Hillary says grieving mother is wrong!

bambino's Avatar

What a treacherous, venomous, lying asshole. I guess she forgot the email to her daughter the night of the slaughter saying it was a terror attack.
LexusLover's Avatar
HillariousNoMore's "war on women" ...

"The mother was "grieving" and is "confused"! Besides a lot of people have died from terrorism, so what's this "mother" so upset about ... she only lost one son?"

That will be a good commercial for early October 2016.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
HillariousNoMore's "war on women" ...

"The mother was "grieving" and is "confused"! Besides a lot of people have died from terrorism, so what's this "mother" so upset about ... she only lost one son?"

That will be a good commercial for early October 2016. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It would be a good commercial for now but Bernie doesn't have the fire in the belly.
The Haggy Dyke from Arkansas is LYING...

The Haggy Dyke from Arkansas is LYING...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfVc23eJ3jo Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Anybody with a bit of common sense knows that Hillary Clinton and the whole Obama administration lied about Benghazi. As the old saying goes, "What goes around comes around" history will not be good to the members of the Obama Administration, especially Hillary Clinton.

Anybody with a bit of common sense knows that Hillary Clinton and the whole Obama administration lied about Benghazi. As the old saying goes, "What goes around comes around" history will not be good to the members of the Obama Administration, especially Hillary Clinton.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Hillary's State Department backed the ouster of Gaddafi, allowing a power vacuum that resulted in radical Islamic Terrorist to go on the offensive uninhibited.

She then decided to set up a embassy of sorts, but refused to furnish adequate protection on the pretense that it might " offend" the Muslims.

She then decided to send an openly Gay Man as an ambassador to a region that believes that homosexuality is an abomination punishable by death.

When the enviable happenned, Hillary's entire State Department procrastinated, and exhibited indecision that resulted in the over run of our compound and the murder of 4 Americans.

Hillary, in conjunction with Susan Rice, then concocted a false narrative that deflected blame away from them, and attempted to cover up their gross ineptitude in Foriegn Matters.

All in the while Hillary was in the process of doing all State Department communications on a private e-mail server so she could hide and delete unflattering communications and control the narrative concerning her failures and the corruption in the Clinton Foundation as nothing more than a money laundering scheme for her and her husband.

And she continues to lie about the entire thing.

Does that pretty well cover it?

What a treacherous, venomous, lying asshole. I guess she forgot the email to her daughter the night of the slaughter saying it was a terror attack. Originally Posted by bambino
This is the mother of the IT guy that predicted his death on the night of the attack on a gaming blog because he noticed his Libyan guards had given up their posts. This mother isn't the only one making the charge. One other father who's son had died that night wrote a note in his diary that Hillary and others had mentioned the video being at fault.

But let's get real. The MSM doesn't want to press the issue because it would make Obama look bad.

It would be a good commercial for now but Bernie doesn't have the fire in the belly. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
As LL points out, it's going to be a 3AM phone call commercial now, or 6 months from now.

BTW, I have a lot more respect for Ramos now.
Hillary's State Department backed the ouster of Gaddafi, allowing a power vacuum that resulted in radical Islamic Terrorist to go on the offensive uninhibited.

She then decided to set up a embassy of sorts, but refused to furnish adequate protection on the pretense that it might " offend" the Muslims.

She then decided to send an openly Gay Man as an ambassador to a region that believes that homosexuality is an abomination punishable by death.

When the enviable happenned, Hillary's entire State Department procrastinated, and exhibited indecision that resulted in the over run of our compound and the murder of 4 Americans.

Hillary, in conjunction with Susan Rice, then concocted a false narrative that deflected blame away from them, and attempted to cover up their gross ineptitude in Foriegn Matters.

All in the while Hillary was in the process of doing all State Department communications on a private e-mail server so she could hide and delete unflattering communications and control the narrative concerning her failures and the corruption in the Clinton Foundation as nothing more than a money laundering scheme for her and her husband.

And she continues to lie about the entire thing.

Does that pretty well cover it? Originally Posted by Jackie S

Except the part about uni-0zombies wanting to get weapons to ISIS...

Except the part about uni-0zombies wanting to get weapons to ISIS...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That's correct Benghazi was all about weapons. So what would that have to do with the death of Christopher Stevens? Stevens was the middleman of the illegal weapons transfers. Stevens made several requests for upgraded security, which we all know was denied. The reason why so much talk over emails is because there is believed to be one email possibly sent by Stevens to the state Dept that if Security at the Libyan Embassy wasn't increased his involvement in the gun running operation would seize. So that's the other half of the equation.

LexusLover's Avatar
That's correct Benghazi was all about weapons. So what would that have to do with the death of Christopher Stevens? Stevens was the middleman of the illegal weapons transfers. Stevens made several requests for upgraded security, which we all know was denied. The reason why so much talk over emails is because there is believed to be one email possibly sent by Stevens to the state Dept that if Security at the Libyan Embassy wasn't increased his involvement in the gun running operation would seize. So that's the other half of the equation.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Somewhere buried in all the misinformation are the reports from the Brits that they (the Brits) left their "weapons" behind in the "custody" of the U.S. personnel "in country" in Libya. If one actually believes the locals didn't know there was a cache of weapons in U.S. compounds then "the one" has no business being "President" of anything, much less, the U.S. Does "one" guard an armory?

Remember: This is the wife who forgot she put years of cancelled checks in the shoe boxes in her closet and didn't know her husband was getting his knob polished in the other end of "their" home! Did I mention also she didn't know that one can have more than one email account on an IPhone or (with her huband) that DNA testing can be conducted on drippings from a blowjob?

1. she is a pathalogical liar.
2. she is a complete dumbass.
3. All of the above.

We will have already had one for eight years. Why do you all want another one for another eight years?
it wasn't just sean smith's mom stating hillary lied to her

members of other families of the slain said much the same thing:

from media reports:

"hillary clinton appeared at Andrews Air Force Base, where she spoke with family members of those slain.

tyrone woods’s father reported that she told him, “We are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son.”

sean smith’s mother said, “She said it was because of the video.” .

glen doherty’s sister said she chose “in that moment to basically perpetuate what she knew was untrue.”

then to us the American people she said in public remarks:

“We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with.”

her public remarks give much credence to what the families are and have been saying, as if anyone needs a bolster of credence when it comes to a dispute with hillary
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So I guess you boyz has made up your minds who you gwine vote fo.

I don't remember this much outrage over My Pet Goat. I spoze it was OK then...

Is this another Benghazi thread?
Does being in the process of grieving make someone incapable of being wrong?
bambino's Avatar
Does being in the process of grieving make someone incapable of being wrong? Originally Posted by eatfibo
I suppose so. But in this case Hillary flat out lied. There are many citations on this. So what's your point? She fucking lied to these people. Pure and simple.
bambino's Avatar
So I guess you boyz has made up your minds who you gwine vote fo.

I don't remember this much outrage over My Pet Goat. I spoze it was OK then...

Is this another Benghazi thread? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No, this isn't another Benghazi thread pigfuck. Just another illustration of what a lying, despicable swine Hillary is. You stupid, lazy, dirty pig.