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Rumor has it he retired from hobbying and finally did settle down with Brill. What a charmed life! Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
finally gots ta ...the point wheres nots evens a cargo ...ship worths a pecker pills tyin it ta a popsicle ...stick coulds makes it ...function
The Drummer's Avatar

Rumor has it he retired from hobbying and finally did settle down with Brill. What a charmed life! Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
finally gots ta ...the point wheres nots evens a cargo ...ship worths a pecker pills tyin it ta a popsicle ...stick coulds makes it ...function Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Paulie Rockstar didn't retire, his dead prick retired him.
Flair4Drama's Avatar

Have to admit, I find it a bit disingenuous, not only because it’s a Trump policy, but because not long ago Biden/Harris were deploying more IRS folks to go after these same tips. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Well lookie there…I made the list.

Well lookie there…I made the list.

Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

2prescreenings this week and now this!!
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Archiving here! So all can enjoy (you dopes do KNOW that no one reads the stupid Sandbox, right?)....

(original thread is here, if you want to enjoy it's full inanity: )

Hey! Ya know what the best part of this is gonna be? That it is in another one of JB's stupid fucked up threads. It will be epic, and he won't believe his good fortune! He will have inspiration for countless weird sentence fragment sound bytes for years.

Okay, here we go:


Ohhh gee Billy, now that’s impressive lol.

More divisive racism…typical Dem.

But as usual, you missed the point of my post. Or completely ignored it which would be my assumption.

It had absolutely nothing to do with Megyn Kelly, who you found necessary to call horse face, but everything to do with crazy Left Libs dressed as abortion pills marching for more abortions. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Just when I thought I was out...they pulled me back in.

I try FB. I really do. I don't WANT to keep wasting time on this nonsense. But it's like...well..did ya ever smell something really bad somewhere and think "I should NOT go over there!" But you do. You can't help it. You're sorry AF afterwards. But you know you will do it the next time too.

These threads are kind of like that. Right now, you just have this bunch of grumpy old men in the Upstate NY forum that spend a ton of time trying to impress each other with how much they hate Dems, libs, Lefties, Commies, and Marxists. No process check. The nonsense just builds and builds. No one ever says "that was a bunch of mean stupid lies" (Plastic Man doesn't count. He hates us all and barely plays). Y'all are like a bunch of Karaoke Groupies that travel from bar to bar and tell each other "You were great tonight! You could have been the next Steve Perry!" (such things exist! I have seen them!)

Now add in repeated doses of some of your amazingly fucked up logic, and...well...I just can't resist.

To wit:

You repeatedly accuse me of missing the point. Right after you fly right by a whole bunch of them. Then I'm not on topic. Right after I reply to one of your posts about the very same topic. Then this has nothing to do with Megyn Kelly. Right after you posted a link to her. And then when I post a meme in reply showing her amazing idiocy..well, obviously I'm a racist. A typical Dem. Of course. You do love you some cheap shots, for sure.

Speaking of hypocrisy (with much more to come about that!)...I think my favoritest-est part though is where you try to "shame" me for calling Megyn Kelly a horse face. Holee-fucking-shit! That is amazingly funny! But I'm sorry if I offended you. I actually meant to call her a lying, self-promoting, cunt skank horse-faced shill. I'll be more careful.

My second favoritest-est-est is when you ask me about my "hate." I don't actually hate much, BUT....I absolutely DESPISE hypocrisy, lying, and deflection. Almost as much as I hate people who turn their faults back on others ("Those fucking awful lying cocksucking racist Democrats hate everyone!").

(Karaoke Groupies. I hate them too. For real. I hope they choke on their 99 cent wings)

Meanwhile, though...the HATE that I see constantly posted on here when it comes to others is deplorable and demoralizing. Dems are always racist. Liberals want to destroy our way of life. Harris is a DEI idiot. LGBTQ perverts want to indoctrinate our children. Welfare recipients are taking money needed for Capital Gains tax cuts! Immigrants (fucking immigrants!) want to take our jobs, vote illegally, and destroy our white Christian heritage! And....I swear to God...if that whore I knocked up and left in that shitty apartment tries to abort that kid, I'm going to sick Ken Paxton and Greg Abbott on her!

(side note: I cannot BELIEVE people dressed as abortion pills and marched for more abortions! Thanks so much for telling me. What WERE they thinking? Fucking crazy Left libs. Almost like they were fed up, trying to make a point, get some attention, get us talking about it or something. The goddam gall...)

But....boring! All boring. Again. Whatever. Jesus. Suck it up. Like I said before, tell me to fuck off, at least. You would maybe regain some respect. (I'm kidding! About the respect part, I mean)

In closing, always remember: saying "LOL!" a bunch of times makes it all better!

Whewwwww! God bless ya, Carlos, wherever you are! Let me join NBT in saying: Fuck you all (Sorry, N....I do not for one minute think you approve of me even mentioning you..I am not worthy)

Oh! And of course....You're welcome.

(did I say "thank you for your service"?)

LOL! Originally Posted by BillysEatinIt
Plastic Man's Avatar
Plastic Man doesn't count. He hates us all

...heres yer fish
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Not sure how or why it would feel good to elect a racist, race-baiting, angry, opportunistic undeserving cunt like Harris, the whore, and her doofus submissive white male caricature sidekick but it's 2024 and anything is possible I guess. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Then continues to advertise for months!!
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Here ya go fella, I’ll make it easy for ya. Maybe taking a break from MSNBC you’d be more informed. Took me 2 seconds.

Now…where’s Kamala’s??

Btw, it’s now 2024. Not 2020.

You’re welcome. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

Flair4Drama's Avatar
fuckin R.M.......

Originally Posted by R.M.
Flair4Drama's Avatar
I love how the only argument for Kamala the democrats have is their trump derangement syndrome still. All they remember is that he isn't nice to people, Blah blah blah.

Brasil your head is in the sand, And woody that's about as 3rd rate of an article. Anyone could list all the stupid stuff that Old Joe or Kamala has done for that matter for her whole life and come up with a nice rap sheet as well. And they've had their lives protected from media most o their life. Imagine if the whole world knew their whole life before politics like they do Trump.

How do you feel about your candidate being a whore that slept around until she finally made the connections she needed to. It's very well documented. Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
Flair4Drama's Avatar
They’ll probably cremate that laptop immediately like they did the Trump shooter. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR