For those who need proof of election fraud....

Redhot1960's Avatar
Typo's make WTF's ass wet...
Trump said it in the Winter in the United States....further proof of his ignorance (it was not going away in Southern hemisphere......hint........ it was warm there)

Trump said he wondered if bleach would cure the virus...he did not say that he wondered if sticking a lit stick of dynamite up his ass would cure his hemorrhoids Originally Posted by matchingmole
He never said anything about Bleach. He used the word Disinfectant. Trump is not a Doctor, he even admitted that. Quit trying to interpret Trump's words. It's a shame Trump didn't stay in office. He's far more accomplished than Biden could ever be. It's fine you don't like Trump you have that right. You don't have a right to infringe your reality on others.
matchingmole's Avatar
He never said anything about Bleach. He used the word Disinfectant. Trump is not a Doctor, he even admitted that. Quit trying to interpret Trump's words. It's a shame Trump didn't stay in office. He's far more accomplished than Biden could ever be. It's fine you don't like Trump you have that right. You don't have a right to infringe your reality on others. Originally Posted by Levianon17
  • oeb11
  • 07-18-2021, 04:37 AM
What he said isn't important, it is the diagnosing and ideas that may or may not work that should never be aired. A president should deliver directives and results. Behind the scenes he can brainstorm with health officials all he wants, but I doubt he has much relevant input. It'd be like a 10yo kid making suggestions to a master mechanic on how to fix a car. More annoying and waste of time than any help. Originally Posted by royamcr

"What He said isn't important " - it is what we say he said that is reality for fascist DPST minions!
All hail stelter and Xinn - - and the goebbels propaganda fascist DPST's do so Love!

"Minions" - To whom reality is mutable.
bambino's Avatar
Even this guy says ALL Georgia counties should be investigated!!!
  • oeb11
  • 07-18-2021, 06:17 AM
As the fascist DPST's say - 'After all, voter fraud is OK, as long as we win. "
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Testimony of Truck Driver video

01:36:15 Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Witness in Pa. election fraud suit from York is a ghost hunter with a long criminal record

On Nov. 20, Jesse Richard Morgan sat down with an investigator looking into allegations of voter fraud and gave a lengthy sworn statement in which Morgan, a contract truck driver for the U.S. Postal Service, said he believed he had hauled thousands of mail-in ballots from New York to Pennsylvania in October.

The 28-page sworn affidavit is confusing at times, but the story Morgan tells is that someone at the postal distribution center in Bethpage, on Long Island, told him that he was hauling mail-in ballots to Harrisburg and Lancaster postal distribution centers.

The suit, though, cites Morgan’s statement as evidence of widespread fraud. State elections officials have dismissed that assertion, saying that safeguards built into the system — including identification requirements in the application process for absentee ballots and barcodes on envelopes to prevent ballots from being cast twice — make it impossible for anyone to inject tens or hundreds of thousands of ballots into the system.

So a man with known drug abuse problems says someone told him that he was transporting mail-in ballots from N.Y. to Pennsylvania. And you believe what he says. ROTFLMAO. There are too many checks and balances in the voting system to allow such a thing to happen.

On December 3, Fox News anchor Eric Shawn, challenged Morgan’s alleged voter fraud on a news segment hosted by Martha MacCallum. “The claim that completed ballots,” Shawn told MacCaullum, “were driven from Long Island, to Pennsylvania, and disappeared sometime in October, election officials tell me that just cannot happen.”

Shawn continued by explaining that “every ballot, they say, is matched to a voter and then they double check it and they confirm. They say you just can’t simply get hundreds of thousands of fake ballots or signed ballots somehow into the system.”
  • oeb11
  • 07-18-2021, 06:30 AM
Fascist DPST 'fact checkers' - are just a lying subsidiary of teh fiden government big tech/lsm crime cabal.

Sad to live life so deluded by radical socialist propaganda.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Even this guy says ALL Georgia counties should be investigated!!! Originally Posted by bambino
That is NOT what he said in his memo to the Georgia Speaker of the House, David Ralston.

What Robb Pitts said was that if Ralston wanted to investigate possible election fraud in Fulton County, all counties in Georgia should undergo the same type of audit.

In his memo, Mr. Pitts clearly states that no one had brought to his attention any evidence of election malfeasance whatsoever in the state of Georgia, despite his requests for people to do so.

He goes on to state that Carter Jones, an independent monitor, said there was "nothing that should challenge the certification of this election."

And another swing and a miss by the Bambino.
  • oeb11
  • 07-18-2021, 06:45 AM
As if there was any doubt left of fascist DPST indoctrination and brainwashing - courtesy of Xinn.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Fascist DPST 'fact checkers' - are just a lying subsidiary of teh fiden government big tech/lsm crime cabal.

Sad to live life so deluded by radical socialist propaganda. Originally Posted by oeb11
Ridiculous comment. The truth is that all mail-in votes are checked and double-checked for validity. It is virtually impossible for tens of thousands of votes to get into the system. As someone else mentioned, for such allegations to be true it would take many people working together across several states to accomplish such fraud. And yet not a single person has been found who has committed the type of fraud made by such individuals. That says all that needs to be said.
  • oeb11
  • 07-18-2021, 06:48 AM
Perseveration, and dehumanizing of a different POV.

DPST consistent.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL at the ridiculously obvious timing of the AP story. How convenient. These guys are scared to death.
  • oeb11
  • 07-18-2021, 07:40 AM
Fascist DPST's are desperate to cover up their voter fraud schemes

that is why they are desperately opposed to the audits - they alraady know teh results.

also interesting to see DPST posters on this thread so hateful of Trump - who - BTW - for their info - is no longer POTYS
DJT does live inside their heads 24/7/365.

such hatred reveals the depths of the indoctrination of their LSM/ Xinn.

hatred is self-destructive : Ignorance causes Fear, which breeds Hatred - which is ultimately self-destructive.

Let them 'Hate" - after the comments about 'letting 75 million caucasians and conservatives die. '
Originally Posted by matchingmole
You have a lot of maturing to do. I would guess you're about Ten Years old.