For those who need proof of election fraud....

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Frankly, I don’t care, and I don’t think the American people care.

Trump botched covid...look it up. Killed many Trumptards that might have voted for him. Originally Posted by matchingmole

if you say so .. Rhett Butler
matchingmole's Avatar
if you say so .. Rhett Butler Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

So does the GAO...........
  • Vaccine Distribution “Fell Short of Expectations.” GAO found that vaccine distribution and administration fell short of expectations set by the Trump Administration for the end of 2020. The Trump Administration failed to heed GAO’s recommendation to develop a national coronavirus vaccine distribution plan “that focused on coordination and communication” and established “a time frame for documenting and sharing a national plan for distributing and administering COVID-19 vaccine.” GAO emphasized, “Vaccine implementation requires federal leadership and coordination among federal agencies and key partners, including commercial entities, jurisdictions, and providers to allocate, distribute, and ultimately administer vaccines to individuals across the country.”

  • Trump Administration Failed to Address Supply Shortages. GAO wrote: “We remain deeply troubled that agencies have not acted on our recommendations to more fully address critical gaps in the medical supply chain.” The report highlighted “the importance of developing a well-formulated plan to address critical gaps for the remainder of the pandemic, especially in light of the recent surge in cases.”

  • Fraud in Corporate Relief Programs. GAO wrote that “[f]ederal relief programs remain vulnerable to significant risk of fraudulent activities,” and highlighted “concerns about the possibility that improper payments, including those resulting from fraudulent activity, could be widespread” across the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program (EIDL). GAO found that the “EIDL program faces fraud and contains loans to ineligible entities” and noted that its investigations of both programs were hindered by the Trump Administration’s failure to fully cooperate. SBA did not provide GAO with detailed documentation on its oversight plans for PPP, and SBA has not provided GAO “with a documented fraud risk assessment to include fraud risk tolerance for EIDL.”

  • Trump Administration Failed to Protect Workers. Today’s report states that “GAO identified concerns about federal oversight of worker safety and health amid the COVID-19 pandemic.” Specifically, “gaps in OSHA’s oversight and tracking of its adapted enforcement methods prevent the agency from assessing the effectiveness of its enforcement methods during the pandemic, ensuring that its adapted enforcement methods do not miss violations, and ensuring that employers are addressing certain identified violations.” The report also found that due to the Trump Administration’s failure to collect adequate data, OSHA “is missing critical information on COVID-19 risks to workers to inform its enforcement activities.”
Not to mention his idiotic Hydroxycloroquine snake oil, saying Covid would go away in hot weather (when it was raging in Southern Hemisphere) injecting bleach etc etc etc...........Trump blew it bigly!! BWAHAHAHA
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by royamcr
old news
old news Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Old news but not false news.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Old news but not false news. Originally Posted by royamcr
out of date news!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So does the GAO...........
  • Vaccine Distribution “Fell Short of Expectations.” GAO found that vaccine distribution and administration fell short of expectations set by the Trump Administration for the end of 2020. The Trump Administration failed to heed GAO’s recommendation to develop a national coronavirus vaccine distribution plan “that focused on coordination and communication” and established “a time frame for documenting and sharing a national plan for distributing and administering COVID-19 vaccine.” GAO emphasized, “Vaccine implementation requires federal leadership and coordination among federal agencies and key partners, including commercial entities, jurisdictions, and providers to allocate, distribute, and ultimately administer vaccines to individuals across the country.”

  • Trump Administration Failed to Address Supply Shortages. GAO wrote: “We remain deeply troubled that agencies have not acted on our recommendations to more fully address critical gaps in the medical supply chain.” The report highlighted “the importance of developing a well-formulated plan to address critical gaps for the remainder of the pandemic, especially in light of the recent surge in cases.”

  • Fraud in Corporate Relief Programs. GAO wrote that “[f]ederal relief programs remain vulnerable to significant risk of fraudulent activities,” and highlighted “concerns about the possibility that improper payments, including those resulting from fraudulent activity, could be widespread” across the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program (EIDL). GAO found that the “EIDL program faces fraud and contains loans to ineligible entities” and noted that its investigations of both programs were hindered by the Trump Administration’s failure to fully cooperate. SBA did not provide GAO with detailed documentation on its oversight plans for PPP, and SBA has not provided GAO “with a documented fraud risk assessment to include fraud risk tolerance for EIDL.”

