There is no such thing as objective journalism anymore. I don't think journalism has ever been objective, since everyone has a point of view, but what the so called "news channels" are doing (Fox News and MSNBC being the biggest culprits) is just one sided political propaganda and sensationalism.
On one side, Fox News has several clowns who just basically make up stories and call it the truth (I believe Stephen Colbert called it "truthiness") as well as their actual "news casters" who just expand on what the rest of their political commentators talk about. I have not seen any actual news in this station in years.
On the other side MSNBC, being the political polar opposite of Fox News, talks crap about Fox ad nauseum but does exactly the same!! Calling out the right wing network on their inaccuracies does not news make. Trying to look intellectual and poking fun of the lack of knowledge of current events and history of many of the Fox News people, true as it may be, does them the greatest disservice. No one likes a squeaky wheel.
The other US 24 hour news stations are just a joke. No one cares about the news, they all just report scandals. That's where the ratings are! Also, when people make fun of Fox News on the air, all they do is raise their ratings even more. Again, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
It is our fault though. We've convinced ourselves that what is newsworthy is who fucked who, who was having an affair with their secretary (male or female), what was Snookie wearing to the MTV music awards or who is "The Situation" fucking at the time, etc. We don't care about knowing what is actually going on politically and how it affects us, we care more on what Sarah Palin said about Paul Revere and junk like that.
Hopefully we will open our collective eyes one day and stop politicians from working towards advancing only their own interests and not the ones of the people who put them there.
I can only hope!