Do you think that the American politicians are concerned about the ebola situation?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
My imagination just runs wild with the potential for this reaching the US.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama has wanted the US to share in so many other things that the rest of the world has, why not ebola as well. He has no concerns with the diseases coming across the border now.
LexusLover's Avatar
... "politicians"?.... Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Yes ...

government employees .. NO.
Sounds like HIV if you don't share in bodily fluids it is hard to catch. Of course the diarrhea coming from the right may expose us all.
LexusLover's Avatar
Of course the diarrhea coming from the right may expose us all. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Change your diet, then.
Nothing wrong with my diet,it is wading through the shit will expose us.
JCM800's Avatar
Obama has wanted the US to share in so many other things that the rest of the world has, why not ebola as well. He has no concerns with the diseases coming across the border now. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So you're blaming Obama now for the Ebola virus?

Is this another symptom of ODS?
Time will tell.

I would not want to be the person in charge who was responsible for introducing Ebola Virus into the general population of the United States.

From the news reports, the two patients who will be brought here will receive no more care than what they would have if we would have sent a team of doctors over there to care for them. There is no treatment, aside from keeping the patient alive until their own immune system finally fights it off, which is not very often.

My question would be that if by some horrible circumstance, this Virus did escape, and got into the general population, would who ever decided to bring it here be subjected to criminal charges?.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Time will tell.

I would not want to be the person in charge who was responsible for introducing Ebola Virus into the general population of the United States.

From the news reports, the two patients who will be brought here will receive no more care than what they would have if we would have sent a team of doctors over there to care for them. There is no treatment, aside from keeping the patient alive until their own immune system finally fights it off, which is not very often.

My question would be that if by some horrible circumstance, this Virus did escape, and got into the general population, would who ever decided to bring it here be subjected to criminal charges?. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Was the guy who supposedly was the first to introduce the HIV virus, in California, charged with anything? I don't think so.

I think that he was the Typhoid Mary of the HIV world, however just his name went down in the history books, I don't believe that he was prosecuted.

Kindof doubtful that someone would be criminally charged for having a fatal sickness.

But I COULD see wide spread panic if it were to make a showing in the states.

Mass hysteria would be a concern.
Elizabeth, you misunderstood. I'm not talking about the patient. I'm talking about the responsibility of the Government Officials who would be responsible for bringing that patient into the a Country. This could be a decision that if things went wrong, the blood would be on their hands for making such a deliberate decision.

We are seeing a lot of cases in our Government where the combination of naïveté and stupidity can result in dire consequences.

Do you think it is a good idea to knowingly bring such a deadly virus into an area where it does not exist.?

My own opinion is it is the height of irresponsibility.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Oh, alright. Now, I understand what you were writing about. (silly me!)

When I was catching up on some news last night, and was reading about this situation, I also was wondering WHY were they bringing those two people back.

The main reason why I thought that they would do such a thing is that they're American, and it's the duty of the American government (is it?) to have some responsibility to their citizens.

But also, perhaps they wish to study the strain of it? It's almost like having two living petre (sp?) dishes available. I think that whoever is in charge of this action is taking good measures to keep this contained.

MY current concern isn't those two patients, though. My concern is someone getting on an airplane, flying to the US, and the disease get here without anyone initially knowing.

Who really is familiar with the symptoms of ebola? Unless it's already here and people are really paying attention.

Now, I don't think that anyone really cares that over 700 (recorded) have died from this in recent months.
LexusLover's Avatar
Now, I don't think that anyone really cares that over 700 (recorded) have died from this in recent months. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Probably about as much as the same bunch cared about 100x that many ...

.. who have died of machette-itis or bullet-itis in Africa in the same period.

I got the impression they were lab-rats for research on a cure.
Probably about as much as the same bunch cared about 100x that many ...

.. who have died of machette-itis or bullet-itis in Africa in the same period.

I got the impression they were lab-rats for research on a cure. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You should start giving CBJ'S and stay protected.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obama has wanted the US to share in so many other things that the rest of the world has, why not ebola as well. He has no concerns with the diseases coming across the border now. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This made the news yesterday:

Illegal immigrant kids exposed federal agents to lice, scabies, tuberculosis and chicken pox, report says

... and last month:

Immigration crisis: Tuberculosis spreading at camps

Ebola is already here, and it's been here for some time:

1989 REBOV was introduced into quarantine facilities in Virginia and Pennsylvania by monkeys imported from the Philippines

1990 REBOV was introduced once again into quarantine facilities in Virginia and Texas by monkeys imported from the Philippines. Four humans developed antibodies but did not get sick.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Apparently Obama is concerned enough to sign an executive order.

Obama Signs Executive Order to Detain Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses’

He's basically adding on to what Bush did during the SARS scare which didn't amount to much.
I wonder if this will apply to drug resistant strains of TB coming across the border.
Probably not.