Jordan Peterson is brilliant. Brit actually turned me on to him, suggesting Inlisten to his lectures on the psychology of the Bible. He has written a very good book called the 12’rules for life. There may be some hope for the world if enough milenials read it.
Hardcore History is very entertaining and educational.
Robert Jordan’s fantasy series starting with the Eye of the World is a fun and long read. Something like 12 books, each 8-900 pages if you have some spare time to kill.
On the other hand, a hilarious, short, entertaining read recommended to me by Britt several years ago is so fun...Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosch. If you ever raised a child you will love it.
On a serious note, When Breath becomes Air is a fantastic read about the end of life experience of a brilliant physician dying of cancer. It may not be for everyone but it was superbly written.
A good app to get, Book Bub. Alerts you to free and discounted
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