YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

fun2come's Avatar
I would not choose for them, but enable them to choose by themselves,
otherwise it sounds like choosing a spouse and a prearranged marriage to me...
What about choosing their fallback profession and skill set? I know a munchkin that wants to be a heavy metal drummer. It's making me nervous...
Need another concert to go to in Houston ;-) Originally Posted by cooler62
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I just read all 1368 posts of this wacky thread, I laughed, I cried, I questioned my sanity...

You're my kind of weirdo YM, thanks for the glimpse into your quirky mind

Best threAD ever
I just read all 1368 posts of this wacky thread, I laughed, I cried, I questioned my sanity...

You're my kind of weirdo YM, thanks for the glimpse into your quirky mind

Best threAD ever Originally Posted by SpiceItUp

What's funny is that when I started this thread...the last thing on my mind was marketing (threAD starting). I was seriously just wanting to share my quirkiness with others and hope for some reciprocal camaraderie, especially when I knew I couldn't share hobby silliness with others in the REAL WORLD.

I also didn't want to just reach out to HOUSTON...I thought that my random thoughts should know no boundaries. If I had been smart about it, I might have put it in Houston and tried to reap the benefits of a threAD. In the end, I'm glad that I didn't. I don't quite fit into any particular checkbox, area, or clique, and I never have.

Over time, my participation has ebbed and waned. And every so often I get a reminder from a friend that I should nurture it and not let a good thing die away.

I am grateful for my little neck of the woods and the peeps that come in to check on me from time to time. I am better for the exchange of ideas and opinions. It reminds me and others of my humanity and the very real people who take the time to comment and pass through.

At one time, the Sandbox was run a muck (spelling?) with political threads, and my corner was a safe haven, or a little ray of sunshine, amidst (spelling?...lol) die-hard right and left wing players. Now that a separate political section has been created, my musings don't stick out at as much.

I suppose that this change should be taken as a challenge to me and the peeps to keep searching out new and interesting topics to explore.

Incidentally I have been referred to as a marketing genius, which I find peculiar and amusing. The irony is that I knew nothing of the power of posting and threAD power when I started it. So here I am, entrusted with a big ol' threAD...with a STICKY!!!. *insert Sarcasm font* With great power comes great responsibility.*end of sarcasm font*

So, SpiceItUp...welcome to my world. Please make yourself comfortable and stay awhile.
I guess with the demise of the Houston parties you and I won't be seeing each other as much. I don't get down to Houston as much now.
I don't feel like you can choose for your children. If we raise our children to be strong, they will choose their profession regardless of our wishes. What we can do is point out the strengths and weaknesses of what they are thinking without forbidding them and hopefully they will make the right decision. As an example, You say your munchkin wants to be a heavy metal drummer. How many heavy metal drummers are there? Very few hmd are successful enough to support themselves, much less momma in her old age. But if your munchkin is hell bent, support him/her. Encourage him/her to work hard and become the very best. In the end, all we as parents can do is teach them and hope like hell they learned.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 02-14-2014, 01:36 PM
At one time, the Sandbox was run a muck (spelling?) with political threads, and my corner was a safe haven, or a little ray of sunshine, amidst (spelling?...lol) Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Run amok. Amidst is correct.

Better usage might be: At one time, political threads had run amok in the Sandbox, and my . . .

You asked!
JCM800's Avatar
I know a munchkin that wants to be a heavy metal drummer. It's making me nervous... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
you should be nervous

....most of the time band practice is at the drummers house.

LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 02-14-2014, 05:49 PM
you should be nervous

....most of the time band practice is at the drummers mother's/girlfriend's house.

Originally Posted by JCM800
Why are so many parents against a child wanting to be involved in music. We lived in a trailer and my folks wouldn't allow me to become a base drummer in Jr. High. Hell I could have gone on to be famous like the drummer for the Beatles. I bought drum sets for all of my grand children in hopes they will succeed where I failed. Just in case they had hidden talents as an artist I also bought sets of finger paints. My children were not supportive of my help for some reason. I support my grand children by posting every damn picture they make on my refrigerator. Soon the door will fall off.
I guess with the demise of the Houston parties you and I won't be seeing each other as much. I don't get down to Houston as much now. Originally Posted by tucson
I'll have to get creative and think of a way to get you "down" here to my YummyPlace

I don't feel like you can choose for your children. If we raise our children to be strong, they will choose their profession regardless of our wishes. What we can do is point out the strengths and weaknesses of what they are thinking without forbidding them and hopefully they will make the right decision. As an example, You say your munchkin wants to be a heavy metal drummer. How many heavy metal drummers are there? Very few hmd are successful enough to support themselves, much less momma in her old age. But if your munchkin is hell bent, support him/her. Encourage him/her to work hard and become the very best. In the end, all we as parents can do is teach them and hope like hell they learned. Originally Posted by dleehou
So true here. My parents encouraged me to do what I love, and it was a very noble profession, with stability. I enjoyed it...what they didn't tell me was: "Mi'ja, only do this job if you are single or plan to get married and have an additional income to support children (that you will inevitably have)...BUT don't ever get divorced, because you will end up losing everything trying to support the same lifestyle on your horrible salary..."

So my advice has been have a primary career in a stable industry that can support you and a family. If it's important to you, you will make time for your music at the end of the day or week. Now, if it was a career in music marketing or education, maybe, but a strictly performance based career scares the daylights outta me...

Run amok. Amidst is correct.

Better usage might be: At one time, political threads had run amok in the Sandbox, and my . . .

You asked! Originally Posted by LNK
And I appreciate your response, no offense taken. I value literacy even on a board like this!

you should be nervous

....most of the time band practice is at the drummers house.

Originally Posted by JCM800
LOL...I know this to be true!

FTFY. Originally Posted by LNK
One time a cop came by because a neighbor complained...but he was just doing his job. He admitted that he'd rather a munchkin busy himself with this pursuit than one on the streets...

Why are so many parents against a child wanting to be involved in music. We lived in a trailer and my folks wouldn't allow me to become a base drummer in Jr. High. Hell I could have gone on to be famous like the drummer for the Beatles. I bought drum sets for all of my grand children in hopes they will succeed where I failed. Just in case they had hidden talents as an artist I also bought sets of finger paints. My children were not supportive of my help for some reason. I support my grand children by posting every damn picture they make on my refrigerator. Soon the door will fall off. Originally Posted by tucson
You are a good grandpa! He has everything an aspiring musician could ever want or need (thanks to me...), but I don't want him to not have a back-up plan.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Arts of all kinds make better minors than majors unless you like being poor, plan to teach, or are very very lucky. Same for all the fascinating but inapplicable stuff like philosophy, anthropology, history, etc...

Unfortunate but that's how the world works. If you want to follow your dreams of being a musician or an artist I'm all for it, as long as you go into it with eyes wide open about the likelihood of success...and don't quit your day job.
fun2come's Avatar
and who would have thought that YummyMarie would ever become a Gold Medal winning Olympian
Look peeps...just for fun...Halloween 4 months ago