Cigar Afficianados??

DarthMaul's Avatar
Are there any cigar smokers in this place? I started to post this in the Hobbyists only are but I realize some ladies smoke also.

If you want to catch "Old Darth" on Saturday night, I usually go to "10 Downing Street" on Kirby & Westheimer and have a:

Avo #2 Tubo
Rocky Patel - Decade
Rocky Patel Vintage 1992

I love the Vintage Rocky Patels.
I was able to get a hook up on Cuban cigars a few years ago and now that is virtually all I smoke.
My favorites are the Partagas series P and Montecristo #2.
There are very few places that allow cigar smoking anymore.
Woodrows if you sit on the patio.
I'e seen 10 Downing street, it's close to my house, but I've never stopped there.
Sarcastro's Avatar
Good topic for a thread. A few of my favorites:

Ashton VSG
Ashton San Cristobal
Padron 1964 Anniversary
La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero

There's also a cigar manufacturer in League City that puts out some nice, reasonably priced sticks. His shop is "El Cubano". The only other brick and mortar place I infrequently visit is the "Smoke Ring" in Webster--great selection, nice people, prices a bit high but who cares?
Downing Street is one of my favorite get aways. It is the only place you can smoke a cigar inside a bar within Houston city limits and they have the best scotch and bourbon selection in town. I probably average getting by there about twice a month.

I was there this past Thursday night and had a Padron 80th Anniversary with an Ardbeg Uigeadail (among other things). What a great evening. Oh yeah, two of the ladies in the group that I was with were smoking cigars. Now that's down right sexy.

I'll also agree with Sarcastro that El Cubano in League City is a great little shop. They roll their own cigars and the family that owns it is top notch.

I'm on the south side of town and am open for a cigar night out if anyone is interested. Ladies are welcome.

If you are interested in a cigar discussion group, is a great place to make friends and read about cigars.
Cigar discussion on a hobby board.

My mind went straight to one person. Did yours, too?

Htowner's Avatar
Lol, I had a waiteress at Gold Cub Clintonize my cigar a few years back.

I am with Gator on his choices and he has been nice to me on those smokes. Thanks Gator.
Good f'n taste, Darth and Sarcastro. I like the Patel Decades and the Padron '64 also. I also like Patel's Sungrown and Fuente's Anejo. Have you checked out Serious Cigars up off 1960? That's probably the biggest humidor in the city and they host events pretty regularly, including the Texas Cigar Festival next month. (Already have my ticket...)

Also, here's a link to a local girl's cigar blog. I've met her at a few different events around town. She's sexy and really knows her shit.
I am a fan of the Cohiba, Montecristo as well as the Romeo y Julieta. However I used to have a supply line being I was able to get from within the "family" when I was married.

10 Downing Street?.... I will have to check it out, thanks.

As for what CPI posted, here are two that came to my mind.

DarthMaul's Avatar
Good topic for a thread. A few of my favorites:
Ashton VSG
Ashton San Cristobal
Padron 1964 Anniversary
La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero

There's also a cigar manufacturer in League City that puts out some nice, reasonably priced sticks. His shop is "El Cubano". Originally Posted by Sarcastro
El Cubano huh....Sounds like I need to visit. I have seen Ashton a lot but never tried one.

Ender there is also a "Serious Cigars" on Richmond/610. I didn't know they had another location.

LonesomeDove - I have seen some Cohiba but the ones I have tried have been...not good. Any suggestions?

LongHorn we once had a cigar discussion at a day time luncheon...waaaay back when. Let me know the date bud.
Nothing sexier than a woman smoking a cigar....
Unfortunately, the Cohiba's I am thinking of were from Vancouver and Whistler BC when I was there back a few years or when I used to get them from my ex's cousins when they went to Cuba. Like you, the ones I have found recently have not been very desirable so I have focused more on the Montecrito's and Romeo y Julieta. Sorry I can't really help you there.
boardman's Avatar
Cigar discussion on a hobby board.

My mind went straight to one person. Did yours, too?

Originally Posted by cpi3000

Yes, Damn sure did!
The Prince's Avatar
I've always been a fan of the Butera Cedro Fino.
Padron 1964 Anniversary Originally Posted by Sarcastro
The 1926 is even better but they have to have maduro wrappers!

I used to have a fantasy that involved a fine cigar...never did it and I may put that back on my list.

I've got my ticket to the Texas Cigar Festival. Maybe we'll meet up there if we can find each other.

If you like cigars and sexy women, check out this site. I've met her around Houston and she is gorgeous.
Sarcastro's Avatar
Tell me more about the Texas Cigar Festival, please. Is it something the wife might enjoy--some wine, nice hors d'oeuvres, pleasant atmosphere, etc.? She enjoys the puff of a cigar now and then, and the only possible way for me to attend something like this on that particular Saturday night is to drag her with me.

A $100 per ticket with a grab bag of 20 cigars it might even be cost effective presuming that the vendors aren't giving away stale dog rockets and cheap cigarillos.