what about these requiring 2 hr sessions?

A while back, one of the hobbyists on this board sent me a list of ladies he would recommend. I was in a position recently to see two of them, both of whom required a 2 hour appt. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
If I'm the guilty culprit, in my modest defense, one of those ladies, when I first started seeing her, didn't have a two-hour minimum. Dunno about the other.
PS If you have to justify companionship during dinner date than that is something that you should not partake in. There has to be very clear correlation between product/activity and your personal perception of value. I can't justify spending 100,000 on a car so I doubt I will ever be in market for one. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Agreed. Which is why I don't do it. If I knew the verbal intercourse would be stimulating and challenging, then it might be more valuable than the BCD time. But in my example (and in most ladies' rate structures) the dinner time costs more than the BCD time. I just don't get that inequity. Is it that hard for a lady to be scintillating at dinner?
Every provider is an individual with different ideas, values, preferences and motivations. No general rules could possibly be derived.

But I thought of some ideas -- some ridiculous and a bit jaded to the downright silly.

1. Get as much money as you can from any given visit. Most hobbying is variety-driven. Whenever you see a client you never know if you'll ever see him again. Therefore, it makes sense to get as much money as you can on the very first (and perhaps only) visit.

2. There is a certain modified process of seduction that some providers may use to counteract the wanderlust impulse and turn a one-time client into a regular. The details will vary from case to case; but it isn't the kind of thing you can pull off in 30 minutes, and likely not in an hour. But in 2-4 hrs you can plant the seeds. They'll think coming back was their own idea.

3. The prep time is as long for a 2 hr date as for a 1 hr date -- so a 2 hr date is more efficient.

4. Some providers are sexual artists. While artistry can be accomplished in any length of time, it is hard to appreciate it in a rush.

5. Some men have rushed schedules because of busy lives; and providers who require more time might be trying to weed busy men out of their schedule for some reason.

6. Some providers might be sufficiently materialistic in orientation as to use a man's wealth as a proxy for his objective merit; and longer time requirements would weed less wealthy men out of their schedules.

7. Some providers don't really want to know their clients. They want to get them in, get them off, and get them gone. For them, too much connection is a bad thing and emotionally draining. But there are other providers who prefer and excel at this, and for whom providing isn't as fun without connection. They find the connection invigorating. It is easier to forge connections in longer time-frames.

8. Some providers claim that 2 hrs are required to have a satisfactory sexual experience. (Incidentally, average time for sex with a couple is a tad under 30 minutes.)

There are many other theories I can think of. Many of them are testable.

For example, if a provider has a 2 hr minimum; ask her if she will see you for just one hour as long as you pay her for two. If she says yes, then you know that any reasoning she has previously offered pertaining to artistry, connection, etc. is not primarily causative.

(*poop-eating grin*) Originally Posted by Laurentius
Laurentius, I think I love you. I think my panties are wet from reading all the sensible possibilities/reasoning you opined all on your own just there. Seriously. Will you marry me? No? Ok, maybe I'm coming on a little strong. Or not. If you won't marry me, will you at least teach a course on how to think from the other side of the "v"? If you don't mind, I'll quote you on my next blog post...coming soon to a web page near you. Such insightful words were never before spoken in a hobbyist v. provider conversation on this board. You're my hero. Well, at least for today.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I have a 2-hour minimum, but I try to keep my rate at what many providers ask for an hour, and the gentleman may leave whenever he wishes. Yes, I know that it shrinks my "pool," but I'm not hungry enough to swim with sharks yet. I don't ever want to rush, and barely keep track of time anyway unless I have somewhere else I have to be.

Laurentius, you've reasoned it out pretty well, darlin laddie. For me, the plain and simple fact is...I enjoy it. Call me selfish, but I do want that GFE connection, too, and I just can't get or give it in 60 minutes.

I love dinner dates (especially that creamy "dessert") and can be reasonably "scintillating" (as well as titillating) over a long period of time, and have also traveled with several gentleman on vacations as a compensated companion. I'm evidently one of the few ladies who has escort clients in the legal view of the term, no BCD but accompaniment to social events, and frankly, having a one hour rate turns those gentlemen off, or so they've told me.

Each to their own erotic increment.
ForumPoster's Avatar
Agreed. Which is why I don't do it. If I knew the verbal intercourse would be stimulating and challenging, then it might be more valuable than the BCD time. But in my example (and in most ladies' rate structures) the dinner time costs more than the BCD time. I just don't get that inequity. Is it that hard for a lady to be scintillating at dinner? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

It all depends. I was at a social event recently where all I had to do is look pretty and make small talk. I attended event with several people who truly enjoyed it and happened to be my ride. In other words, I could not leave till they were good and ready.

By the end of first hour I kind of had understanding what goes through mind of trapped animals just before they chew off their leg. By hour two, I was seriously contemplating walking home. Luckily I found someone else who was in as much of an agony as I was and agreed to give me a ride to nearest train station.

I have absolutely noone to blame since I should have known better than to attend in the first place.

Now, on to BCD time value vs public time value.

Your evaluation is based on 3:1 ratio 3h of public time and 1h of BCD. Let's forget the "rates quoted are for my time only". If that was reality entire conversation would be moot point.

