New Poll shows the uneducated favor Trump.

A new poll in key battle states proved exactly what's going on in these forum- the people who overwhelmingly support Trump are uneducated people. In interesting poll of Whites with and without college education, shows that white trailer park trash like I B Hankering, LustyLad, and Lexus Lover favor Trump because they are poorly educated and need someone to hate and blame so they are impressed with Trump's hate rhetoric.

. The Education Gap
With one exception (Florida), Clinton is leading in every battleground among college-educated white voters, while she's losing among whites without a college degree. Why is this significant? As the Atlantic's Ron Brownstein has noted, no Democratic presidential candidate going back to 1952 has won among college-educated whites. (All poll numbers below are among registered voters)


Whites with a college degree: Clinton 55%, Trump 23% (D+32)
Whites without: Trump 43%, Clinton 32% (R+11)

Whites with a college degree: Trump 42%, Clinton 40% (R+2)
Whites without: Trump 50%, Clinton 32% (R+18)

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 56%, Trump 25% (D+31)
Whites without: Trump 42%, Clinton 35% (R+7)
North Carolina

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 47%, Trump 40% (D+7)
Whites without: Trump 60%, Clinton 23% (R+37)

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 45%, Trump 37% (D+8)
Whites without: Trump 49%, Clinton 31% (R+18)

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 53%, Trump 32% (D+21)
Whites without: Trump 50%, Clinton 34% (R+16)

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 43%, Trump 37% (D+6)
Whites without: Trump 48%, Clinton 28% (R+20)
I B Hankering's Avatar
A new poll in key battle states proved exactly what's going on in these forum- the people who overwhelmingly support Trump are uneducated people. In interesting poll of Whites with and without college education, shows that white trailer park trash like I B Hankering, LustyLad, and Lexus Lover favor Trump because they are poorly educated and need someone to hate and blame so they are impressed with Trump's hate rhetoric.

. The Education Gap
With one exception (Florida), Clinton is leading in every battleground among college-educated white voters, while she's losing among whites without a college degree. Why is this significant? As the Atlantic's Ron Brownstein has noted, no Democratic presidential candidate going back to 1952 has won among college-educated whites. (All poll numbers below are among registered voters)


Whites with a college degree: Clinton 55%, Trump 23% (D+32)
Whites without: Trump 43%, Clinton 32% (R+11)

Whites with a college degree: Trump 42%, Clinton 40% (R+2)
Whites without: Trump 50%, Clinton 32% (R+18)

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 56%, Trump 25% (D+31)
Whites without: Trump 42%, Clinton 35% (R+7)
North Carolina

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 47%, Trump 40% (D+7)
Whites without: Trump 60%, Clinton 23% (R+37)

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 45%, Trump 37% (D+8)
Whites without: Trump 49%, Clinton 31% (R+18)

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 53%, Trump 32% (D+21)
Whites without: Trump 50%, Clinton 34% (R+16)

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 43%, Trump 37% (D+6)
Whites without: Trump 48%, Clinton 28% (R+20)

Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You're a lying, panty-waisted little bitch, Lubed Wide-ass. Most people voting for Trump are singularly disgusted by the notion that your lying cunt of a bitch is even a contender for an office she is demonstrably unqualified to hold, Lubed Wide-ass. BTW, Lubed Wide-ass, where the fuck did you dredge up this shit-ass poll? Are you too fucking embarrassed to admit how biased the site is, or are you just too fucking stupid to cite your source, Lubed Wide-ass?

BTW, Lubed Wide-ass, it's a documented fact that the majority of high school dropouts vote dim-retard.

Lets just say Trump supporters are less educated. They still have more common sense than Clinton supporters. Education doesn't do you that much good if you don't have any common sense to go along with it. So in essence Clinton supporters are nothing more than educated idiots.

lustylad's Avatar
Let's avoid duplicative posts, ok dipshit? Your pal Sissy Chap already tried to stir up shit on this.

Btw Lubed Ass, people with high school degrees may be under-educated but they're not uneducated. The uneducated (i.e. high-school dropouts or worse) always vote overwhelmingly for the dimotards, as IB just documented.
You guys are full of shit and I am not going to support your lies. Take a look at the states that typically go RED- the majority not all, but vast majority are the poorest states with the least educated people and that's fact pal.
You're a lying, panty-waisted little bitch, Lubed Wide-ass. Most people voting for Trump are singularly disgusted by the notion that your lying cunt of a bitch is even a contender for an office she is demonstrably unqualified to hold, Lubed Wide-ass. BTW, Lubed Wide-ass, where the fuck did you dredge up this shit-ass poll? Are you too fucking embarrassed to admit how biased the site is, or are you just too fucking stupid to cite your source, Lubed Wide-ass?

