Impromptu Friday drinks in Killeen today

Guest062716's Avatar
Ladies and Gents,

I will be hanging out at a local pub in Killeen, this afternoon, stating around 2:30 lasting a couple of hours at least.

There will be at least one other hobbyist and one provider in the place. All of us will be dressed in normal street clothes, LOL.

If anyone is interested in stopping at a public bar/grill and saying "hi", I will be happy to buy them their first drink.

For obvious security, send me a PM, (or if you have my number, a text). I have no idea who or how many will show up, but I just need to get out of the house and out of the heat. LOL.

Hope to see some of you there.


That sounds fun! I sent you a PM. Let me know where I can meet you and get my free drink! LOL.
Guest062716's Avatar
Thanks! That was fun. Moving the party to my house and eventually the hot tub. LOL. Great to see some of y'all!
Buckskin's Avatar
Sorry I missed that!
knotty man's Avatar
dang work. wish i had seen this earlier
I had fun!
Guest062716's Avatar
Thanks, I did this on a whim. Will definitely have to put some advance notice out there next time.


Swordmaster69's Avatar
Very nice....
sounds like a lotta fun!!
Would b interested in hanging out too. Guys are really cool, women are hot. Who wouldnt want to?
FS_ITC's Avatar
Sorry I missed that one, too! I used to love the meet and greets in Austin!
Damn missed it too. I need to log onto this site more often. Hopefully I will be able to make it next time.
Lil' Tex's Avatar
How did I possibly miss this thread? LOL
Jennatx's Avatar
Well now that I am back in Killeen I need to go and meet some of you sexy ladies and some sweet men just sounds like alot of fun.