  • Trump Administration Failed to Protect Workers. Today’s report states that “GAO identified concerns about federal oversight of worker safety and health amid the COVID-19 pandemic.” Specifically, “gaps in OSHA’s oversight and tracking of its adapted enforcement methods prevent the agency from assessing the effectiveness of its enforcement methods during the pandemic, ensuring that its adapted enforcement methods do not miss violations, and ensuring that employers are addressing certain identified violations.” The report also found that due to the Trump Administration’s failure to collect adequate data, OSHA “is missing critical information on COVID-19 risks to workers to inform its enforcement activities.”
Not to mention his idiotic Hydroxycloroquine snake oil, saying Covid would go away in hot weather (when it was raging in Southern Hemisphere) injecting bleach etc etc etc...........Trump blew it bigly!! BWAHAHAHA Originally Posted by matchingmole

Government Accounting Office


tell me geography genius ... is the United States in the Southern hemisphere? in the spring/summer in the Northern hemisphere .. its WINTER in the Southern hemisphere


you know perfectly well Trump never said inject bleach. show the video. we'll wait

bambino's Avatar

JULY 16, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

Fox News and other media outlets incorrectly side with the outdated and terrible Maricopa County Election Board to report no fraud found in the Presidential Election. They spew the gross misinformation purposefully put out by the county and the Associated Press, and IGNORE the very important Arizona Senate’s hearing yesterday, which showed 168,000 fraudulent ballots printed on illegal paper (unofficial ballots), 74,000 mail in ballots received that were never mailed (magically appearing ballots), 11,000 voters were added to the voter rolls AFTER the election and still voted, all the access logs to the machines were wiped, and the election server was hacked during the election. They sided with the County and not the brave Arizona Senate who is fighting for the people of Arizona. The same anchor at the desk the night Fox called Arizona for Joe Biden now wants you to believe there was no fraud. The anchor was Bret Baier. Thankfully, Arizona has strong State Senators willing to fight for the truth. Senator Wendy Rogers says “I have heard enough. It’s time to decertify this election.” Senator Kelly Townsend said the fraud was so bad “I want to see indictments.” Senator Sonny Borrelli says “I've seen enough evidence to challenge the validity of the certification of the Maricopa County Election results.” Arizona shows Fraud and Voting Irregularities many times more than would be needed to change the outcome of the Election.

  • oeb11
  • 07-17-2021, 08:03 AM
I doubt you know any smart people, republican or democrat. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

deliberately demeaning - 1b1

and nothing cogent or constructive as far as a point of debate.

Please contact Sen Ted Cruz - a debate champion - and learn to to communicate a rational debate point.

What we see in sheeples Here - is a 'failure to communicate"!
bambino's Avatar
Even this guy wants a forensic Audit in Georgia. The rats are fleeing the ship and talking.

When does a canary sing? When they’re caught.
deliberately demeaning - 1b1

and nothing cogent or constructive as far as a point of debate.

Please contact Sen Ted Cruz - a debate champion - and learn to to communicate a rational debate point.

What we see in sheeples Here - is a 'failure to communicate"! Originally Posted by oeb11
He is in Cancun, power went out.
matchingmole's Avatar
Government Accounting Office


tell me geography genius ... is the United States in the Southern hemisphere? in the spring/summer in the Northern hemisphere .. its WINTER in the Southern hemisphere


you know perfectly well Trump never said inject bleach. show the video. we'll wait

BAHHAHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Trump said it in the Winter in the United States....further proof of his ignorance (it was not going away in Southern hemisphere......hint........ it was warm there)

Trump said he wondered if bleach would cure the virus...he did not say that he wondered if sticking a lit stick of dynamite up his ass would cure his hemorrhoids
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump said it in the Winter in the United States....further proof of his ignorance (it was not going away in Southern hemisphere......hint........ it was warm there)

Trump said he wondered if bleach would cure the virus...he did not say that he wondered if sticking a lit stick of dynamite up his ass would cure his hemorrhoids Originally Posted by matchingmole

what Trump really said ... not what CNN told u he said.

and then there is this

Ultraviolet light therapy reduces viral load in critically ill COVID-19 patients

thank you Rhett Butler
matchingmole's Avatar
what Trump really said ... not what CNN told u he said.

and then there is this

Ultraviolet light therapy reduces viral load in critically ill COVID-19 patients

thank you Rhett Butler Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Trump made his moronic warm weather statement in Feb....see if you can figure out what the weather would be in Australia at that time of year............BWAHAAAA

And we have UV light here ....all day.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And we have UV light here ....all day. Originally Posted by matchingmole
it need to get inside where the virus is, not outside.