Sweden throws in the towel. Who's next?

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Sweden plans to expel up to 80,000 asylum-seekers: minister


Stockholm (AFP) - Sweden intends to expel up to 80,000 migrants who arrived in 2015 and whose application for asylum has been rejected, Interior Minister Anders Ygeman said Wednesday.

"We are talking about 60,000 people but the number could climb to 80,000," the minister was quoted as saying by Swedish media, adding that the government had asked the police and authorities in charge of migrants to organise their expulsion.

The proposed measure was announced as Europe struggles to deal with a crisis that has seen tens of thousands of migrants arrive on Greek beaches, with the passengers -- mostly fleeing conflict in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan -- undeterred by cold wintry conditions.

The UN says more than 46,000 people have arrived in Greece so far this year, with more than 170 people killed making the dangerous crossing.

Ygeman said the expulsions, normally carried out using commercial flights, would have to be done using specially chartered aircraft, given the large numbers, staggered over several years.

Sweden, which is home to 9.8 million people, is one of the European Union countries that has taken in the largest number of refugees in relation to its population. Sweden accepted more than 160,000 asylum seekers last year.

But the number of migrant arrivals has dropped dramatically since Sweden enacted systematic photo ID checks on travellers on January 4.

Swedish officials on Tuesday called for greater security at overcrowded asylum centres a day after the fatal stabbing of an employee at a refugee centre for unaccompanied youths.

The alleged attacker was a young male residing at a centre for youngsters aged 14 to 17 in Molndal near Gothenburg on Sweden's west coast.

The employee was 22-year-old Alexandra Mezher, according to Swedish media reports, whose family was originally from Lebanon. A motive for the attack was not immediately clear.

Her death has led to questions about overcrowded conditions inside some centres, with too few adults and employees to take care of children, many traumatised by war.

In neighbouring Denmark, meanwhile, the government this week approved legislation to seize the valuables of refugees in the hope of limiting the flow of migrants.

Some have likened the Danish proposals to the confiscation of gold and other valuables from Jews by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

i'll say this, i don't agree with Denmark's approach, it does reek of 1930's Germany. they should just ban taking in any more refugees. Speaking of my distant homeland, when will Germany stop trying to whitewash the actions of these "refugees" and not only stop taking in more, but expelling them too?

it's only a matter of time before more European countries see these people for what they are and stop offering up their women as sex dolls for a bunch of Muslim heathens.
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"President Obama Signs Executive Order Saying US Will Take All Expelled Refugees"
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"President Obama Signs Executive Order Saying US Will Take All Expelled Refugees" Originally Posted by Jackie S
just drop the expelled part and that's about right for Obama's intentions.
Now they will loose the title of "Rape Capital of the World"...


Sweden began opening its doors to Muslim immigrants in the 1970s. Today it pays a high price for having done so. The group suffering the severest consequences of such an open door policy has been Swedish women.

As Muslim men immigrated to Sweden, they brought with them an Islamic culture sanctioning rape. It is a culture bad enough inherently in the treatment of its own women. Under sharia, Muslim women serve little more purpose beyond catering to their husbands’ sexual demands. A non-submissive wife runs the risk of being raped by her husband.

But under sharia, this rape culture also impacts upon Swedish women as they are “infidels” and, as such, are — according to Allah’s teachings — sanctioned targets for rape by Muslim men. Such an Islamic belief system has born witness to a drastic increase in rapes in Sweden — more than a thousand fold — since first opening its doors to Muslim immigration.

This is some rare positive news, TWK! Maybe it's contagious?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Now they will loose the title of "Rape Capital of the World"...


This is some rare positive news, TWK! Maybe it's contagious?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
not until after ..

Friday, January 20
Inauguration Day 2017

bambino's Avatar
Lock up the Swedish bikini team. The Huns are coming.
  • DSK
  • 01-28-2016, 06:31 PM
Now they will loose the title of "Rape Capital of the World"...


This is some rare positive news, TWK! Maybe it's contagious?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
From your article link:

"A 1996 Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention report bears this out. It noted that Muslim immigrants from North Africa were 23 times more likely to commit rape than Swedish men. It is no wonder why today Sweden is deemed the rape capital of the Western world."

Anyone who wants Muslim men into the country should be considered a traitor rather than an open minded liberal.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
From your article link:

"A 1996 Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention report bears this out. It noted that Muslim immigrants from North Africa were 23 times more likely to commit rape than Swedish men. It is no wonder why today Sweden is deemed the rape capital of the Western world."

Anyone who wants Muslim men into the country should be considered a traitor rather than an open minded liberal. Originally Posted by DSK

Meanwhile in Denmark, a teenage woman used pepper spray to fend off an attack by .. you guessed it .. "possible immigrant" assailant.

since it just so happens to be illegal to have pepper spray in Denmark, the Victim herself will likely be charged for possessing it. if she hadn't reported it, no one would have known, but by A) defending herself B) reporting a sexual assault this woamn is likely to be fined!

Outrage in Denmark as 17yo girl faces fine for using pepper spray against sex attacker

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
From your article link:

"A 1996 Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention report bears this out. It noted that Muslim immigrants from North Africa were 23 times more likely to commit rape than Swedish men. It is no wonder why today Sweden is deemed the rape capital of the Western world."

Anyone who wants Muslim men into the country should be considered a traitor rather than an open minded liberal. Originally Posted by DSK
and the liberals want to skewer Trump for banning Muslims! Right!!!! Trump could run for Prime Minister of Sweden on a "Deport/Ban all Muslim's" platform and win every fuckin' vote. well .. every non-muslim vote that is ..

i wonder what the infidel libtards would say after their wives and daughters have been raped? Tolerance! we must be tolerant!

we ALL know what Obama says about Islam don't we??


Obama: "Islam Is A Religion That Preaches Peace"

right! let's all peacefully go rape women!! and "forbidden topic!"

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Lock up the Swedish bikini team. The Huns are coming. Originally Posted by bambino
that's one refugee group we should take!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Finland's about had it with them too ..

Germany is a it's end...


"It's the North Africans fault"...

  • DSK
  • 01-28-2016, 09:04 PM
and the liberals want to skewer Trump for banning Muslims! Right!!!! Trump could run for Prime Minister of Sweden on a "Deport/Ban all Muslim's" platform and win every fuckin' vote. well .. every non-muslim vote that is ..

i wonder what the infidel libtards would say after their wives and daughters have been raped? Tolerance! we must be tolerant!

we ALL know what Obama says about Islam don't we??


Obama: "Islam Is A Religion That Preaches Peace"

right! let's all peacefully go rape women!! and "forbidden topic!"

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Hopefully the Muslims will admit Obama is an idiot for that statement, and then Obama will retire in disgrace.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hopefully the Muslims will admit Obama is an idiot for that statement, and then Obama will retire in disgrace. Originally Posted by DSK
and that in itself proves Islam is a violent religion. name one prominent imam or cleric anywhere in the world that openly condemns this kind of behavior? name one.

Obama calls for something that he, a muslin himself, knows will never happen. the Muslims won't police their own, because they preach the Holy Koran (sic) word for word. and believe it too.
and that in itself proves Islam is a violent religion. name one prominent imam or cleric anywhere in the world that openly condemns this kind of behavior? name one.

Obama calls for something that he, a muslin himself, knows will never happen. the Muslims won't police their own, because they preach the Holy Koran (sic) word for word. and believe it too. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Kookran not[sic]