Need tax help? Look inside!


Do you need to file tax returns? Register your business? Get help organizing your business? Deal with IRS notices or other tax problems?

I am pleased to introduce professional tax and accounting services specializing in the unique business needs of the adult entertainer. I have 25 years experience as a professional tax accountant, and provide professional services in a relaxed and non-judgemental venue. Provider friendly.

Licensed to practice in all 50 states.

Specializing in small business setup and registration, past-due tax returns, IRS representation.

Please visit my website for more information. It's not too late to file for a 2011 tax return extension!

Feel free to contact me for a free initial consultation. I can file an extension for your 2011 taxes, and help you with IRS notices, past-due tax returns, and setting up your business and tracking your income and expenses.

Mary Lee Miller, EA, LLC