Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar
What happened that mattered this week in impeachment

How ignorant do you have to be to continue support for that fat lying bastard ?
That fucking liar has been deceiving his followers since he rode down that escalator.

MAGA...manipulating America’s gullible assholes.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Rhetoric much -- to much cnn for you ,,,,,
LexusLover's Avatar
How ignorant do you have to be to continue support for that fat lying bastard ? Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So asks an incompetent, lazy, retired, firefighter who is still living off the government tit after living off the government tit all his life. Talk about ignorant and incredible!
Hotrod511's Avatar
What happened that mattered this week in impeachment

nothing but I have TDS Originally Posted by Jaxass66

LexusLover's Avatar
Making SchiftyShit ... a "significant witness" to call at the Senate Trial.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What happened that mattered this week in impeachment

How ignorant do you have to be to continue support for that fat lying bastard ?
That fucking liar has been deceiving his followers since he rode down that escalator.

MAGA...manipulating America’s gullible assholes. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

you simply can't get it that Clinton was such a terrible candidate that many voters voted for Trump as a vote against her. the same thing is going to happen again. either Biden or Warren are a huge turnoff to many Democrats and Independents. most Republicans of course wouldn't vote for these two on principle alone. the so-called anti-Trump Republicans won't vote for them either. don't bother to yabber about the popular vote. the game is the electoral college. interesting that your DemonRats love it when it favors them and hate it the moment it doesn't. yet you yabber about Trump's so-called repeated violation of the Constitution. finally, Trump's results are tangible and many voters vote with their wallets. times are good in the US but not so much elsewhere. once again the US is experiencing strong economic times while the rest of the world falls off a cliff. these world leaders that were supposed to own Trump are scrambling to hold their countries together. Merkel won't run again due to the huge backlash of her Diversity bullshit. Marcon has yellow vest riots. Trudeau quickly re-negotiated trade with the US because he knew it was unfair and Trump called him on it. if he had the cards to play he would have gone all in but he folded. some leaders, eh?

and then there are the people that voted for Trump for his America First stance, which is working. the proof is obvious in the job market and the economy. even illegal border crossings are down, despite the Democrats wanting to plant a wet sloppy kiss on every wretch that can make it to the border. hard core Democrats will vote for any idiot the Demoracts nominate even mayor Buttplug or that lunatic Sanders. at lest Bernie says he's a commie unlike the rest who try to hide it. this isn't going the way the Democrats expected. not their nomination process which has been a clown show and more clowns are coming out of the closet like Bloomerpants. and some Obama admin idiot. who's next? the Queen Clown herself? this farce of an impeachment is actually strengthening Trump's re-election chances. even many Democrats don't get the so-called Quid Pro Quo/Bribery angle because there simply isn't any evidence of it. not one so-called expert witness has disputed any part of the released transcript. the Democrat's refusal to bring the whistleblower to testify is making their case look weaker by the day. he's the linchpin right? well bring him forward! this noise by Schiff that he isn't needed due to all this "overwhelming" evidence to substantiate the initial complaint is ridiculous, as i stated not one of them have anything else to say except "Orange Man BAD!". mere opinion nothing more. the Senate won't vote in favor to remove Trump not out of some vast right wing conspiracy (yeah, Clinton said that bahaa) but because there is no evidence to support it. let's see how many Democrats actually vote for removal when the Senate calls their witnesses?

all of the remaining Democratic Senators still in the race will be forced to recuse themselves for the obvious conflict of interest and Roberts will be the one to do it not McConnell. Warren has already said she'd vote to remove Trump before any of the testimony even happened. what "evidence" did she know before there was any evidence? a clear bias. in a courtroom she'd be stricken from the jury pool in a microsecond. several others like Sanders have also stated such bias as to be tainted (here's to u pyramider) that they simply cannot take the oath for the impeachment proceedings in any good faith whatsoever.

McConnell will hold a trial so the nation can see the full extent of this political farce. Schiff is already trying to weasel out of it but he knows he can't. what are his options? refuse to appear at his own impeachment process that began in the House under his leadership? bhaahaa. yeah, that looks good doesn't it? take the 5th on every question? worse! Schiff has put himself into a no-win situation and he knows it. but he's the sharpest knife the Democrats have, right? hand picked by Pelosi over Nadler to lead this to the finish line. yeah .. okay. Trump isn't going to removed because there is no evidence to support it and even many Democratic senators know it. lastly, my advice to you and all the rest of the Trump haters here is ..


Jaxson66's Avatar
So asks an incompetent, lazy, retired, firefighter who is still living off the government tit after living off the government tit all his life. Talk about ignorant and incredible! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Everyone look at my little trumptard troll, ain’t he cute.

Run along and get your atta boy out of the cult coffer
Jaxson66's Avatar
More than 500 law professors say Trump committed ‘impeachable conduct’

There is overwhelming evidence that President Trump betrayed his oath of office by seeking to use presidential power to pressure a foreign government to help him distort an American election, for his personal and political benefit, at the direct expense of national security interests as determined by Congress,” the group of professors wrote. “His conduct is precisely the type of threat to our democracy that the Founders feared when they included the remedy of impeachment in the Constitution.”
LexusLover's Avatar
[B]Everyone look at my little trumptard troll, ain’t he cute. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
More than 500 law professors say Trump committed ‘impeachable conduct’ Originally Posted by Jaxson66

If you keep repeating bullshit ... soon you began to believe it.

Is Obmainable in the 500?

Out of roughly 17,000 of them! (BLS!!!!)

"Captain" ... keep sopping up on the taxpayers' money! Too bad you didn't get an education with a PEL Grant!!!!
What happened that mattered this week in impeachment

How ignorant do you have to be to continue support for that fat lying bastard ?
That fucking liar has been deceiving his followers since he rode down that escalator.

MAGA...manipulating America’s gullible assholes. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Did President Trump hurt your pussy again?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Did President Trump hurt your pussy again? Originally Posted by gnadfly
No, but l bet the fat lying bastards ass is hurting from getting his ass reamed by Pelosi this week
  • oeb11
  • 12-08-2019, 08:13 AM
j666- all the law professors in the US don't amount to even one Senator's vote!
Not that One has read or has the slightest regard for the Constitution.

Typical DPST propaganda!LOL
Jaxson66's Avatar
Phone logs in impeachment report renew concern about security of Trump communications

President Trump has routinely communicated with his personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, and other individuals speaking on cellphones vulnerable to monitoring by Russian and other foreign intelligence services, current and former U.S. officials said.
Phone records released this week by the House Intelligence Committee revealed extensive communications between Giuliani, unidentified people at the White House and others involved in the campaign to pressure Ukraine, with no indication that those calls were encrypted or otherwise shielded from foreign surveillance.

But, but, but, Hillary’s emails sniveled the trump party
  • oeb11
  • 12-08-2019, 08:15 AM
TWK - good post above!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Axelrod, done said it" impeached in house , acquitted in senate, " so nothing ( and he's not a fan of Big-T ) sooooooooo
waste of Money and time by our politicians