Skilled companion can keep dinner to time limit she sees appropriate. Thus, chances of you having 3h dinner are slim to none. When dinner date is scheduled, it is usually for 2h dinner and 2h private time.

So let's see. I have 1h rate of 400 and 2h of 600. It is safe to assume that most of 1 and 2h dates will involve majority of time spent in sensual manner.

Dinner date usually is priced at 900. Thus, you end up paying 150/h for social vs 300/h for intimate companionship during that 4 h encounter.

If you are willing to add another 200, total BCD time goes up to 3H and public time up to 4H.

Now, if I my goals were to maximize profits in shortest span as opposed to cultivating on going interaction with people I truly enjoy being with, I would rather schedule 3 -4 one hour dates priced at 300/h.

Operating under such business model , I would have to price dinner date at minimum of 1200 and skip clock free packages entirely, because anything less than that would be financially irresponsible.

And if I really wanted to get most $$$$ in shortest possible time, 180/hh or 250/h backpage ad would do the job just fine. I would not even bother with any longer packages.

I am sure other ladies have their reason for pricing things the way they do. Some ladies have direct correlation between their rates and self esteem. Others have very defined goals. There are those who prefer to structure biz in way to fit around their lives, not to be their live.

Of course, there are occasional mathematically challenged ones .... They either learn fast or leave industry.

Believe me, sometimes there is a reasonable explanation for the way women do things. Not often, but occasionally it has been know to happen:-). When I introduced "6 hour date anywhere in US" package including my travel expences, I received several emails from men saying "great offer but does it make sense for u???". Believe me it did.

rednecksatyr's Avatar
As an older gent I have no need for more than an hour to achieve a "happy ending" during the session.

It does irk me when I pay for an hour but the provider prepares to leave after my main event whether it occurs 5, 10, 30, minutes into the session.

I see no need for me to pay for two hours. But I will not make an issue of it with the lady that specifies two hours. It is her choice. I am not required to see her. That is my choice.
As an older gent I have no need for more than an hour to achieve a "happy ending" during the session.

It does irk me when I pay for an hour but the provider prepares to leave after my main event whether it occurs 5, 10, 30, minutes into the session.

I see no need for me to pay for two hours. But I will not make an issue of it with the lady that specifies two hours. It is her choice. I am not required to see her. That is my choice. Originally Posted by rednecksatyr
She's leaving before the hour is up? Uh uh. That just isn't acceptable at all. An hour session is an hour. A two hour is two. There may be other things planned. Maybe more play, maybe a little chat in the sheets, or whatever. A lady leaving early is just rude to me. How are you going to scale your rates based on time, and then decide the session is over based on "pops"? IMO that's changing the rules of the game after its already started.
So why would a provider who works nationwide charge more in one location than another? Example: $500/hr in LA, LV, Phoenix; $400/hr Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta; $300/hour Washington DC. I would have figured the highest rates in the most expensive cities. She was working for different agencies and as an independent, but it's still the same girl.
To each his/her own. If you can...more power to you. Enjoy!
ForumPoster's Avatar
So why would a provider who works nationwide charge more in one location than another? Example: $500/hr in LA, LV, Phoenix; $400/hr Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta; $300/hour Washington DC. I would have figured the highest rates in the most expensive cities. She was working for different agencies and as an independent, but it's still the same girl. Originally Posted by lickalottapus
She is adjusting her rate to each individual market place. Very practical approach. Which is exactly why being NYC based, I do not tour unless I have minimum of X hours booking in certain city, except for Vegas and Chicago. Any other market would dictate I lower my rate and incurr travel expenses.

If you don't mind, I'll quote you on my next blog post...coming soon to a web page near you. Originally Posted by Nina Rae
Yes Ma'am -- you have my permission!

For quoting me, that is. I'm a little iffy on marriage as we haven't met, but you made even my toenails blush.(*grin*)
Its the fast food approach and not my favorite either. Drive in anyone (isn't that the B&G is)?
Naomi4u's Avatar
So why would a provider who works nationwide charge more in one location than another? Example: $500/hr in LA, LV, Phoenix; $400/hr Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta; $300/hour Washington DC. I would have figured the highest rates in the most expensive cities. She was working for different agencies and as an independent, but it's still the same girl. Originally Posted by lickalottapus
You figured right. A lot of ladies also do this to cover traveling expenses. I'm going to Boston in a few weeks and the hotel I'm staying in is over $1500 alone and parking is not included.
It makes sense to raise rates when traveling to such cities. However going from $300 to $500 is a bit too much. A $100 raise is reasonable. Every lady is different. I'm sure she has her own reasons.
I figured its what the agency rates are. Just thought it was unusual to charge less in more expensive cities.....DC was the cheapest????
Naomi4u's Avatar
I figured its what the agency rates are. Just thought it was unusual to charge less in more expensive cities.....DC was the cheapest???? Originally Posted by lickalottapus
I agree that is weird! I have been to DC and it's not cheap at all! So why someone would charge such amount there beats me however if it is an agency I am not surprised. They tend to have their own reasons of why they do things. I am guessing that the provider herself only got $150-$180 of that money.. That is the sad part.