Houston's Hobby Reputation, why so negative??

Hey there Ladies and Gents. I am considering a couple trips to the Houston area this Fall.
Word around town is that Houston is a terrible place for the ladies to visit. Now, I have heard both sides. I have heard that there are Zero gentlemen in the area, all jerks. I have also heard there is a lack of/shortage of quality women, mostly tatted/thuggish/ghetto chicks.

So, the ladies blame the gents, and the gents blame the Ladies.

Guys, do you feel as though you have a variety of quality ladies visit the area? I know, that Houston is a large, well established city with many suburbs. Nothing about Houston is a broke, sad, one horse town.

So what is the deal? I do not understand why you guys and ladies can not get your act together.

Are these rumors I am hearing true? Or are these rumors started by the houston ladies to discourage visiting ladies?

Gents, are most of you jerks or gentlemen?
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Have safe travels if you decide to make the trip hon

ramblinman69's Avatar
I'm relatively positive you will find out the answer to your query very shortly Miss April
I'm relatively positive you will find out the answer to your query very shortly Miss April Originally Posted by ramblinman69
Especially after she essentially just insulted all of the hobbyists and providers here. This should get interesting.
Houston is fun, and as far as work, just be versatile ie use different multiple ways to advertise. Good luck.
Oh yes. Might need to set your instant email notifications on this one.
Prepare for the trolls that you've heard of to come out...they will post on your thread soon enough or you can just peruse throughout the co-ed threads and they will stick out like a sore thumb.

There are some very classy and reputable providers in Houston as well...although from a hobbyist perspective you have to sift through a lot of the trashy hookers to find them - ijs.
LOL have fun getting any houston providers to give you references now that you have called them all thugs and ghetto... wow... even I wouldn't of posted some "shit" like this back in the day
Especially after she essentially just insulted all of the hobbyists and providers here. This should get interesting. Originally Posted by Swamp Donkey

Not insulting babe, Inquiring... These are the rumors in the mill. Set me straight, whats the real story?
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 08-11-2014, 09:44 AM
It's a mix and match over here.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Texas is a glutted market. As a result, often it's difficult to get work while visiting in Houston.

It's a wonderful city. Probably some of the best food in the US. CRAZY and aggressive drivers, though.

From my perspective, you can do alright in Houston. MY problem with Houston is it can really be feast or famine for someone like myself.

I didn't check your showcase, or even your profile, before contributing to your topic. But it's a fairly good guess that if you're attractive and present yourself well, you'll do fine if you visit. Of course, one never knows unless you try.

As far as the rumors go, some of the most gorgeous (sporting) ladies that I've known are from Houston. But there is going to be the lower echelon, too.

Isn't that true for every location?

Best of luck to you. Houston seems to have a bad reputation because of a few bad apples that are frequent, and often hostile, posters on this board.

Try to not judge the town by those few naysayers. It's not representative of the whole.

Grace Preston's Avatar
Houston, at least in my experience, is a hit and miss city. Sometimes I come down there and do fabulous, other times-- not so much. But I've never met anyone in Houston that I'd classify as a jerk or a bad guy. There is a core group of opinionated gents here, but I've never been one to get mad at someone just because their opinion doesn't match my own.

For me, I have a few regular clients that I see each time I come down. If they can't see me, then I simply don't come. That way, even if the trip is dead, I'll at least make my expenses and a little extra for my efforts.

I didn't take the time to look at your Showcase, so I can't honestly give you an assessment of how well or poorly you might have done had you not peed in the pool so quickly.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
LOL have fun getting any houston providers to give you references now that you have called them all thugs and ghetto... wow... even I wouldn't of posted some "shit" like this back in the day Originally Posted by RetiredFox
She didn't call escorts and clients names. I think that some of you misread what the OP wrote.

She was asking for some clarification from the rumors that she heard. All of you jumping up and saying how insulting she was being didn't interpret the question correctly.

The statement of "getting your act together" wasn't completely polite, but it has some merit as well. Houston does have a reputation for being rather tough and often, just mean.

There have been other Houston-centric review boards (and social groups) that are anything but kind.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Gents, are most of you jerks or gentlemen? Originally Posted by April Cox
Houston seems to have a bad reputation because of a few bad apples that are frequent, and often hostile, posters on this board.

Try to not judge the town by those few naysayers. It's not representative of the whole. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I've read that the problem is just a "handful of assholes".
DallasRain's Avatar
I have been going to Houston over 10 years.......I have never had problem and always do quite well there!

I think every town has it's ahare of "unattractive or unwanted" problems,but if ya give it a chance,you might just have fun!