For those who need proof of election fraud....

bambino's Avatar
General Flynn;

Maricopa County officials (and other county and state officials around the nation who are hiding from the truth or lying to the American people and to themselves), The American public is willing to forgive you, if you own up to your mistakes. This doesn’t mean you will not still be held accountable but you will be forgiven. There are always consequences to one’s actions. But when you try to deny your bad behavior and get caught and don’t own up, you will never be forgiven and your life (or lives) will be miserable and you’ll never recover. The truth always rises to the top and yes, good does overcome evil. May God help you in this time of personal trial because living in darkness for the rest of your life will be pure misery.
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2021, 02:48 PM
Trump lost Bigly. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

none so blind - as addicts of Xinn/Stelter propaganda.
CRT is Racist! DPST's run in fear from a rational debate of those issues.
Very much as the fascist DPST's are trying desperately to cover their tracks of Voter Fraud, they also are trying to cover up their Teacher's unions - led by Randi Weingarten - who teach CRT to all ages in schools - yet lie that they do so to media,and parents. They are trying to cover up One of eh most destructive, divisive, and Racist programs the DPST's have so far put forth.

They do not want it known that CRT is actively Taught as fact in schools.

DPST's party minions and nomenklatura are hypocrites and Racists!
bambino's Avatar

It just seems like Trump is still around. His supporters are still believing everything he says.
Trumpys still won't acknowledge his lies (CPACs repeat ongoing lies).
Trumpys repeatedly make debunked claims.
And Trumpys don't research their claims.

Sorry dill. Trump administration election officials said it.
Plus no evidence of fraud = Trumpy attacks on democracy.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
The only thing that was truly secure was the schematics to initiate and execute the fraud successfully.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
It's obvious Biden stole the Election through fraud. His middle name isn't Robinette for nothing, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

It just seems like Trump is still around. His supporters are still believing everything he says.
Trumpys still won't acknowledge his lies (CPACs repeat ongoing lies).
Trumpys repeatedly make debunked claims.
And Trumpys don't research their claims.

Sorry dill. Trump administration election officials said it.
Plus no evidence of fraud = Trumpy attacks on democracy.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical



Biden – 3.458m (50.0%)
Trump – 2.338m (48.8%)

Red – Major Fraud
Yellow – Likely/Suspect
Green – Low/No Fraud

Even worse than I thought. PA was a slam dunk for Trump, with a 244k-12k (21 to 1 ratio) of net new registration in.4 years that previously predicted Trump flip in 2016.

This is horrific. Only 3 counties I see as relatively clean, with 27 classified as major. 60 of 67 counties should have been more GOP than last time per registration trends, but only 20 trended more GOP. This flipped Erie and Northampton, which should have been slam dunks.

Trump crushed Obama ’08 total in a shrinking state, only to be passed on strength of what I assess to be 504k excess votes!

Allegheny 50k
Berks 20k
Bucks 20k
Chester 15k
Erie 15k
Lackawanna 12k
Lehigh 12k
Luzerne 15k
Montgomery 30k
Northampton 20k
Philadelphia 40k
Washington 15k
Westmoreland 18k
York 25k

Trump margin, if accurate, should have been 52.0% to 46.1% (5.9%), or 424k votes. A bludgeoning in keeping with registration trend. Originally Posted by bambino
Makes absolutely no fucking sense. 2016 trump vs hillary was 48.18% to 47.46%. Almost a dead tie at 44k votes favoring orange turd... No fucking way trump gaines almost 400k votes in 2020.
Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Don't laugh too soon the future may not turn out quite like you think it will.
At least he isn't fucking stupid like trump trying to be a medical expert. He is a dumb fuck and deserves to be in prison. Originally Posted by royamcr
Trump isn't trying to be a medical expert. You Liberals are so full of shit with your ridiculous claims of everything he says.
Direct quotes are not “claims”. We’ve shown direct quotes of ridiculously stupid things Trump says and you guys pretend it’s “out of context”. Just face it. You’re so far up Trumps ass you’re brushing his teeth for him.
bambino's Avatar
Texas is looking into a forensic audit;
bambino's Avatar
I think at the end of the day, several people in Georgia are going to jail;

Documents Suggest Raffensperger May Have Staged Fake Election Audit in November

Kevin Moncla was interested in reviewing the audit report by Pro V&V that Secretary of State Raffensperger repeatedly cited as confirmation of Georgia’s perfect election results.

“Yet the actual audit report by Pro V&V could not be found anywhere. After an exhaustive search, and in disbelief that the audit report had gone unpublished, we submitted a FOIA request to the state of Georgia for records of the audit,” Moncla reports.

Among the documents returned by the state in response to the FOIA request was a “Memo for field audit.pdf,” sent via email presumably from Pro V&V outlining the details of the work requested by the Secretary of State. However, the date listed on the memo is “Friday, July 16 2021.”

Moncla was able to confirm that the memo was in fact emailed from Pro V&V’s owner Jack Cobb [see image in TGP article].

This revelation suggests that the Georgia Secretary of State’s office contacted Pro V&V to help resolve the FOIA request and Jack Cobb manufactured the memo 8 months after the audit supposedly took place. Furthermore, the FOIA documents confirm that the “audit” did not look at a single ballot and appeared to be confused about whether it was investigating 4 or 6 counties.

Read ���� TGP
Learn more ���� Last GA Update
Texas is looking into a forensic audit; Originally Posted by bambino
Careful with that audit, might find out Biden won Texas. That would be epic.
Direct quotes are not “claims”. We’ve shown direct quotes of ridiculously stupid things Trump says and you guys pretend it’s “out of context”. Just face it. You’re so far up Trumps ass you’re brushing his teeth for him. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
We've done the same thing with Biden he's been saying stupid shit since the 80's.Liberals don't want to talk about that idiot.
  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2021, 08:31 AM
Direct quotes are not “claims”. We’ve shown direct quotes of ridiculously stupid things Trump says and you guys pretend it’s “out of context”. Just face it. You’re so far up Trumps ass you’re brushing his teeth for him. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Please post the 'direct quotes ' and reference your allegations

And please (referring to all 'liberals poster) cease the demeaning, dehumanizing, and insulting references to those of a different political opinion.

Thank you - 1b1