Compare Obama, Romney & Johnson

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama ate a dog.
Romney tied his dog to the top of his station wagon.
Johnson looks like someone killed his dog.
BigLouie's Avatar
Big Louie, I gotta agree. It's tough getting by that Morman Shit. I mean, the "Founder" just wanted more pussy.

Almost as tough as "Black Liberation Theology", in which the basic tenant is "it's whiteys fault".
joe bloe's Avatar
I don't think Obama is a Muslim, although he obviously did receive religious instruction in Islam as a child. According to New York Times reporter Nicholas Kristof, Obama can recite the Islamic call to prayer in perfect Arabic. Obama did precisely that in an interview with Kristof in 2007. Obama told Kristof that "the Islamic call to prayer is one of the prettiest sounds on earth".

The is the Adhan, the call to prayer that Obama knows by heart in perfect Arabic. I think most Christians would refuse to recite it let alone memorize it.

God is most great. God is most great.
God is most great. God is most great.
I testify that there is no God except God.
I testify that there is no God except God.
I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Come to prayer! Come to prayer!
Come to success! Come to success!
God is most great. God is most great.
There is none worthy of worship except God.

Source: The Islamic Call to Prayer,

Most of Obama's relatives are Muslims. I believe that Obama has sympathy towards the Islamic world view. I believe it's reasonable to assume that his sympathy for Islam may cause him to be conflicted in waging a war on Islamic terrorism. Obama lived in the largest Islamic country in the world from the age of six to the age of ten; most psychologists agree that early childhood is the most critical age in forming character.

I have to assume that Obama's religious beliefs are probably reflected by the hateful bile spewed by Jeremiah Wright. In my opinion Wright's religious teachings, known as black liberation theology, are not Christian; consequently , I don't believe Obama is a Christian. Obama sat in Wright's church for twenty years listening to racist, anti-semitic, socialist, anti-American rhetoric. Obama only renounced Jeremiah Wright because he was forced to for political reasons.

In my opinion Romney is also not a Christian. I think the teachings of the LDS church are so far from traditional Christian beliefs that it's probably more reasonable to consider his faith as separate from Christianity. Having said that, I don't have any problem with Romney's faith. Romney also has the added advantage of not being a Marxist. Mormons are probably the most law abiding hardest working people in the country. If we all behaved like the average Mormon the country would be much improved.
BigLouie's Avatar
If we all behaved like the average Mormon the country would be much improved. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You mean get a lot of wives and tell everyone that God lives on Kolob?
joe bloe's Avatar
You mean get a lot of wives and tell everyone that God lives on Kolob? Originally Posted by BigLouie
Speaking of bigamists and polygamy. Hussein's father was married to another woman living in Kenya when he married seventeen year old Stanley Ann Dunham, Hussein's Marxist mom. That makes Hussein's father a polygamist and it makes Hussein a bastard since his father's marriage to Stanley Ann was illegal.

On the other hand, Mormons haven't practiced polygamy since 1890. As far as God living on Kolob, who knows, it's no crazier than any other religious belief. It's all faith based, reason has nothing to do with it.

If Romney had gone to a church like Hussein went to for twenty years, he would be finished in politics. The double standard is nauseating.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Uh, Gary Johnson is starting to look pretty good.