fake Review!

All of me is legit. Do you remember how I defined 'White' pussy? Let me do so here. BTW, I'm bored as hell so I'm playing in your playground so to speak:
'White' Pussy is:
NOT You!


Why would you think my apology threAD was phony? It was very much real.Have I gone off on your ass lately? No. Even after the retarded comment about my avatar. Quit fishing, and put down the shovel thats in the other hand.
I accepted and stayed off that "funny" thread. I don't go after you, its the other way around! I asked what your avatar was, there is no movement in it for me to see the ass slapping, and was nothing to get butt hurt about!

And mijo, you don't meet the criteria that my aa clients meet. So we are good!
For you to think I or anyone else here gets butt hurt about anything you say is laughable. And every time someone makes a comment you do not like, they are no going "after" you. Pity party much?
Say what you want, you saying this ridiculous thread needs to end, maybe it does. But I started it as a legitimate thread. And here you are "surprising"! And any other thread that has nothing to do with you, here you come to start shit. Bottom line, don't start shit, and won't be no shit! If you come after me, then you already know its war. Leave me the fuck alone, and ill leave you the fuck alone lol. I mean its simple. You don't matter to me, I don't start threads about you here or in any hole. I'm here to make income for my family, and that's it!
I'm gonna leave this ignorance alone before I get points. Do your thing!
I accepted and stayed off that "funny" thread. I don't go after you, its the other way around! I asked what your avatar was, there is no movement in it for me to see the ass slapping, and was nothing to get butt hurt about!

And mijo, you don't meet the criteria that my aa clients meet. So we are good! Originally Posted by bustyamy
Damn, now weez got selective-NBA. Weez some lucky black folks if weez gets all up in dhat heya. Weez proud. Weez beautiful. Weez blessed. Ahmen

(now the threAD closes)

Almost forgot,

Haha I'm busted (whatever that means). Keep working your 9-5 to PAY for that white pussy lmao. Meanwhile you defend aa women you wouldn't pay to see. That's some funny shit right there! Whatever busted means, I'm one up on you!

Ok I'm out now before I get in trouble
Don't forget to offer your selective AA brothas a discount. It's AA month!

FWIW, not that you'll get this. But, 'White' never was about race. That's deep isn't it?

Keep derailing your threAD. This is fun!
Oh, and for the record, I will FUCK the Hell out of LD. Just haven't crossed paths. Bye.

Beau Derierre's Avatar
Amy stop now! Can't you sense a train wreck happening soon. The ones posting along with you have no intentions on ever contributing anything positive to you. Put them on ignore and do what you do best! So many lurkers in the last two weeks that I have visited with thinks this site is a jungle. Where bashing and pitiful remarks are left in the open. I my self just look and laugh. I instead of trying to be "sweetheart of the board" I am looking for a friendly board to join that does not permit all this name calling and Bs! Were all here for one reason or another..I love what I do and do not plan on leaving anytime soon..so think about it when you respond back to ones that do not pay your bills. Use Eccie as advertisement and ignore the rest.

Ps Call me what you want to call me! As long as your satisfied! I know who and what I am! I love myself. So yes wakeup I love being a PAID whore! Men like all varieties..Don';t you wish you were a paid POSTER on a hooker board!

Haha I'm busted (whatever that means). Keep working your 9-5 to PAY for that white pussy lmao. Meanwhile you defend aa women you wouldn't pay to see. That's some funny shit right there! Whatever busted means, I'm one up on you!

Ok I'm out now before I get in trouble Originally Posted by bustyamy
Couldn't resist. This is your name here. You never realized when the name Buste d Amy was written, it was ALL about you? Seriously? This is too amusing. Please keep this blankety blank of a threAD going!

Buste d
Beau Derierre's Avatar
I love hooker fights. They are somehow "enemies" but we all know if we threw enough money their way for it they'd D each other ATO and let us watch. I'm hitting the lottery in June (done paying child support) I think I'm going to make that happen. And just sit back and watch with a crazy looking Jack Nicholson grin/frown on my face. Originally Posted by BBWrider
You know BBWrider, It's not even about any of that. I can honestly say Brooke wild and myself have had some cat fights on this board. But if she ever called me and need anything and i mean anything I would try my best to help her. Now I'm not saying i want to be here hang out buddy and hang with her, but in the end we are all in the same sea, trying to do what we do and get to the next step in life. It's not about who can say the shittiest remark on the board. were all chasing the same dollar and need to look out for each other.
Amy stop now! Can't you sense a train wreck happening soon. The ones posting along with you have no intentions on ever contributing anything positive to you. Put them on ignore and do what you do best! So many lurkers in the last two weeks that I have visited with thinks this site is a jungle. Where bashing and pitiful remarks are left in the open. I my self just look and laugh. I instead of trying to be "sweetheart of the board" I am looking for a friendly board to join that does not permit all this name calling and Bs! Were all here for one reason or another..I love what I do and do not plan on leaving anytime soon..so think about it when you respond back to ones that do not pay your bills. Use Eccie as advertisement and ignore the rest.

Ps Call me what you want to call me! As long as your satisfied! I know who and what I am! I love myself. So yes wakeup I love being a PAID whore! Men like all varieties..Don';t you wish you were a paid POSTER on a hooker board!


OMG, this is Life at it's best!!! I post all of this today and Wakeup gets blamed. MODs keep that in mind for future reference if ever issuing points please. LMAO!

Life Is Awesome!

Buste d
As long as my bank account is good, bustyamy is happy and call me what you like. Hehe.

Specialist, you are correct. I do have thick skin, I think others might not be as thick as mine. I should be charged rent for all the space I take up in these losers head lmfao. (Words of SOH). I mean really, I can't help it if my threads get more hits than any other, if my name is spoken more than any other. If I do have many, many, who like me and know the real me. I am planning on staying on Eccie for as long as possible, this place is here for us all! I'm on my way to the mall to do some shopping and enjoy my Sunday, hope everyone has a great day