Happy Holidays?!

Wow, there has been a lot of animosity on the boards lately. Merry fucking Christmas. Happy goddam Hanukkah.

The holiday season is stressful. Period. Maybe you don't have enough money to buy everything you want. Maybe you have too much money but don't know what to get for someone. Maybe you're alone. Maybe your entire family is coming to visit. Hell, I was getting stressed just trying to spell 'Hanukkah' correctly, lol. Whatever the reason, your stress level has skyrocketed through the fucking roof. And it would seem like this place has become your only way to vent. I get it. It's easy. It's anonymous. You could even argue that being able to vent on this board is better than therapy.

Every single one of us sitting behind our computer or phone or tablet is a person. More than likely a stressed out person with real world problems and little to no hope in sight. Sure, there are some personas on here who are nothing like their real world counterparts (that point has been argued to death already). But behind that persona is a person. A real person with real feelings. And while someone may come off as an asshole, fucktard, bitch, or a cunt, that may be a facade. Their front might be nothing more than a defense mechanism - someone just hiding a lot of pain - especially during the insanely stressful holiday season.

Can we all agree to a truce? A cease and desist? No apologies. Just let it go.

Let. It. Go.

These arguments we're having all over the boards - are they going to matter a month from now? Six months from now? A year? Fuck no! They'll be buried down on pages 12, 56, and 123.

We don't need to add more stress to what we're all already carrying around. There are so many more bigger issues out there than hating on each other on a hooker board. Find your peace. Find your joy.

And if all else fails, can you just hold off until January 1st?!?!
speedy's coming's Avatar
I find a lot of times those that you argue with can turn into friends Just takes a little effort!
I find a lot of times those that you argue with can turn into friends Just takes a little effort! Originally Posted by speedy's coming
Stressed much Claire?!?

Let it out! Wait- I thought that's what you just got the Sybian for, or have you already wore it out

Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Joyful Kwanzaa!
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 12-12-2013, 11:45 AM
Yup. In the end we find that even the Grinch had a heart. So there is hope.
Lil' Tex's Avatar
We rotor-heads are a laid back bunch, aren't we?

I am not stressed! I am hanging out lookin' at pretty girls with good company!
STRESS FREE THATS ME !!! Lol I haven't worked in a year.....still haven't it's just fun for me now that I've graduated!
Let's all be honest now!
If anyone has any questions about my post what I say or why pm me!
Since cry baby's get everything deleted that's truly important!!!
Let's have some relaxing truth times this holiday
Don't talk about it be about it! If you can dish it out take it!!
don't cry snitch!

Happy holidays be safe everyone

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Claire, mellow is mah middle name, sugarpuss. H'yar's how Ah keep on a-keepin' on, 24/7, 365.

Ah jacks off a lot. Keeps meh purty mellow. Well, tha jackin' off and them cold beers keeps meh purty mellow. And tha whisky. And them thar funny cat videos. Thems keeps meh mellow.

An' more jackin' off helps, too. Unless Ah'm too pooped ta pop. Then Ah jus' plays meh sum music videos 'til Ah falls asleep.

Then when Ah gits up, Ah jacks off sum more, but with tha other hand so Ah don't sprain ma good wrist. An' Ah might switch thangs up with sum o' thet two-part man 'n' woman KY jelly thet heats up a l'il. Ah puts tha one fer tha guys on mah pecker and Ah slather up ol' Rosie with tha one fer tha gals. Jus' don't git thet shee'yit down yer peehole. Burns like a MUTHAFUCKA. Voice uv 'xperience h'yar.

An' when Ah'm done, mebbe Ah has meh a l'il bit o' cake. An' a burger. Thet keeps meh purty mellow. Thet an' havin' meh a toss't salad oncet inna while. Jus' ta help meh poop all reg'lar an' all. Nuthin' makes soul more persnickety an' mean than bein' all constimapated. An' then a l'il more jackin' off fer dessert.

Beagle's Avatar
Well said, Claire.....got caught up in two of those myself.....those threads died almost as soon as they started.....neither sides kept fanning the flames, and I'm just back to my regular browsing.

With the number of personalities on the board, it's easy for conflicts to arise when some individuals don't know how to have civil discussions. Part of me feels I could just ignore an asshole and let the thread die quickly. The other part of me wants to shut down the assholes or they will keep going about their business like they have been doing. A third part of me is doing it because I had some time to kill, and figured it'd be fun to stick my dick in the bee hive

To the ones who got caught up with me lately......PEACE!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Assholes? Assholes? Watch yerself, Rover, 'r Ah might haveta sue ya fer Daffynishun o' Character.
Lone wanderer's Avatar
Well said Claire. Happy holidays to all.
Good job Claire!!! I agree completely!