the puffin incognito browser app is no longer free

dogtown's Avatar
The puffin incognito app is essential to be able to get onto oh2, but as of this morning that app is no longer free. What's others using to get on oh2? Firefox doesn't recognize the site. Another blow for the hobby!
NordicJag's Avatar
I haven't used Puffin in months. I have no problem getting on OH2.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Moved from Coed.
since the site got fixed been using Chrome..
Cendell M's Avatar
Puffin is free for a time limit then when that time runs out you have to wait a few days then it’s free again, or you can just pay .99 cents to use it
I gave up on Puffin. They limit your time and as someone else mentioned wait a few days then it's free again.

Too much for me.
I stick to the mainstream browsers....I know how to manipulate them better... and if you are seriously concerned about privacy get a VPN or set your home router to use a VPN so all your traffic is routed through it.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.... or set your home router to use a VPN so all your traffic is routed through it. Originally Posted by GhostRiderYYZ
Bingo Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Or be evil and hack your neighbors WIFI and use THEIR connection so that if the cops come a knocking, its next door.

:thumb up:
Italia DiBella's Avatar
I saw that yesterday.
No way I'm putting info on that app to browse.

It's Not Free anymore
Cendell M's Avatar
I love puffin browser I pay .99 for it monthly works fine
Dakota123's Avatar
It never been free lol

You just never went over their free limit. Lol