The Greatest Generation storms the World War II memorial

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  • 10-03-2013, 11:55 PM
I hate to tell you this, CBJ7, but it is an "open air" park. There are no doors. People can go in and out at will. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

thank you , my point exactly ... hence the necessary barricades ... bigger government boy
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Candy is such a pussy when it comes to rhetoric. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
#LOL@ MopboyQ, you got caught hiding behind another bullsh*t image of your own creation....."hiding," it's your most important product.
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  • WTF
  • 10-04-2013, 07:33 AM
Actually, since it is an open park, there are not guards or barricades present in normal circumstances. The presence of guards and barricades during the shutdown is really a symptom of bigger government. WPF, your stupidity is showing again. As is your disrespect to those who fought for freedom. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Since when was telling the truth disrespecting those who fought for freedom? Lying is more disrespectful in my book.

You do understand that that generation had segregated water fountains? So just wtf kind of freedom were they fighting for? Think about that dipshit. You pathetic POS , are you now acting as if you are more patriotic than me? You burn Dixie Chicks CD's like that hypocrite EXTEXOILMAN? Is that your ideal of patriotism?

My bet is you or EXTEXOILMAN have not lifted a finger or a dime to help a WWII serviceman.

These old folks vote for the GOP. Numbers do not lie and that is wtf the GOP is for, smaller government.

You and EXTEXOILMAN would rather spend money on some God Damn park than spend money on hungry children. So fuck both of you selfish pricks.

Oh and again for that ignorant EXTEXOILMAN, all things are political, including you responding back to this park closure. Have I called you an ignorant hypocrite lately?
Difference is, I do not want congress to link it to government shutdowns or not raising the debt limit. Originally Posted by WTF
So you are a TEA Wipe then. I haven't heard anyone put tax reform around corporate medical insurance on the table as part of the "shutdown" or not raising the debt limit. Have I missed this?

Yes, I did. I mistakenly made the assumption that since is was directly connected to signing up for the AHCA that it was part of it.

I do not know the answer to your question but I will see what I can find out. Originally Posted by Old-T
The pre-existing condition clause of Obamacare when it was first signed, only applied to dependents 18 yo or younger. Your friend will be covered when her policy goes into effect 1/1/2014. If the doctor is doing "charity work" good for her and bravo for the doctor.

But this is just another example of you being "willfully ignorant", old-T. Too many people are making assumptions, that's why I'm asking for first hand evidence. No tilted media reports, or "a friend of a friend" said.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, WikiPostingFraud, I am not a Republican, and you can speculate all you want about how those Vets vote, and what I or anyone else do for them. The fact is it costs more, and hence, requires MORE government to keep the park closed than to leave it open.

You are wrong, and all your bombastic speculation and unsupported insults don't change that. I'm sorry you're so stupid. I know you want us to think you're smarter than you really are, but it's not working.

Too bad, dude. Now go back to building flophouses with your illegal laborers.
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  • WTF
  • 10-04-2013, 08:18 AM
Well, WikiPostingFraud, I am not a Republican, and you can speculate all you want about how those Vets vote, and what I or anyone else do for them.

. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It is not speculation. They vote GOP and you don't do shit for them but use them as political fodder, just like EXTEXOILMAN was bitching about Obama for doing, in fact just like he was doing and I am doing.

. The fact is it costs more, and hence, requires MORE government to keep the park closed than to leave it open.

. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Could you provide a link showing that they are spending more to keep the parks closed than too keep them open. Do not include the loss of revenue these parks generate. Show where a skeleton crew cost more than a full crew. Please show me that...please provide me that link.

Too bad, dude. Now go back to building flophouses with your illegal laborers. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Could you provide proof that I have ever hired an illegal worker? Didn't think so.

Not that I would have a problem hiring the best worker for the job. I'm not one liking the government telling me who I can and can not hire, glad to know you are.
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  • WTF
  • 10-04-2013, 08:23 AM
So you are a TEA Wipe then. I haven't heard anyone put tax reform around corporate medical insurance on the table as part of the "shutdown" or not raising the debt limit. Have I missed this?

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Do I believe in some of the things Tea Turds believe in? Why yes I do. Am I as hypocritically ignorant as they are about them? Why no I'm not.

You don't hear me bitching about some God Damn memorial being shut down. That is called smaller government. You can shut down all that old folk shit and you would not hear me bitch. Those old fuckers are getting wtf they asked for!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is not speculation. They vote GOP and you don't do shit for them but use them as political fodder, just like EXTEXOILMAN was bitching about Obama for doing, in fact just like he was doing and I am doing. I think most of them were devoted to FDR. Do you have a link proving that the ones who showed up were Republicans?

Could you provide a link showing that they are spending more to keep the parks closed than too keep them open. Do not include the loss of revenue these parks generate. Show where a skeleton crew cost more than a full crew. Please show me that...please provide me that link. you need a link to show that it costs more to have 5 people working than 0 people working? Gawd, you really are as stupid as I think you are!

Could you provide proof that I have ever hired an illegal worker? Didn't think so. Prove that you haven't.

Not that I would have a problem hiring the best worker for the job. I'm not one liking the government telling me who I can and can not hire, glad to know you are. Ah, lying again. Originally Posted by WTF
You have issues. You just need to accept your intellectual limitations and try to enjoy life within those parameters. There are agencies that can help. Call them. You won't regret it!
Government shutdown costs the taxpayer more than if it was open.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What does past segregation have to do with the memorial (there are many black, hispanic, and asian World War II veterans)? Damn, you shot yourself in the foot!

Problems with smaller government? Eva is a mental case. Government is too damn big and this should be proof. 15% of the government is off line right now. Only 15% and what do we see and hear. People that only have one resource for a service or product are shit out of luck. That includes WIC people and people on drug trials. How did we get here? Government and government advocates. Government saw what they considered to be a need and this forced anyone who might fill that need to fall away. How can you compete with government? So now the government is the source for all people. What happens when government fails? A 15% cut has done this to people. Imagine a 50% cut. This government is overreaching for the dastardly purpose of hurthing the American people in order to win an argument. Why are they closing parks, lakes, and monuments that are owned by the states and the people of the states?

This is about power plain and simple. Someone in the White House nailed it when that person said that the WH doesn't want to stop the "shutdown" because they are winning.
JD hates a winner.
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  • WTF
  • 10-04-2013, 01:15 PM
You have issues. You just need to accept your intellectual limitations and try to enjoy life within those parameters. There are agencies that can help. Call them. You won't regret it! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Let us assume for once in your life you are correct, I need help. Just what federal agency is open to help me? That is the point about the dumb ass stunt the tea turds are pulling. Their ddonor's are starting to turn on them. They will soon fold.
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  • 10-04-2013, 01:17 PM
JD hates a winner. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Dumb SOB thinks states own federal land.
Let us assume for once in your life you are correct, I need help. Just what federal agency is open to help me? That is the point about the dumb ass stunt the tea turds are pulling. Their ddonor's are starting to turn on them. They will soon fold. Originally Posted by WTF
Typical libtard response..."I can't do anything for myself, I need Big Brother to do it for me." And we wonder why O'Blunder got elected twice.

Help yourself, you fucking crybaby.
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  • WTF
  • 10-04-2013, 02:04 PM
Typical libtard response..."I can't do anything for myself, I need Big Brother to do it for me." And we wonder why O'Blunder got elected twice.

Help yourself, you fucking crybaby. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
I'm not the one crying about a god damn park being closed to a couple of vets. Evidently you have comprehension problems. I do not need any federal help. You are the only idiot among us that assumed COG could be right about anything!. Now bitch some more about politics in a political forum you old fucker.