Latest Review

I dont know what i did wrong but I treated him like a king. But i dont understand how i now have 2 very recent no reviews and i am the sweetest girl, i enjoy making people happy, and i am nowhere near shy! He was just being very distant and honestly I was nervous because how he was acting. But i guess to each their own..
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Damnit boy.... don't think I would have mentioned the case of the ole floppy dick about a customer. No review or not, most would frown on it I imagine.
Just stating the facts.
If guys can do it in our reviews than we should be able to do it too
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Do what you want, it is your right. But think about it, he writes a no review on you, so you tell the hobby world he's workin with a soggy noodle. How many customers do you think you have just ran off from seeing you? Me for 1, I would never consider seeing you now. Never. Not if you were the last provider on eccie.

Who has more to loose? Him for giving a no review, or you for letting out personal info about a client? I think he will be alright. And I believe you just shot yourself in the foot.
It's too bad providers don't learn just to pm the guy and ask him why he gave you a no review. Maybe it's something you can work out privately amongst yourselves to make the next event better or to have him contact a mod to edit the review. But it's just one man's experience, not all. You can't please everyone, honey.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-23-2012, 08:09 PM
Why the hell are you wearing wigs? Sorry if I am off topic.. but it looks strange.

Cases like these never end well. Most here say just state your case without getting nasty, and leave it be. Can't please them all.
I have an ATF that enjoys role playing. He insists i wear them during our sessions. And in every session he takes pics i just post them on here

I just posted this to figure it out.. i edited out the other part. I didnt do it to make him look bad i did it just in case he was trying to blame the no fs on me. He seemed so happy and satisfied so i dont understand why he gave me a no
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I must say the edit makes your post look better. I understand you are new and young, still learning the ropes and all. There are a lot of do's and dont's in this little world of ours. Everybody makes mistakes. As long as you learn something from them it will usually work it self out. Those who don't learn from them end up with nothing but their mistakes in the end. Those that do learn end up with valuable lessons that help steer them safely through events later on.

Good luck
KittyLamour's Avatar
It will be ok. I know you are so sweet and caring. Don't you dare take it personal. You can't please everybody and sometimes there's no explanation why people do the things they do. You are a beautiful young lady with an even more beautiful heart. Keep your head up and know that this will pass and just be history soon. I love you lots...
Mama Hen
I've never gotten a bad review before but sometimes you just gotta let stuff like that slide off your back and aim to do better in your next encounters. Whenever I see a girl post a thread about a recent bad review, it just seems defensive and most times I don't think it helps much and just make you a target for guys who are not so earnest and have no problem being vocal about it. I am sure this review will not stop your phone from ringing because you are a very attractive lady and a majority of the people who've seen you seem to love your company. Don't focus on the negative and just aim to grow and learn more so that you can be the best provider you can be.
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
Some times no matter how sweet you are or what the initial attraction a guy has towards you to book a appointment if there are no sparks there are no sparks...sometimes guys have alot going on and no matter what we do we cant please them thing to do is just take it as a growing experience. You said he was being "distant" maybe there just was no physical chemistry but everyone likes different things and on first time appointments with people that have not played together that can happen. You seem like a sweet girl don't let it bum you out
I would have never read those two no reviews if you didn't start this thread.

removed by VS.
what was removed?
Thanks guys ya'll have had some kind words to say