nothing reply anything you want

offshoredrilling's Avatar
ok looking at JB's before then workin I saw what was done.

as I do not have the software, went with a freebee on the web. So it could be better
anyways how does it look. could not find a freebee that would let me add a bit of pink yet still lookin

temp. will go back to woof

cut size and color. I may try cutting frames to get color back

can't believe I had to cut so much to get it to fit
Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 150 by 150 pixels or 97.7 KB (whichever is smaller).
but thanks BB and MC
you retained the correct speed of animation

try mine out and see if you can slow it down please

right now mines false advertising

I rarely jerk it that fast unless im really WOUND up, and sometimes on holidays when im EXTRA happy and celebratory

im getting older and slowing down
here,...................... this is more spanking in real time

easy does it ,.............................

fools rush in
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I think cut frames, like every other on yours. For frames I was thinkin cut some from start then a few from end.
and start over with the work MC already did. mmmm or would start over from BB's post

edit add:
yours keep color and sharpness. I have lost sharpness with the color loss
offshoredrilling's Avatar

but yet then again it depends

found in Official Can’t be Hijacked... Arkansas litter box
benherebefore's Avatar
ok looking at JB's before then workin I saw what was done.

as I do not have the software, went with a freebee on the web. So it could be better
anyways how does it look. could not find a freebee that would let me add a bit of pink yet still lookin

temp. will go back to woof

cut size and color. I may try cutting frames to get color back

can't believe I had to cut so much to get it to fit

but thanks BB and MC Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Great Avatar think we wish we all could do that at sdome time or other!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I just got to stop posting in Arkansas

Originally Posted by ufriend2912
Men's Lounge sounds like the more appropriate place for dick measuring.
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Could someone resize this for me so I can use it as an avatar?

. Originally Posted by jokacz
how much smaller ya want ta be???????
brutusbluto's Avatar
Congratulations jokaczc your image violates the image standards of the site. Normally that kind of stuff can just get deleted, but because the thread is so dam large, it is no longer editable and must now be closed.

Edit...however I was able to move the posts and subsequent quotes to our staff room, so I am reopening the thread. BEHAVE YOURSELVES....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
brutusbluto's Avatar
A husband and wife are shopping in their local Wal-Mart. The husband picks up a of Miller Lite and puts it in their cart.

'What do you think you're doing?' asks the wife. 'They're on sale, only $10 for 24 cans', he replies. 'Put them back, it's a waste of money', demands the wife, and so he does and they carry on shopping.

A few aisles further on along, the woman picks up a $20 jar of ...face cream and puts it in the basket.

What do you think you're doing?' asks the husband... "It's my face cream. It makes me look beautiful,' replies the wife.

Her husband retorts: 'So does 24 cans of Miller Lite and it's half the price....'

HUSBAND DOWN, AISLE 7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attachment 205878
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offshoredrilling's Avatar