Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina’s 2012 Election

lustylad's Avatar
And, if you grew some brain cells maybe you'd post up something that makes sense.

Are you advancing the argument that 240,000 fraudulent votes were cast just in Texas in the election you reference?'re not. Because that is bullshit. And, you utilizing it as some sort of fantasy example of imaginary voter fraud is exactly the point.

Voter fraud is rare. The current efforts by republicans are not designed to curb voter fraud. They are designed to suppress the votes of folks who traditionally cast ballots in favor of democrats. End of fucking story. Originally Posted by timpage

“End of fucking story”?

Gee timmytard, you seem a tad desperate to shut down the debate here. Is it because you know you're losing the argument? You ask me to “post up something that makes sense”. I already did. It's a fact-filled article by a Heritage Foundation researcher named Hans von Spakovsky. Did you read it, timmytard? It makes a helluva lot of sense. You say “voter fraud is rare”. Here's what the Heritage study says:

“Those who ignore the implications of non-citizen registration and voting either are willfully blind to the problem or may actually favor this form of illegal voting.”

Which is it, timmytard? Are you willfully blind? Or do you favor this voter fraud because it helps Democrats? The author goes on to say:

“The evidence is indisputable that aliens, both legal and illegal, are registering and voting in federal, state, and local elections.”

The author cites one example after another of close elections where the extent of the fraud was only uncovered because a recount was conducted. He even mentions that eight of the 9/11 hijackers were registered to vote in either Virginia or Florida. Does that little fact bother you at all, timmytard?

You ask me if 240,000 fraudulent votes were cast just in Texas in the last election? Well yes, it's entirely possible. All you have to do is assume: 1) the US Government Accountability Office's finding in a single US federal court district is representative of the voter registration rolls in Texas, and 2) registered illegal immigrants in Texas vote as heavily as legal citizens do. In any event, the GAO's finding is not "fantasy" or “imaginary”, timmytard. If you want to construct an intelligent counter-argument, try to explain why the GAO's finding is not relevant to Texas, instead of stupidly proclaiming “end of fucking story” without even addressing the factual evidence.

lustylad's Avatar
oh, and LL ... fuck You. You have no CRED, so step the fuck off until the grown ups say it's OK for you to play. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
assup... You think I have no CRED? You just contradicted yourself. First you called MojoRisin "paranoid" for warning about voter fraud, then you said "voter fraud is as old as voting..." Keep up the flip-flopping, moron - it's great for your CRED!!!
Budman's Avatar
... The current efforts by republicans are not designed to curb voter fraud. They are designed to suppress the votes of folks who traditionally cast ballots in favor of democrats. End of fucking story. Originally Posted by timpage

That would be illegal aliens, people who vote multiple times and the dead. So you are correct that these measure are designed to suppress those votes.
That would be illegal aliens, people who vote multiple times and the dead. So you are correct that these measure are designed to suppress those votes. Originally Posted by Budman
If that is true your election board isn't worth a shit.