BTW, Lubed Wide-ass, it's a documented fact that the majority of high school dropouts vote dim-retard.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You dumb fuck- I posted a poll that is less than a week old- you are posting polls from 2008 and 2012 you lying POS. My poll was reflecting TRUMP and CLINTON your polls are outdated and have nothing to do with Trump or Clinton, I know it's late please put the booze down you idiotic trailer park trash.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You guys are full of shit and I am not going to support your lies. Take a look at the states that typically go RED- the majority not all, but vast majority are the poorest states with the least educated people and that's fact pal. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Sell that fantasy to the your dim-retard buddies drinking lead tainted water in Flint, MI, Lubed Wide-ass.

You dumb fuck- I posted a poll that is less than a week old- you are posting polls from 2008 and 2012 you lying POS. My poll was reflecting TRUMP and CLINTON your polls are outdated and have nothing to do with Trump or Clinton, I know it's late please put the booze down you idiotic trailer park trash. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Bet you had to stencil your fucking head to know where to put your head gear, you retarded fuck -- 2008 and 2012 would be the last two and most recent presidential elections the U.S. has had, Lubed Wide-ass!
You guys are full of shit and I am not going to support your lies. Take a look at the states that typically go RED- the majority not all, but vast majority are the poorest states with the least educated people and that's fact pal. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Yeah but they know how the world works. They are survivors, they know how to deal with adversity. Unlike the little pussies on the east and west coast that can't get through the day without taking antidepressants.

Sell that fantasy to the your dim-retard buddies drinking lead tainted water in Flint, MI, Lubed Wide-ass.

Bet you had to stencil your fucking head to know where to put your head gear, you retarded fuck. 2008 and 2012 would be the last two and most recent presidential elections the U.S. has had, Lubed Wide-ass! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Why don't you do the world a favor and go somewhere on the south side of Chicago and get raped by a bunch of thugs.

I don't have any liberal friends on here I am just a conservative that tells the truth and hates the direction my party has taken - we are a fucking joke. The poll clearly shows the educated people get it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Why don't you do the world a favor and go somewhere on the south side of Chicago and get raped by a bunch of thugs.

I don't have any liberal friends on here I am just a conservative that tells the truth and hates the direction my party has taken - we are a fucking joke. The poll clearly shows the educated people get it.
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You're a fraud, Lubed Wide-ass. BTW, Lubed Wide-ass, you just conjured up a biased racial stereotype to decorate your racially offensive epithet.
Why don't you do the world a favor and go somewhere on the south side of Chicago and get raped by a bunch of thugs.

I don't have any liberal friends on here I am just a conservative that tells the truth and hates the direction my party has taken - we are a fucking joke. The poll clearly shows the educated people get it. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Screw the Republican and Democratic parties. You should hate the direction this country is going in.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Many so-called "educated" people spent four or more years listening to liberal professors extol the virtues of socialism and government. They aren't "educated", they are indoctrinated. I have two post baccalaureate degrees, and I have taught in a university. The liberalism is epidemic. Why do you think Hillary wants free college for everyone? Get them all indoctrinated. Teach them that speech can be hurtful, and they need safe spaces. Teach them that bathrooms are for everybody. Then, when things go wrong, they can sue for their safe space, and demand that hurtful speech be outlawed, and the Hillary Supreme Court will decide in their favor, then guess what? One party rule. Welcome to Amerika.
lustylad's Avatar
Why don't you do the world a favor and go somewhere on the south side of Chicago and get raped by a bunch of thugs. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Oh, dear! Did you just use the word "thugs"? You're on the shit list now, Lubed Ass!

Better not visit Baltimore anytime soon...
Many so-called "educated" people spent four or more years listening to liberal professors extol the virtues of socialism and government. They aren't "educated", they are indoctrinated. I have two post baccalaureate degrees, and I have taught in a university. The liberalism is epidemic. Why do you think Hillary wants free college for everyone? Get them all indoctrinated. Teach them that speech can be hurtful, and they need safe spaces. Teach them that bathrooms are for everybody. Then, when things go wrong, they can sue for their safe space, and demand that hurtful speech be outlawed, and the Hillary Supreme Court will decide in their favor, then guess what? One party rule. Welcome to Amerika. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Unfortunately that's the case.

I believe a new poll will show Lubed MyAss as Dipshit Of The Year.