YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

Arts of all kinds make better minors than majors unless you like being poor, plan to teach, or are very very lucky. Same for all the fascinating but inapplicable stuff like philosophy, anthropology, history, etc...

Unfortunate but that's how the world works. If you want to follow your dreams of being a musician or an artist I'm all for it, as long as you go into it with eyes wide open about the likelihood of success...and don't quit your day job. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Agree 100% here. Business Marketing + a minor in a fine art...total win depending on the industry you plan to go into

and who would have thought that YummyMarie would ever become a Gold Medal winning Olympian Originally Posted by fun2come

It was nice "meeting" you too F2C
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-25-2014, 11:26 PM
Look peeps...just for fun...Halloween 4 months ago

Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I fondly remember that outfit!

You were stunning. Simply stunning!
fun2come's Avatar
I fondly remember that hand motion...
Just for fun...

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Go Yummy, it's ya birthday...go yummy, it's ya birthday!!!
Hello Peeps
fun2come's Avatar
She's alive
I've been alive!!! It was my birthday and only one person commented
Damn I should have remembered I spanked your ass last year.
Happy Birthday
fun2come's Avatar

Happy belated BirthDay Marie .... When can I deposit my present???

Hint: It's liquid and it's contrary to common believe NOT a protein shot.

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-07-2014, 07:24 PM
Sorry it's belated but...

Here's to you!

bojulay's Avatar
You know how we guys procrastinate.

Best happy birthday song ever.

Thank you everyone. 33 years old now...wow...I don't feel any different. I just realize I am now categorized as mid thirties. Not sure if thats good or bad, but I'm stuck being me either way, so I'll take it!
That makes you a MILF. Up to now you were too young.