't know what an inside of a church looks like because you have been in years. For the last time jackasses you don't know my relationship with the creator so how dare you question whether I m a GFC.
You apparently confuse the word GFC with radicals. ISIS are God Fearing Muslims who take their religion to the extreme. Where have I "proudly" displayed fornication- this is a whore board and I am anonymous you and Dirty Dog are hypocrites to the highest extreme. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I'd say 80 reviews of whooores qualifies just about anyone to question anything you say regarding religion. Inside of a church? That lets me know just about everything I need to. You think just going to church makes it all ok. You're one of 'those'. You proudly display your whoring here. What does anonymity have to do with it?