Is it stupid to be smitten and wanna start dating a provider?

drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 12-21-2016, 05:38 PM
Hooking is just a different than any other job...why would any guy have a problem with that? Originally Posted by Wakeup
I suppose it would depend on her elasticity.
Carmelita DeLeón's Avatar
glad that you can admit that...
Enjoy its for guys like you !

I gotta be honest in my entire time Hobbying I have lusted after a couple of providers and only thoroughly enjoyed Fucking only one of them. Real feelings nope never gonna happen. I use Hobbying for experimental purposes and have never given better than a d effort Originally Posted by rmrstyle23
Carmelita DeLeón's Avatar
Agree 100%

That can work just fine. If you've never been a client of hers, then there's no problem at all...

Hooking is just a different than any other job...why would any guy have a problem with that? Originally Posted by Wakeup
carkido45's Avatar
Sometimes you try hard to believe the provider is really into you but in reality they're into your money and when that runs out it's next man up .
How can you really expect them to respect you when you pay them for sex.
I have seen a few providers outside the hobby and it always ends the same way.
Definition of insanity : Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results .
  • pxmcc
  • 12-22-2016, 03:30 AM
ha ha well said! ^^^

but there's a lot of space between provider/client and boyfriend/girlfriend. I have had a number of interesting in-between relationships. To make those work, you can't be clingy, you gotta keep your emotions out of it, and you gotta watch your bankroll to keep track of where you're at. Because I'm a gambler (in more ways than one), all that comes easily to me.

You would be astonished how many interesting adventures I've had with providers that all started the same way: "Hey, you wanna grab dinner at (insert your favorite restaurant) off the clock after the session? Course I'm buying!"

If a gal likes you, its a perfect chance for both of you to delve deeper without you feeling like you're about to raid your 401k. If she doesn't, she'll make up an excuse about another appnt or prior obligations. Then take the hint: she just aint that into ya. It's strictly business.

Try it out OP and if you're not too bashful,let us know how it goes. If it makes you feel better, yup I've been flat out rebuffed before. But not always. And that's what makes it fun, never knowing what the next chapter will bring.
I say go for it....what could go wrong?
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 12-22-2016, 11:50 AM
Sometimes you try hard to believe the provider is really into you but in reality they're into your money and when that runs out it's next man up .
How can you really expect them to respect you when you pay them for sex.
I have seen a few providers outside the hobby and it always ends the same way.
Definition of insanity : Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results . Originally Posted by carkido45
If the pussy sounded like creamy mac n' cheese (without lube) when you'd fuck her, she was really into you and you misjudged her...

or should could also have a really bad yeast infection....
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 12-22-2016, 11:59 AM

Keywords: *sounded* like....

The dry sense of humor is real among some fucktards....
Agreed. Your fucking up her money cause eventually your going to want her to stop seeing clients. It's not fair to either of you
DocHolyday's Avatar
Seek counseling. NOW!!! Do not pass Go, do not collect $200!!
  • Alli
  • 12-23-2016, 07:09 PM
Ask her and see what she says...My boyfriend used to be my Sugar Daddy. Sugar Boyfriend now for the past year and a half.
Golovkin's Avatar
Sometimes you try hard to believe the provider is really into you but in reality they're into your money and when that runs out it's next man up .
How can you really expect them to respect you when you pay them for sex.
I have seen a few providers outside the hobby and it always ends the same way.
Definition of insanity : Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results . Originally Posted by carkido45

Speak for yourself fatboy.

If she's only into your money then you never saw her "outside the hobby". Like I said before, unless she's fucking you FOR FREE you never had a connection in the first place.

It's not about if they "respect you when you pay them for sex", it's about if you look better and fuck better than the guys they're currently dating/fucking for free.
I fuck a lot of Hookers for free.......................... ...........

.................But i don't wanna be married to them........................

CiaraAodhan's Avatar
If I may interject a perspective here for a moment, do bare with me here. I personally am asked out on "real" dates and even proposed too often. Please my dear understand a few things to save yourself later, providers create a fantasy for you, some of us are amazingly talented at it and you, the client, have a marvelous time. We want you to, it's our goal for you to have a great time. That is the point.

We also need you to remember you are a CLIENT. There are clear lines here. You pay us to do a job, even if we love seeing you, have a great time with you at the end of the day, it's still a job. Many of us go home to reality including OUR significant others and our "real" families and our "real" lives at the end of the day. The character we create goes to bed when we walk into our doors at night and can be our true self again.

A harsh reality but a necessary one.

I had a wonderful client, after three long dinner dates and stay overs, I'm suddenly getting text messages wanting more of a relationship, to which I have to remind him, one he's married, two he isn't paying a professional to find a wife or a girlfriend. It's a hard reality check but one I often find myself giving to clients who blur the lines.

You may have these feelings, I'm quite sure in reality she doesn't feel the same. She is not trying to hurt your feelings but you will put her in a bad position to where you'll lose your favorite provider as a provider, and she will lose a good client in the end.

Imagine telling a 23 year old client that you don't want to travel with him to meet his parents over the holidays for free, it's just uncomfortable. It's awkward. We desperately want to create these great illusions for you as a client. To maintain the illusion it has to continue to stay one, please don't put a provider in a position to destroy an elaborately created illusion just for you that makes you as a client value her time and attention. If you wanted reality, you wouldn't be paying professionals to play pretend.

Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.