gps.. my sides.. omg, in tears laughing so hard

one of my favorite things on eccie... be scrolling, browsing new ads i havent seen yet for potential fun time.

find a halfway decent looking chick, say to self "she doesnt look terrible, lets see."

*Scroll down showcase to see rates*

while scrolling thinking
"if shes got like, about an under 120-140 special.. this could be the plan for tonight.."

// get to rates = 500/ hr

sit stunned for a minute and just stare at rate in total disbelief


bahahahahaha 😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂

mannnn, this site sometimes. provides more than one type of entertainment.

thankyou eccie, that made my night and didnt even need to hit an atm.lololol

anyways, if anyone wants to share in the laugh, link below to the one that had me feeling like id broke all my ribs laughing :
Alcar0314's Avatar
CBJ to boot. Hilarious!
ck1942's Avatar

Only one no on her two and half pages of reviews.

WALDT! (and pay accordingly)

Stewie griffen's Avatar
More power to her. Its been said before on here that lots of ladies use their rates to control trafic, if she can get away with charging 500 hr good for her. Obviously you are not in her target group, as i am not either. But if someone is willing to pay it great.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-19-2018, 11:28 PM
Different people find humor in different places.

I find it humerous that you describe that body as "not terrible".

I suspect she would laugh out loud at the thought of seeing you for 120.