Don't make the REAL AMERICANS angry

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I could be totally wrong, leastwise by XiNN and MSDNC standards, but that seemed like an actual peaceful protest. Didn't see any graffiti or burning or looting or even yelling and nobody got hurt, 'cepting maybe Joe-mentia's widdle feewins.

2 Originally Posted by Redhot1960
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Ariana Pekary, who worked as a producer on “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell,” quit her job after seven years with the network and wrote a damning resignation letter, characterizing the cable network as a “cancer” that is dividing Americans. She said that her colleagues were smart people with good intentions, but the programming decisions about topics and guests were made according to ratings, which distorts content. She wrote that all the commercial networks function this way. A TV veteran told her, “We are a cancer, and there is no cure, but if you could find a cure, it would change the world.” She said there is no diversity of thought, and factual information is considered too cumbersome for the audience. -GEG
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56... Originally Posted by Redhot1960

We have a chance to fix education in this country right here, right now. I know I let it slip somewhat and it ticks me off. The whole festering education system is too much group-think and indoctrination. Too much focus on feelings. Remember when critical thinking was a thing? Shoot howdy, how about just thinking?

Anyway, we have the know how and technology to rip it away from the State and unions if we can just get our paws on the existing $$ in the system and make parents decide where their kids should get educated. Why in the ever living f^ck do we think the State and teachers unions know what is best?

It's a long term solution to the existing outcome of the product of that system that we are needing to fix.
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Redhot1960's Avatar
This is the type of thing that makes "REAL AMERICANS" angry!

A General, a Walrus, and a “Kill Shot”

Must Read-->

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Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
So basically, there was a small pro-police rally outside of Fort Collins, CO. While Ft. Collins seems a bit left, it is not so much - especially when it involves their children and veterans.

The general gist of it here:

Antifa Beaten After They Allegedly Went After Man In Wheelchair: ‘You Guys Came To The Wrong City’

Several dozen pro-police protesters walked alongside the veteran in the wheelchair, who was carrying an American flag, as they seemingly forced the far-left activists out of the neighborhood. Numerous people who were on the pro-police side said that the far-left activists went after the man in the wheelchair, and suggested that was what ended up starting the fight...

Includes a couple 2 min cell phone videos, if you are in to that with your morning coffee ;-)

Antifa End Up Getting Pummeled In A Ditch After Fight Breaks Out At 'Back The Blue' Rally In Colorado
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This is the type of thing that makes "REAL AMERICANS" angry!

A General, a Walrus, and a “Kill Shot”

Must Read-->

Originally Posted by Redhot1960

so it was the crew of former MI6 (3 british guys) and 1 american lit the fuse that was Flynn's kill shot.

the writer has to be mortified at the way he was used to start this scandal. he had front row seat as to what they were doing.

good of him to reach out to Durham.

don't know if that will make any difference.

doesn't look any of the intel creeps will get charged. McCabe wasn't charged, Strozk wasn't charged, and a few others. yeah, they lost their jobs, but that doesn't seem to be enough.

Durham is supposed to be interviewing Brennan, they say the questions are technical...
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Yesterday, after the active shooter episode, GEPOTUS Trump continued his news conference. One reporter (total hottie - IMHO) asked his 'opinion' of what if Susan "Known Serial Liar" Rice is on the Joe-mentia Biden ticket. His answer is a bit more than expected before he drops the microphone and exits stage Left.


Which poses the Big Ugly question: Are you going to travel to DC to watch them build the gallows on the White House lawn (I'm guessing it will take at least a week), or just wait until hanging day to go? I sure hope AG Barr will play his bagpipes just before they pull the lever and while they are swaying in the breeze.

Hmmm.. forgot it would be Trump running the big show. He most likely would only build a one-holer gallows so he could stretch them, one at a time, to make the show last longer. Likely he would get a small cut on the concessions sold, but expect he would donate it to a worthy charity. And fireworks afterwards.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Yesterday, after the active shooter episode, GEPOTUS Trump continued his news conference. One reporter (total hottie - IMHO) asked his 'opinion' of what if Susan "Known Serial Liar" Rice is on the Joe-mentia Biden ticket. His answer is a bit more than expected before he drops the microphone and exits stage Left.


Which poses the Big Ugly question: Are you going to travel to DC to watch them build the gallows on the White House lawn (I'm guessing it will take at least a week), or just wait until hanging day to go? I sure hope AG Barr will play his bagpipes just before they pull the lever and while they are swaying in the breeze.

Hmmm.. forgot it would be Trump running the big show. He most likely would only build a one-holer gallows so he could stretch them, one at a time, to make the show last longer. Likely he would get a small cut on the concessions sold, but expect he would donate it to a worthy charity. And fireworks afterwards. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Let the Good Times Roll!