Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar
Don't you have a source for that cloud based network you want to show us or are you to embarrassed that you were caught telling another lie? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
See post 1392

Now, please don’t post your goddamn lies about Crowdstrike in this thread.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Takes so little to engage the DPST's into name-calling "Outrage"!!
Please hold on to your little narrative - all will be resolved in Nov 2020! Originally Posted by oeb11
Like I need your goddamn permission for anything
HedonistForever's Avatar
See post 1392

Now, please don’t post your goddamn lies about Crowdstrike in this thread. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Please see post 1372 where you said

Does your 2018 article happen to mention the so called server doesn’t even exist. They were using a cloud based network.

Which you have now changed after reading the source that I provided. You really can't just admit when you are wrong can you?

And PS, I was never arguing any conspiracy theory about Ukraine having the computer or server or whether it was Russia or Ukraine that did the hack. I was merely pointing out the fallacy you proposed in post 1372 and corrected after reading my source material.

You lied and I merely corrected you and now you are all butt hurt about being caught in a "falsehood".
  • oeb11
  • 12-03-2019, 09:15 AM
Like I need your goddamn permission for anything Originally Posted by Jaxson66

never wrote you needed my permission for anything at all.
I believe in the First Amendment - unlike you and the DPST ilk.

amazing how the DPST create out of nothingness their narrative of Persecution and Outrage.
Jaxson66's Avatar
So now you say ( after I proved it to you and you actually quote my source, the balls on this guy ) that there was a server after telling me, what was it again

So, I'm interested, did you just make that up out of thin air or did you find it on a favorite conspiracy website? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Did the fat lying bastard claim some Ukrainian had the server....Yes

Did the fat lying bastard claim the DNC refused to turn the server over to the FBI....Yes

Did the FBI receive information from the DNC cloud network ( the actual hacking event) ...Yes

Did Mueller indict Russians with evidence from the DNC hack...Yes

Did White House aides inform the fat lying bastard the Crowdstrike conspiracy had been debunked over and over....Yes

The only thing you proved is your ignorance
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You lied and I merely corrected you and now you are all butt hurt about being caught in a "falsehood". Originally Posted by HedonistForever

a good application of Burr's Bees should do the trick for a butt hurt J66
HedonistForever's Avatar

The Constitution gives the authority to Congress to arrest and prosecute a unlawful Attorney General much like a potus. Is that a lie ?

. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Technically no but

The process could also likely end up worsening tensions between each branch of government and give the public a front-row seat to the chaos. Plus some, like Barr, have armed security and it's unclear what would happen if Congress attempted to arrest him.

I'd pay to see that

And while a civil claim could be the path of least resistance, it could be time-consuming and delay an investigation. Even criminal contempt has a catch: It's up to the Justice Department to actually take up a criminal case against someone. In the past, the Justice Department has declined to prosecute criminal contempt-of-Congress cases.
There's also the question of executive privilege, which President Trump said was being considered to block his current and former aides from testifying before lawmakers.
Jaxson66's Avatar
5 takeaways from the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment report on Trump

Parnas attorney says client could ‘fill in the blanks’ of tantalizing trail left by phone records

After the report’s release, an attorney for Lev Parnas — a businessman who helped Trump attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani conduct investigations in Ukraine and pushed for the ouster of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch — again suggested that his client is willing to talk to lawmakers if offered the right protections.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Wasn't Cohen suppose to "fill in the blanks"?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Wasn't Cohen suppose to "fill in the blanks"? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
This thread is about the impeachment of the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office

I suggest you look into the case of Individual 1 with your own thread. It’s still going on. I believe the appeals court handed another defeat to the trump party. You should look into that.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

I suggest Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Stop!! Originally Posted by Wakeup

rexdutchman's Avatar
We are in the weeds , 3 questions the LSM has forgot about ?
1) IF there was a Quid pro quo was that illegal ?
2) Why are all the "witnesses " (3 hand opinions) disgruntled employees or fired ?
3) Hunters dealings ?
That's the whole base of the investigation
Jaxson66's Avatar
GOP embraces a debunked Ukraine conspiracy to defend Trump from impeachment

Trump party embraces a debunked Ukraine conspiracy to defend the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office from impeachment.

There! I fixed it for them. The Freedom caucus are the twenty first century Confederates, you can’t call them Republicans..
  • oeb11
  • 12-04-2019, 09:29 AM
From the DPST playbook - doesn't matter if a POTUS action is illegal or not, doesn't matter if an action fits the definition of "high crimes and misdemeanors" or not.
all that matters is a vote to Impeach Trump - planned since nov 2016.

DPST's think that means H.... will be inaugurated immediately after that vote.

If they had the votes to trash the Constitution and Bill of Rights - they would do so, and impose DPST rule - to the delight of Progressive radicals across the US.

It is their plan for the longer run.
Jaxson66's Avatar
From the DPST playbook - doesn't matter if a POTUS action is illegal or not, doesn't matter if an action fits the definition of "high crimes and misdemeanors" or not.
all that matters is a vote to Impeach Trump - planned since nov 2016.

simple solution, have the fat lying bastard lift his obstruction of testimony and let’s hear from Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo, Perry and Giuliani

DPST's think that means H.... will be inaugurated immediately after that vote.

Maybe the most ignorant post you’ve ever written...maybe

If they had the votes to trash the Constitution and Bill of Rights - they would do so, and impose DPST rule - to the delight of Progressive radicals across the US.

It is their plan for the longer run. Originally Posted by oeb11
The Senate has the votes to acquit the fat lying bastard regardless of what is proven. What are you afraid of? Ask your leader to allow testimony and prove the charges false.
