The Bills : )

lilylivered's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And yes, there's two Buffalo Jerseys ready to burn
One for the season game and the second for the expected playoff game.
And yes, there's two KC jerseys also.
lilylivered's Avatar
It should be fun again this year just like the last few.
Two good teams, a shame one has to lose
A bigger shame it has been the Bills in the playoffs... lol

Not this year tho
  • kosti
  • 07-02-2024, 10:50 PM
Wonder how all the new talent will play?
lilylivered's Avatar
Will find out soon.
I trust the management and coaches....
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
OK, the rookies reported to training camp two days ago. Where's the sports writers commentary on specific players???

Btw, we will pull at least Buffalo home game, which one is the issue.
lilylivered's Avatar
Camp is camp
Gotta see how they play preseason.....
then see how they play in a real game.
I think it was marv Levi who said, "the best rookie on your team is the one you drafted last year" or something to that effect
Itmight have been George Allen, he thought along those terms too.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
That's never stopped the sports newies from writing trash.
How ‘bout them Packers this year tho?

Packers vs Bills Super Bowl?

lilylivered's Avatar
As long as the Bill are in the