When you're horny you seek a provider for one of her famed car dates
When she isn't available, you try to find other means of satiating your sexual deviancy.
When you do that, you try to find shady massage establishments
Like foot joy
Then you are greeted by a semi attractive asian lady
You let her lead you into the back
Then you get greeted by a dude, a fucking dude named Jack
Jack does odd things to you:
He jerks off all 10 fingers and toes
He caresses (massages) your calves
He jerks off your calves
He jerks off the sides of your feet
When you're happy the experience is over he massages your thighs (at this point, he may get punched in the fucking face if he touches your dick)
He then repeatedly attempts to penetrate your feet with multiple appendages
He whispers in your ear to flip (cringeworthy)
He then massages your ass, your MOTHER FUCKING ASS!!!
He repeatedly bangs his groinal area against the top of your head in an attempt to massage the small of your back
He then commences to massage......your MOTHER FUCKING ASS!!!
He jerks off your arms
Don't let Jack jerk off your arms
Get DirectTV, watch porn, and jerk off (or just wait until slim is available)
Big shout out to Slim for being responsible for the single most violating, traumatic, homo-erotic experiences in my life!!!